Operation Management运行管理
OR operation regulations 运行规程
英语广告作文OT operation technique 运行技术
ETS unit start-up program 机组启动程序
USDP unit shut-down operation 停机操作
OSD operation standard 运行规程
SP safety operation 安全运行
OGS operation guardianship system 操作监护制度
OSRS operation supervising and repeating system 操作监护复诵制
PIWO permit issuer for work order 工作票许可人
OSR operation supervisor 运行负责人
OO operation order 操作票
BS boiler supervision锅炉监察
POTSE periodic operating tests for standby equipment 备用设备定期运行试验
EPI equipment patrol and inspection 设备巡回检查
种子的旅行教案DSO double shift operation 两班制运行
LLON low load operation at night 夜间低负荷运行
WO weekend outage (weekend shut-down) 周末停运
UUCPO under constant pressure operation 定压运行
VPO variable pressure operation (sliding pressure operation)
BFTO boiler following turbine operation 炉跟机运行
TFBO turbine following boiler operation 机跟炉运行
BO by-pass operation 旁路运行
FCO full capacity operation 满负荷运行
MSO mini-steam operation 汽轮机少蒸汽运行
CSU cold start-up 冷态起动
WSU warm startup 温态起动
HSU hot startup 热态起动
VHSU very hot startup 极热态起动
RLSTU ramp loading startup 滑参数起动
PSTU pressure startup 定压起动
USD unit shut-down 机组停机
NSD normal shut-down 正常停机
FO forced outage 强迫停机
ESD emergency shut-down 危急停机
SO scheduled outage 检修停机
PLO planned outage 计划停机
人物小传怎么写FO fault outage 事故停机
PRO prolonged outage 长期停机
OL operational limit 运行极限值
RP rated parameters 额定参数
RP rated power 额定功率
RC rated current (voltage) 额定电流(电压)
CMR continuous maximum rating连续最大出力
BEO boiler economic operation 锅炉经济运行
ABC adjustment of boiler combustion 锅炉燃烧调整
LT load test 带负荷试验
OLT over load test 超负荷试验
LCT load change test 变负荷试验
LDT load dump test 甩负荷试验
结束的反义词ABCST automatic boiler control system tuning 锅炉自动调节系统调整
DA damper adjustment 挡板调节
THR turbogenerator heat rate 汽轮发电机热耗
BEV boiler evaporation 锅炉蒸发量
BEF boiler efficiency 锅炉效率
SQ steam quality 蒸汽质量
RPD reheater pressure drop 再热器压降
MDBEWSOS the min. stable boiler evaporation without supplementary oil support
ETEP the efficiency of the electrostatic precipitator 静电除尘器效率
AHL air heater leakage 空预器泄露量
Maintenance and Its Management 检修及其管理
江苏选调SM scheduled maintenance 计划检修
OH overhaul 大修
MR minor repair 小修
AR accidental repair 事故检修
UM unscheduled maintenance 临时检修
PRM periodic maintenance 定期检修
OM ordinary maintenance 日常检修
PM preventive maintenance 预防性检修
OPBSO outage period between successive overhauls 检修停役期
MF maintenance frequency 检修次数
MHQM men-hour quota for maintenance 检修工时定额
QMSP quota for maintenance spare parts 检修备品定额
OP overhaul planning 检修计划
DFM defect maintenance 缺陷维修
DLM daily maintenance 日常维修
PDM predictive maintenance 预见性维修
SIC store inventory control 存货清单管理
EI external inspection 外部检查
II internal inspection 内部检查
ISI inner surface inspection 内表面检查
M measurement 测量
H hammering 敲打检查
NDT non-destructive testing 非破坏性试验
P pickling 酸洗检查
EDR equipment diagnostics report 设备诊断报告
EMR equipment modification report 设备异动报告
EQAR equipment quality acceptance report 设备质量验收报告
PMAA plan of measures against accident 反事故措施计划
BAFGS boiler air and flue gas system 锅炉烟风系统
MSS main steam system 主蒸汽系统
RSS reheat steam system 再热蒸汽系统
TBPS turbine by-pass system 汽机旁路系统
ESS extraction steam system 抽汽系统
FWS feed water system 给水系统
CS condensate system 凝结水系统
BDVS boiler drain and vent system 锅炉输水和排汽系统
CCCWS clod cycle cooling water system 闭式循环汽冷却水系统
TCPC treatment of cracks on pressured components 承压件裂纹处理
TCIR treatment of crack in rotor 转子裂纹处理