NPC-National Petro Co.
3600t Revolving/Engineering Crane
Technical Specification (Project Plan)
Shanghai Zhenhua Port Machinery (Group) Co., Ltd.
Table of Content
1.1 General Description 总则
1.1.1Consist of the Specification 本规格书组成
The specification including general, hull structure, outfitting, machinery, electrical, refrigerating, air conditioning, ventilating, pipelaying, DP, and crane parts describes the 3600t CRANE PIPELAYING VESSEL bad on scheme design.
本规格书由船舶总体、舾装、轮机、电气、通风冷藏空调、动力定位、起重机及铺管设备估价等部分组成,表述3600 t全回转起重工程船的主要技术规格方案。
1.1.2Construction Explanation建造说明
The BUILDER’s supply covers the item described in this specification, anything excluding from the scope of the specification will be supplied by the OWNER.
1.1.3Language and Measuring Unit文种与计量单位
The drawings, instructions, instruments, display, caution sign and nameplate shall be written in English and kept down the foreign nameplate of the importation of machine and equipments.
Metric system is ud for designing and fabricating of hull, crane and equipment etc. unless otherwi specialized in specification or instruction.
1.2General Description船舶航区及用途
1.2.1The Sailing Area and Functions船舶航区及用途
The vesl is designed as a large-scale all revolving lf-propelled vesl. The vesl is ud for offshore projects.
1.2.2Type of Vesl船型
The vesl will be a steel, all welded crane ship with streamline bow, round bilge and bilge keel. A helicopter platform will be situated at forecastle deck.
One (1) full revolving crane to be installed in the after area of deck.
The vesl will be equipped with two (2) 2000kW tunnel thrusters at bow, two (2) 2500kW retractable azimuthing thrusters at the foreship, two (2) 4500kW azimuthing thrusters at the aftship.
The dynamic positioning system is GL DYNPOS–AUTR class.
本船动力定位具有GL DYNPOS–AUTR模式控制。
1.3Classification, Rules and Certificate 船级规范和证书
1.3.1Classification and Rules船级及规范
The vesl, which including the hull, engine, electrical and special equipments, shall satisfy the latest requirements of the current international convention, regulations and GL rules and regulations, and enter into the classification, obtaining the following class notation: 本船(包括船体、轮机、电气及特殊设备等)应满足现行有关的国际公约、规则和船级社(GL)现行有关规范、规则的最新要求并入级,取得船级符号如下:
1A1 R0 Pipe Laying Vesl,Crane Vesl,DYNPOS AUTR
Following international convention and regulations will be complied: 现行国际公约和规则如下:
◆International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 and Protocol of 1978 Relating and Amendments of 1981, 1983, 1988 and 1996
◆International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, Protocol of 1978 Relating and Amendments of 1992
◆International Convention for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 (Amendments of 1982)
◆International Convention on Load Lines, 1966
◆International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969
◆GL Rules for stability requirements for heavy lift operations.
GL 规范关于起重作业的稳性计算
◆Applicable current Rules and Regulations issued by GL
◆International Tonnage Certificate 国际吨位证书
◆International Load Line Certificate国际船舶载重线证书
◆Classification Certificate for Hull船舶入级证书
◆Seaworthiness Certificate船舶适航证书
◆Ship Safety Construction Certificate船舶结构安全证书
◆Ship Safety Equipment Certificate船舶设备安全证书
租房合同注意事项◆Ship Safety Radio Certificate无线电安全证书
◆Accommodation Space Certificate居住舱室证书
◆International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate船舶防油污染证书
◆Lifting Appliances Certificate起重设备证书
房地产增值税税率◆Live Saving Equipment Certificate救生设备证书
◆Safety Certificate for Special Purpo Vesl特种用途船舶安全证书
1.4Working Condition of the Crane起重机作业条件
Water depth 8~300m
Significant wave height approximately 2.5m
细节描写200字Wind velocity 17.1m/s
Flow velocity 3kn
Environment temperature -20℃~45℃
Tied back Trim 1.5 °, heel 1.5°
Revolving Trim 3.5 °, heel 3.5°
Dispatch pitch 10 °, roll 20°
The crane can luff, hosite and revolv parately. (Explain and elaborate more)
水深 8—300m
有义波高 约2.5m
风速 17.1m/s
流速 3kn
环境温度 -20℃~45℃
纵吊4400t 纵倾1.5°,横倾1.5°普通话手抄报简单漂亮