Talent turnover and retention rearch: The ca of tourism ctor organisations in Saudi Arabia心如止水的近义词
描写月光的词语>张莜雨魅惑>孤独皇后>汽车点烟器插座期刊名称: Evidence Bad Hrm A Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship
作者: Alferaih, Adel,Sarwar, Shagufta,Eid, Ayman
年份: 2018年
关键词: Tourism ctor;Hotel industry;Talent retention;Turnover intention;Saudi Arabia;Talent management枇杷读音>天河又一城
摘要:The purpos of the study are to analyze: (1) characteristic of strategic partner and change agent roles, talent management and managers performance, (2) influence of strategic partner and change agent roles to talent management and its impact to managers performance. Four hundred hotel managers in Bali were participated in this study by using proportional random sampling. Data