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Emotion has alaways been the hotspot of the rearch in psychology. Emotion, as an abstract concept, is often associated with specific conceptes or things, with the culture, language and customs of deep statements, such as, the spatial position and emotion. The current rearchs of space affective valence is mainly on two theories: one is the conceptual metephor theory, and the ot
her is embodied cognition theory. The relationship between emotion and vertiacl space is explained by conceptual metaphor; While the embodied cognition theory, especially the body-specificity hypothesis, focusing on the emotional relationship with the horizontal space. This rearch mainly studies the relationship between the horizontal space and emotion, and it’s ca lled left-right space affective valence. According to the differences polarity hypothesis, we try to u this hypothesis to explain the different reaction to left-right space affective valence. In addition, we will explore what are factors influence people's reactions to left-right space affective valence.
In the first experiment, enotional cartoon pictures, being different from the previous experimental materials, are utilized to examine the results of previous rearch (right means good and left means bad for Right-handedness vs left means good and right means bad for Left-handedness). The results suggest that the effects, “right means good and left means bad for Right-handedness” vs “left means good and right means bad for Left-handedness”, is not constan t. We found that both Left-handedness and Right-handedness are not affected by location,when they identify the happy faces. However the sad faces are identified more quickly when they are prented LEFT rather than RIGHT by Right-handedness, happy faces are identified equally whether they are prented LEFT or RIGHT. As well as , we found that polarity-bad perspective offer an partly, not all, account of respon difference between happy faces and sad faces.
In the cond experiment, due to the result of the experiment1 is not agree with previous studies, a further study should be made to explore the reasons of different results. The distance between the picture and the center of the screen maybe one of effects to the experiment result. The other question is that “right means good and left means bad for Right-handedness” and “left means good and right means bad for Left-handedness” should be examined, and whether the body-specificity hypothesis or polarity account provides a better fit for the effect. The experimental results show that
the effect, “right means good and left means bad for Right-handedness” and “left means good and right means bad for Left-handedness”, is related to the distance between the center and the position of stimulates prent. Both of the effects are bad on their left and right sides of a relatively simple classification; rather than a hierarchical ordering. This is consistent with the polarity difference hypothesis.
In the third expriment, Bad on the experimental results, the third experiment using GO-NO/GO experimental paradigm and Chine vocabulary (positive and negative) as experimental material. The results show that left means bad , but right is not mean good for Right-handedness. However left and right are not associated with right or left for Left-handedness. That is difference with previous rearch. Left means bad for Right-handedness what are bad on their left and right sides of a relat
我们的青春时代ively simple classification, rather than a hierarchical ordering. This is consistent with the polarity difference hypothesis.
人口Keyword: Affective valence, Embodied cognition, Body-specificity hypothesis, Polarity difference hypothesis