1. Caillou at daycare
00:13:47 It was Caillou's first day at daycare and he was a little bit nervous.
00:13:54 -I don't want to go, Mommy, I want to stay with you.
00:13:58 -Oh, so do I, Caillou, but you know Mommy has to go to work.
马字偏旁的字有哪些00:14:04 And Daycare can be fun.
00:14:07 Hear that?
00:14:13 -Hello, I'm Anne Martin, the teacher.
00:14:16 And you must be Caillou.
00:14:22 -Caillou was scared and shy.
00:14:26 -Now, I'm going to have to go, honey.
00:14:29 -No. I don't want you to go, Mommy.
00:14:34 -I'll be back, Caillou.
00:14:37 Don't be sad.
00:14:38 -Even Caillou's Mommy was sad to leave him at Daycare for the first time -Here, Caillou, have a glass of apple juice.
00:14:46 Do you want me to introduce you to the other children?
00:14:50 O.K., maybe after your juice then.
00:15:01 -Hey. Tho are my blocks.司空见惯的意思是什么
00:15:04 -Mo-oommy.
00:15:07 -Your Mommy's gone.
00:15:14 -Hi. I'm Clementine.
00:15:16 What's your name?
00:15:17 -Uh, Caillou.
00:15:19 -That's Leo. He doesn't like to share.
00:15:23 Do you want to play? I'm doing cutouts.
00:15:26 See, here's an apple, and that's a banana, and this is raisin toast .
00:15:30 You can't eat them though, they're only pretend.
00:15:34 Do you like Daycare?
00:15:37 -I like staying at my Grandma's better.
00:15:40 -That's where you stay when your Mom and Dad are busy?
00:15:44 -She's an artist and I get to play with paints, and brushes, and paper, and crayons, and chalk, and colour pencils.
00:15:51 -We got all that stuff here.
00:15:54 -Oh boy!
00:15:56 I'm going to a robin.
00:16:01 -I'll do cutouts of what robins eat.
00:16:04 -That's worms.
00:16:10 -That's a good robin.
00:16:12 -C-could you teach me how to paint like that?
00:16:16 -Sure, Leo, if you teach us how to build a castle.
00:16:23 -A castle has to have lots of towers.镜花水月的意思
甘心拼音00:16:25 -A worm has to have lots of twists.
00:16:29 -And a robin has to have lots of red.
00:16:38 Here, Leo, you can make a flag for the castle.
00:16:42 -Caillou.
00:16:44 -We have to make this tower higher.
00:16:47 -Caillou was having so much fun playing he didn't even notice his Mommy and Daddy.
00:16:53 -Look. I'm making a castle.
肉怎么炒好吃1、Boy/Oh, boy: 哇/呀/嘿/啊/天啊/天哪(express surpri or pleasure or sometimes annoyance)
2、get to: 可以/得以/有机会…
2. Caillou joins the circus
00:11:09 (Applau) (hard whip snap) (tiger roars) yay!
00:11:17 (Waking yawn) gilbert, I dreamed about a tiger.
00:11:22 (Sleepy meow) daddy's taking me to the circus today.
00:11:33 He promid.
00:11:34 I'm getting dresd all by mylf.
00:11:37 Daddy will be so happy.
00:11:41 Oops!
00:11:44 Oh!
00:11:46 Ouch!
00:11:49 Oh no!
00:11:49 I forgot to brush my teeth.
00:11:56 Look, I got dresd all by mylf.
00:12:00 Ah, I can e that.
00:12:02 And you did a very good job.
00:12:04 But it's so early.
00:12:06 (Muffled) I don't wanna be late for the circus.
00:12:09 The circus?
00:12:09 Oh no, caillou. that's not today.
00:12:11 The circus isn't 'till tomorrow.
00:12:14 (cries) I got all dresd.
00:12:20 It's today.
00:12:23 Come on, caillou.
00:12:23 Come downstairs and help me make breakfast.
00:12:25 No! no, I don't want to.
00:12:29 Vroom, vroom, vroom!
00:12:32 Silly ol' car.
00:12:34 Silly! silly! silly!
嫦娥五号发射时间00:12:36 (Cries) caillou was in a very bad mood becau he wasn't going to the circus.
00:12:42 Caillou, stop all this racket.
00:12:45 You woke up rosie.
00:12:46 I want you to come downstairs right now!
00:12:48 Even caillou's daddy was starting to get angry.
00:12:52 Why can't I go to the circus?
00:12:54 I want to go to the circus.
00:12:57 Dad: let's make toast.