申请表 application form
申请人 applicant
填表格 fill in the form
申请职位 apply for a position
最好开一个账户 it’s best to open an account
储蓄存款账户 savings account
活期账户 current account
定期账户 deposit account
联名账户 joint account
联名账户持有者 joint account holder
公款支付账户 expen account
银行存折 bank book/ pass book
银行会问一些信息(information)来验证你的身份(to check your identity珂润面霜怎么样)为了安全的原因(for curity reason)
职业 occupation/profession
出生日期 date of birth
全名 full name
名 first name/ given name
中间名字 middle name
姓 surname/ family name/ last name
过去地址 previous address
现在地址 prent/ current/ now address
在目前地址居住时间 time at current address
要携带填有名字和地址的宣传单 have a handout with the names and address
How much would you like to open your account with?
支票簿豆棒 checkbook/ chequebook
记名支票 order cheque/ check
空头支票 rubber cheque/ check
空白支票 blank cheque/ check
旅行支票 traveler’s cheque
最小额度 minimum sum
汇率 exchange rate
利率 interest rate
兑换支票 cash the cheque
见票即付 payable at sight
随要随付 payable on demand
英国有名的两个银行Barclays & Lloyds
银行会要求你携带护照 passport 录取通知书 letter of certificate of enrolment 或者学校注册信 letter of registration
银行经理的自行处理权 the discretion of the bank manager
存款 funding
护照照片 passport photo
出生证明 birth certificate
ppt颜色搭配驾照 driving licen
信用卡 credit card
借记卡 debt card
提取现金 draw out cash
取钱 withdraw
透支 overdraft思想汇报部队
雇主推荐信 reference from your employer
账单 bank statement
谷雨的诗句How often would you like to receive statements?
每周 weekly
每月一次 once a month
两周一次 once a fortnight
还可以申请银行的其它业务(bank rvice)
贷款 loan
保险 insurance
低风险投资 low-risk investment
股票和基金 stocks and shares
储蓄金 nest egg
存款余额 balance
手续费 rvice charge
如果出现经济问题(financial affairs),有了负债(be in debt),如果你的信用卡被拒绝(your credit card is declined),账户被冻结(account is frozen网络作家),学校可能会提供你助学金(grants)或低息贷款(low-interest loan)或免税透支(interest-free overdraft)
全额偿还 full refund
延期 extension
回扣 rebate
提款机 cash point machine/ ATM(automatic teller machine)
银行转账 bank transfer
直接转账 direct transfer
开放时间 opening time
雪野水库开放时间有限制 open for a limited time
赚取利息 earn interest
年利率 annual interest rate
按月计息账户 monthly savings account
按天计息账户 daily interest account
速成户头 instant account
签名卡 signature card
面额 denomination/ face value
四张一百元面额 four in hundred
换成五元或十元面额 give the money in fives/tens
钞票 bill
零钱 change
现金 cash
硬币 coin
便士 penny
(美、加)五分硬币 nickel
(美,加)十分硬币 dime
货币单位 unit
面值 value/ worth
盎司(1/16磅) ounce
密码 password/ code
小写金额 amount in figures
大写金额 amount in words
商业银行 commercial/ merchant bank
发薪日 payday
薪水单 pay slip/envelop
巨款 a princely sum
抵押 mortgage
分期付款 by installment
担保物 collateral
收银员 cashier
银行职员 teller
对账单 statement
汇票 money order
会计 account