缩写 | 英文全称 | 中文 |
a/c no. | account number | 帐户编号、帐号 |
Acct.No. | a炒股手续费ccount number | 帐户编号、帐号 |
b.o.m. | bill of materials | 用料清单 |
b.o.p. | balance of payments | 收支差额 |
B/L original | bill of lading original | 提货单正本 |
BO | buyer's option | 买者选择交割期的远期合同 |
BOM | beginning of month | 月初 |
BOT | balance of trade | 贸易余额 |
BOY | beginning of year | 年初 |
Brok. | broker or brokerage | 经纪人或经纪人佣金 |
C.O., C/O | cash order | 现金汇票、现金订货 |
c.o.d, C.O.D. | cash on delivery | 货到付款,交货付现 |
C.W.O. | cash with order | 订货付款,随订单付现 |
c/o | carried over | 结转后期 |
CMO | Collateralized Mortgage Obligations | 担保抵押贷款债务 |
COBOL | Common Business Oriented Language | 通用商业语言 |
Col. | column | 帐栏 |
Coll. | collateral | 担保、抵押物 |
Coll. | collection | 托收 |
Com. comm. | commission | 佣金 |
conv, cv, cvt | convertible | 可转换的、可兑换的 |
Cor. | corpus | 本金 |
D.C.F. method | discounted cash flow method | 现金流量贴现法 |
D.O.G. | days of grace | 宽限日数 |
D/O | delivery order | 发货单 |
DB method | declining balance (depreciation) method | 递减余额折旧法 |
DDB method | double declining balance (depreciation) method | 双倍递减余额折旧法 |
Dls, Dol(s); | dollars | 元 |
Do, dto. | ditto | 同上、同前 |
Doc(s) | documents | 凭证、单据、文件 |
Doc. code | document code | 凭证(单据)编号 |
doc. att. | documents attached | 登高的翻译附单据、附件 |
Dols. | dollars | 美元 |
DOR | date of request | 要求日 |
E&O.E. | errors and omissions excepted | 如有错漏,可加更正 |
e.a.o.n. | except as otherwi noted | 除非另有说明 |
EDOC | effective date of change | 有效更改日期 |
EOA | effective on or about | 大不可什么状约在.......生效 |
EOD | every other day | 每隔一日 |
EOM | end 吃白果有什么好处of month | 月底 |
EOS | end of ason | 季末 |
EOY | end of year | 年终 |
ESOP | Employee Stock Ownership Plan | 职工持股计划 |
F.O.C. | free of charge | 免费 |
F.X., FE, FOREX | foreign exchange | 外汇 |
FDB method | 企业完税证明fixed rate on declining balance method | 定率递减余额折旧法 |
FIFO | first in, first out | 先进先出法 |
FIO | free in and out | 自由进出 |
fo. | folio Financial and Operations Combined Uniform | 对折、页码 |
FOCUS | Single Report | 财务经营综合报告 |
for'd. , fwd | forward; forwarded | 转递 |
FOX | Futures and Options Exchange | 期货和期权交易uno所 |
FX broker | foreign exchange broker | 外汇经纪人 |
HIBOR | Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate | 香港银行同业拆借利率 |
hifo | highest-in, first-out | 高入先出法 |
Hon'd | honored | 如期支付的 |
I.B.O. | invoice book outward | 销货发票簿 |
IBOR | inter-bank offered rate | 银行间的拆借利率 |
缩写 | 英文全称 | 中文 |
ICONs | index currency option notes | 指数货币期权票据 |
ICOR | incremental capital-output ratio | 资本-产出增量比 |
INLO | in lieu of | 代替 |
inv.doc.,attach. | invoice with document attached | 附提货单的发票 |
IOU | I owe you | 借据 |
IOV | inter-office voucher | 内部传票 |
IPO | initial public offering | 首次发售股票 |
J., Jour. | journal | 日记帐 |
lifo, LIFO | last in,first out | 后进先出法 |
M.O. | money order | 邮汇 |
MBO | management by objectives | 目标管理 |
MO,M.O. | money order | 汇票 |
mo. | month | 月 |
Mos. | months | 月 |
NIFO | next in, first out | 次进先出法 |
no a/c | no account | 无此帐户 |
NO. (no.) | number | 编号、号数 |
NOP | net open position | 净开头寸 |
NOW a/c | negotiable order of withdrawal | 可转让存单帐户 |
NPV method | net prent value method | 净现值法 |
.B., O/B | order book | 订货簿 |
O.E., o.e. | omission excepted | 遗漏除外 |
O.F. | ocean freight | 海运费 |
O/a | on account | 赊帐 |
o/a | on account of | 记入......帐户 |
O/d | on demand | 见票即付 |
o/d, o.d., O.D. | overdrawn | 透支 |
O/s | outstanding | 未清偿、未收回的 |
OA | open account | 赊帐、往来帐 |
OAAS | operational accounting and analysis system | 经营会计分析制 |
OB | other budgetary | 其他预算 |
OBV | on-balance volume | 持平数量法 |
OD | overdraft | 透支 |
OEC | original equipment cos土地管理制度t | 设备原值 |
OFC | open for cover | 预约保险 |
OI | original issue | 原始发行 |
OII | overas investment insurance | 海外投资保险 |
ok. | all correct | 全部正确 |
opp | opposite | 对方 |
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