浪费水的图片Phosphorus and nitrogen turnover and risk of waterborne phosphorus emissions in crop rotations on a clay soil in southwest Sweden 期刊名称: Soil U and Management
作者: B.,Ulén,H.,Aronsson,G.,Torstensson,L.,Mattsson
年份: 2006年
英语邮件开头学生学年鉴定表期号: 第2期
关键词: eutrophication, nitrogen, loss from soil, drainage water, water
户口迁出证明pollution, soil nutrient balance, leaching, green manures, fertilizer application,
liquid manure, crop rotation, clay soils, arable soils, pipe drainage, phosphorus
摘要:Nutrient loss from arable land are important contributors to eutrophication of surface waters, and phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) usually act together to regulate production of Cyanobacteria. Concentrations and loss of both nutrients in drainage water from pipe drains were studied and comp
帅哥侧脸ared in 15 crop rotations on a clay soil in southwest Sweden. Special emphasis was placed on P and it was possible to evaluate critical components of the crop rotations by flow-proportional water sampling. Total P concentrations in drainage water were generally small (0.04–0.18 mg L1), but during two wetter years out of six, high P concentrations were measured following certain management practices, including ploughing-in lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) and fertilizing in advance without incorporation into the soil to meet the needs