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IB11 06_0580_43/4RP
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UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education
Paper 4 (Extended) May/June 2011
2 hours 30 minutes
Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
Additional Materials: Electronic calculator
Geometrical instruments
Mathematical tables (optional)
Tracing paper (optional)
Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in. Write in dark blue or black pen.
You may u a pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
耳聪目明造句Do not u staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. DO NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES.
Answer all questions.
If working is needed for any question it must be shown below that question. Electronic calculators should be ud.
If the degree of accuracy is not specified in the question, and if the answer is not exact, give the answer to three significant figures. Give answers in degrees to one decimal place. For π u either your calculator value or 3.142.
At the end of the examination, fasten all your work curely together.
The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. The total of the marks for this paper is 130.
© UCLES 2011
For Examiner's U
1 Lucy works in a clothes shop.
(a) In one week she earned $277.20.
(i) She spent 8
of this on food.
Calculate how much she spent on food. Answer(a)(i) $ [1]
(ii) She paid 15% of the $277.20 in taxes. Calculate how much she paid in taxes. Answer(a)(ii) $ [2]
(iii) The $277.20 was 5% more than Lucy earned in the previous week. Calculate how much Lucy earned in the previous week. Answer(a)(iii) $ [3]
(b) The shop lls clothes for men, women and children.
清洗洗衣机怎么清洗(i) In one day Lucy sold clothes with a total value of $2200 in the ratio men : women : children = 2 : 5 : 4. Calculate the value of the women’s clothes she sold. Answer(b)(i) $ [2]
(ii) The $2200 was 73
of the total value of the clothes sold in the shop on this day. Calculate the total value of the clothes sold in the shop on this day. Answer(b)(ii) $ [2]
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(a) (i) Draw the reflection of shape X in the x -axis. Label the image Y . [2]
(ii) Draw the rotation of shape Y , 90° clockwi about (0, 0). Label the image Z . [2]
(iii) Describe fully the single transformation that maps shape Z onto shape X .
(b) (i) Draw the enlargement of shape X , centre (0, 0), scale factor
1. [2]
(ii) Find the matrix which reprents an enlargement, centre (0, 0), scale factor 2
(c) (i) Draw the shear of shape X with the x -axis invariant and shear factor –1.
(ii) Find the matrix which reprents a shear with the x -axis invariant and shear factor –1.可乐鸡的制作方法
© UCLES 2011
(x + 5) cm
2x cm
x cm
The diagram shows a square of side (x + 5) cm and a rectangle which measures 2x cm by x cm. The area of the square is 1 cm 2 more than the area of the rectangle.
(a) Show that x 2 – 10x – 24 = 0 . Answer(a) [3]
© UCLES 2011 0580/43/M/J/11
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For Examiner's U
(b) Find the value of x . Answer(b) x = [3]
(c) Calculate the acute angle between the diagonals of the rectangle. Answer(c) [3]