The influence of high performance work systems on voluntary turnover of new hires in US state
期刊名称: Personnel Review
微网站作者: Selden, Sally,Schimmoeller, Lee,Thompson, Ree
年份: 2013年
期号: 第3期
关键词: New hire; Turnover; Newcomer turnover; HPWS; Employees turnover;
素描花瓶Government; United States of America
摘要:Purpo ‐ This article aims to examine factors associated with new employee turnover in US state governments, where turnover is often highest in organizations. Building on existing studies of high performance work systems (HPWS) turnover, this article develops a t of hypothes to explain 老反义词
new hire turnover. Design/methodology/approach ‐ The propod model has been analyzed with a sample of 42 of the 50 US state governments. Findings ‐ Practices associated with HPWS influence turnover of new hires. State governments that operate centralized college recruiting programs, pay higher salaries, offer pay for performance incentives, award group bonus, invest more in training, and allow job rotation lo significantly fewer new hires. Rearch limitations/implications ‐ This study is limited to specific variables collected