Chimeric LysR-Type Transcriptional Bionsors for Customizing Ligand Specificity Profiles toward
期刊名称: ACS Synthetic Biology
作者: Brecht De Paepe,Jo Maertens,Bartel Vanholme,Marjan De Mey
年份: 2018年
相敬如宾什么意思期号: 第2期
关键词: Escherichia coli;chimeric genetic circuits;flavonoids;ligand specificity
engineering;transcriptional bionsors
摘要:Transcriptional bionsors enable key applications in both metabolic engineering and synthetic biology. Due to nature's immen variety of metabolites, the applications require bionsors with a ligand specificity profiles customid to the rearcher's needs. In this work, chimeric bionsors were
created by introducing parts of a donor regulatory circuit from Sinorhizobium meliloti, delivering the desired luteolin-specific respon, into a non-specific bionsor chassis from Herbaspirillum ropedicae. Two strategies were evaluated for the development of chimeric LysR-type bionsors with customid ligand specificity profiles towards three cloly-related flavonoids, naringenin, apigenin and luteolin. In the first strategy, chimeric promoter regions were constructed at the bionsor effector module, while in the cond strategy,...