ASTM D5947-06 Standard Test Methods for Physical Dimensions of Solid Plastics Specimens

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Designation:D 5947–06
Standard Test Methods for
Physical Dimensions of Solid Plastics Specimens 1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 5947;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the ca of revision,the year of last revision.A
number in parenthes indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon (e )indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1.1The test methods cover determination of the physical dimensions of solid plastic specimens where the dimensions are ud directly in determining the results of tests for various properties.U the test methods except as otherwi required in material specifications.
1.2The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard.
1.3This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its u.It is the responsibility of the ur of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to u.
N OTE 1—There is no similar or equivalent ISO standard.
2.Referenced Documents 2.1ASTM Standards:2
D 618Practice for Conditioning Plastics for Testing D 638Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics
D 790Test Methods for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials D 883Terminology Relating to Plastics
D 2240Test Method for Rubber Property—Durometer Hardness
D 4805Terminology for Plastics Standards 32.2ISO Standard:
ISO 472Plastics—V ocabulary 43.Terminology
3.1Definitions —See Terminologies D 883and D 4805,and ISO 472for definitions pertinent to the test methods.3.2Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.2.1absolute uncertainty (of a measurement),n —the smallest division that may be read directly on the instrument ud for measurement.
3.2.2calibration —the t of operations that establishes,under specified conditions,the relationship between values measured or indicated by an instrument or system,and the corresponding reference standard or known values derived from the appropriate reference standards.
3.2.3micrometer ,n —an instrument for measuring any di-mension within absolute uncertainty of 25µ
m or smaller.3.2.4verification —proof,with the u of calibrated stan-dards or standard reference materials,that the calibrated instrument is operating within specified requirements.
3.2.51mil ,n —a dimension equivalent to 25µm [0.0010in.].
4.Summary of Test Methods
4.1The test methods provide five different test methods for the measurement of physical dimensions of solid plastic specimens.The test methods (identified as Test Methods A through D,and H)u different micrometers that exert various pressures for varying times upon specimens of different geom-etries.Tables 1and 2display the basic differences of each test method and identify methods applicable for u on various plastics materials.
5.Significance and U
5.1The test methods shall be ud where preci dimen-sions are necessary for the calculation of properties expresd in physical units.They are not intended to replace practical thickness measurements bad on commercial portable tools,nor is it implied that thickness measurements made by the procedures will agree exactly.
6.1Apparatus A—Machinist’s Micrometer Caliper 5with Calibrated Ratchet or Friction Thimble:
6.1.1Apparatus A is a micrometer caliper equipped with either a calibrated ratchet or a friction thimble.The pressure exerted on the specimen is controllable by the u of a proper manipulative procedure and a calibrated spring (e Annex A1).
The test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20on Plastics and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.10on Mechanical Properties.
Current edition approved April 1,2006.Published May 2006.Originally approved in 1996.Last previous edition approved in 2003as D 5947–03.2
For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,www.astm,or contact ASTM Customer Service at rvice@astm.For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.3
Available from American National Standards Institute,25W.43rd St.,4th Floor,New York,NY 10036.
Hereinafter referred to as a machinist’s micrometer.
*A Summary of Changes ction appears at the end of this standard.
Copyright ©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959,United
6.1.2U an instrument constructed with a vernier or digital readout capable of measurement to the nearest 2.5µm.
6.1.3U an instrument with the diameter of the anvil and spindle surfaces (which contact the specimen)of 6.460.1mm.
6.1.4U an instrument conforming to the requirements of 8.1,8.2,8.5,8.6.1,and 8.6.2.
6.1.5U the micrometer with the locking device relead or dingaged,if so equipped.
6.1.6Test the micrometer periodically for conformance to the requirements of 6.1.4.
6.2Apparatus B—Machinist’s Micrometer Without a Ratchet :
6.2.1Apparatus B is a micrometer caliper.
6.2.2U an instrument constructed with a vernier or digital readout capable of measurement to the nearest 2.5µm.
6.2.3U an instrument with the diameter of the anvil and spindle surfaces (which contact the specimen)of 6.460.1mm.
6.2.4U an instrument conforming to the requirements of 8.1,8.2,8.5.1,8.5.2,8.5.3,8.6.1,and 8.6.3.
6.2.5U the micrometer with the locking device relead or dingaged,if so equipped.
6.2.6Examine and test the micrometer periodically for conformance to the requirements of 6.2.4.
6.3Apparatus C—Manually Operated,Thickness Gauge:66.3.1U a dead-weight or spring-loaded,dial-type gauge or digital readout in accordance with the requirements of 8.1,8.3,8.4,8.6.1,and 8.6.4having the following: presr foot that moves in an axis perpendicular to the anvil face; surfaces of the presr foot and anvil (which contact the specimen)parallel to within 2.5µm (e 8.3); spindle,vertically oriented if a dead-weight appa-ratus; dial or digital indicator esntially friction-free and capable of repeatable readings within 61µm at zero tting,or on a steel gauge block;
拱券6.3.1.5A frame,housing the indicator,of such rigidity that a load of 15N applied to the indicator housing,out of contact with the presr foot spindle (or any weight attached thereto),will produce a deflection of the frame not greater than the smallest scale division or digital count on the indicator;and dial diameter at least 50mm and graduated continuously to read directly to the nearest 2.5µm.If neces-sary,equip the dial with a revolution counter that displays the number of complete revolutions of the large hand;or electronic instrument having a digital readout in place of the dial indicator is permitted if that instrument meets the other requirements of 6.3.
6.3.2The preferred design and construction of this instru-ment calls for a limit on the force applied to the presr foot.The limit is related to the compressive characteristics of the material being measured. force applied to the presr foot spindle and the force necessary to register a change in the indicator reading shall be less than the force that will cau deformation of the specimen.The force applied to the presr foot spindle and the force necessary to just prevent a change in the indicator reading shall be more than the minimum permissible force specified for a specimen.
6.4Apparatus D—Automatically-Operated Thickness Gauge :
6.4.1Except as additionally defined in this ction,u an instrument that conforms to the requirements of    6.3.An electronic instrument having a digital readout in place of the dial indicator is permitted if that instrument meets the other requirements of 6.3and 6.4.
6.4.2U a pneumatic or motor-operated instrument having a presr foot spindle that is lifted and lo
wered either by a pneumatic cylinder or by a constant-speed motor through a mechanical linkage such that the rate of descent (for a specified range of distances between the presr foot surface and anvil)and dwell time on the specimen are within the limits specified for the material being measured. preferred design and construction of this instru-ment calls for a limit on the force applied to the presr foot.The limit is related to the compressive characteristics of the material being measured. force applied to the presr foot spindle and the force necessary to register a change in the indicator reading shall be less than the force that will cau deformation of the specimen.The force applied to the presr foot spindle and the force necessary to just prevent a change in the indicator reading must be more than the minimum permissible force specified for a specimen.
7.Test Specimens
7.1The test specimens shall be prepared from plastics materials in sheet,plate,or molded shapes that have been cut to the required dimensions or molded to the desired finished dimensions for the particular test.
7.2Prepare and condition each specimen to equilibrium with the appropriate standard laboratory test conditions in accordance with the test method applicable to the specific material for test.
7.3For each specimen,take precautions to prevent damage or contamination that might affect the measurements adverly.7.4Unless otherwi specified,make all dimension mea-surements at the standard laboratory atmosphere in accordance with Practice D 618.
8.Calibration (General Considerations for Care and U of Each of the Various Pieces of Apparatus for Dimensional Measurements)
8.1Good testing practices require clean anvil and presr foot surfaces for any micrometer instrument.Prior to calibra-tion or dimensional measurements,clean such surfaces by inrting a piece of smooth,clean bond paper between the anvil
Herein referred to as a gauge.
TABLE 1Test Methods Suitable for Specific Materials
Test Method Plastics specimens A,B,C,or D Other elastomers A
Materials with D 2240Type A hardness of 30to 80(approximately equivalent to a Type D hardness of
and presr foot and slowly moving the bond paper between the surfaces.Check the zero tting frequently during measure-ments.Failure to repeat the zero tting may be evidence of dirt on the surfaces.
N OTE 2—Avoid pulling any edge of the bond paper between the surfaces to reduce the probability of depositing any lint particles on the surfaces.
8.2The parallelism requirements for machinists’microme-ters demand that obrved differences of readings on a pair of screw-thread-pitch wires or a pair of standard 6.4-mm nominal diameter plug gauges be not greater than 2.5µm.Spring-wire stock or music-wire of known diameter are suitable substitutes.The wire (or the plug gauge)has a diameter dimension that is known to be within 61µm.Diameter dimensions may vary by an amount approximately equal to the axial movement of the spindle when the wire (or the plug gauge)is rotated through 180°.
8.2.1Lacking a detailed procedure supplied by the instru-ment manufacturer,confirm the parallelism requirements of machinist’s micrometers using the following procedure: the micrometer on the screw-thread-pitch wire or plug gauge according to the calibration procedure of 8.6.2or 8.6.3,as appropriate;
离婚需要什么手续和证件8.2.1.2Obrve and record the thickness indicated; the screw-thread-pitch wire or plug gauge to a different position between the presr foot and anvil,and repeat;and the difference between any pair of readings is greater than 2.5µm,the surfaces are not parallel.
8.3Lacking a detailed procedure supplied by the instrument manufacturer,confirm the requirements for parallelism of dial-type micrometers given in placing a hardened steel ball (such as that ud in a ball bearing)of suitable diameter between the presr foot and anvil.Mount the ball in a fork-shaped holder to allow it to be moved conveniently from one location to another between the presr foot and anvil.The balls ud commercially in ball bearings are almost perfect spheres having diameters constant within 0.2µm.
N OTE 3—Exerci care with this procedure.Calculations using the equations given in X1.3.2show that the u of a 680g mass weight on a ball between the hardened surfaces of the presr foot and anvil can result in dimples in the anvil or presr foot surfaces caud by exceeding the yield stress of the surfaces.
8.3.1Obrve and record the diameter as measured by the micrometer at one location.
8.3.2Move the ball to another location and repeat the measurement.
8.3.3If the difference between any pair of readings is greater than 2.5µm,the surfaces are not parallel.
8.4Lacking a detailed procedure supplied by the instrument manufacturer,confirm the flatness of the anvil and the spindle surface of a micrometer or dial gauge by the u of an optical flat that has clean surfaces.Surfaces shall be flat within 1µm.8.4.1After cleaning the micrometer surfaces (e 8.1),place the optical flat on the anvil and clo the presr foot as described in 8.6.2,8.6.3,8.6.4,or 8.6.5,as appropriate.
8.4.2When illuminated by diffud daylight,interference bands are formed between the surfaces of the flat and tho of the micrometer.The shape,location,and number of the bands indicate the deviation from flatness in increments of half the average wavelengths of white light,which is taken as 0.25µm. flat surface forms straight parallel fringes at equal intervals. grooved surface forms straight parallel fringes at unequal intervals. symmetrical concave or convex surface forms concentric circular fringes.Their number is a measure of the deviation from flatness. unsymmetrical concave or convex surface forms a ries of curved fringes that cut the per
iphery of the micrometer surface.The number of fringes cut by a straight line connecting the terminals of any fringes is a measure of the deviation from flatness.
8.5Machinist’s Micrometer Requirements :
8.5.1The requirements for a zero reading of machinist’s micrometers are met when ten closings of the spindle onto the anvil,in accordance with,as appropriate,result in ten zero readings.The condition of zero reading is satisfied when examinations with a low-power magnifying glass show that at least 66%of the width of the zero graduation mark on the barrel coincides with at least 66%of the width of the reference mark.
8.5.2Proper maintenance of a machinist’s micrometer may require adjusting the instrument for wear of the micrometer screw so that the spindle has no perceptible lateral or longitu-dinal looness,yet rotates with a torque load of less than 1.8E-3Nm.Replace the instrument if this is not achievable after disasmbly,cleaning,and lubrication.
8.5.3After the zero reading has been checked,u the calibration procedure of 8.6.2and 8.6.3(as appropriate,for the machinist’s micrometer under examination)to check for the maximum acceptable error in the machinist’s micrometer screw.
TABLE 2Test Method Parameter Differences
Test Method
Elastic Modulus Range A
MPa Diameter of Presr Foot
or Spindle,mm
Pressure on Specimen,Approximate,kPa
A1A from >35to <275  6.440to 180A2A from >276to <700
6.440to 300A3A >701
6.440to 900B B    6.4unknown C C    6.4to 12.75to 900D D    6.4to 12.7
5to 900H
Determined by Test Method D 638or Test Method D
3 lected feeler-gauge blades with known thick-ness to within60.5µm to check micrometers calibrated in metric units at approximately50,100,and200-µm points.U standard gauge blocks at points greater than200µm. ten readings at each point checked.Calculate the arithmetic mean of the ten readings. machinist’s micrometer screw error is within requirements if the difference between the mean value of the gauge block(or feeler-gauge blade)thickness is not more than2.5µm.
8.5.4Calibration of Spindle Pressure in Machinist’s Mi-crometer with Ratchet or Friction Thimble: Annex A1,which details the apparatus and procedure required for this calibration.The spindle pressure shall be calibrated to a value within one of the A-ranges listed in Table2.The ranges are bad on the elastic modulus of the material determined by Test Method D638or Test Method D790.The spindle pressure shall be calibrated to value within the range for the lowest elastic modulus material that may be tested.
8.6Calibration of Micrometers:
8.6.1Calibrate all micrometers in a standard laboratory atmosphere maintained at50%relative humidity and23°C or some other standard condition as mutually agreed upon be-tween the ller and the purchar.U standard gauge blocks or other metallic objects of known dimension.The known dimensional accuracy of such blocks shall be within610%of the smallest scale division of the
micrometer dial or scale. Thus,if an instrument’s smallest scale division is2µm,the standard gauge block dimension shall be known to within60.2µm.Perform calibration procedures only after the instrument has been checked and found to meet the requirements of the pertinent preceding paragraphs of the test methods.Perform procedures in8.1to8.6at least once per year in accordance with the manufacturers’recommendations.Periodic verifica-tions with the gauge blocks shall be conducted to assure calibration has been maintained.
8.6.2Calibration Procedure for Apparatus A,Machinist’s Micrometer with Ratchet or Friction Thimble: the ratchet spring or friction thimble in accordance with Annex A1. the spindle so as to clo the micrometer on the gauge block or other calibrating device.Rever the rotation so as to open the micrometer100to150µm. the ratchet knob or friction thimble,clo the micrometer again slowly on the calibrating device so that the scale divisions may be counted easily as they move past the reference mark.This rate approximates about50µm/s. the closing motion until the ratchet clicks three times or the friction thimble slips. and record the dimension reading. the procedures described in8.6.2.2- using veral gauge blocks(or other calibration devices)of different dimensions covering the range of measurement with this micrometer. a calibration correction curve that will provide the corrections for application to the obrved dimen-sion of specimens tested,using this calibrated micrometer.
8.6.3Calibration Procedure for Apparatus B,Machinist’s Micrometer Without Ratchet or Friction Thimble: the spindle so as to clo the micrometer on the gauge block or other calibrating device.Rever the rotation so as to open the micrometer100to150µm. the micrometer again so slowly on the cali-brating device that the scale divisions may be counted easily as they move past the reference mark.This rate approximates about50µm/s. the closing motion until the spindle face contacts the surface of the gauge block(or other calibrating device).Contact is made when frictional resistance develops initially to the movement of the calibrating device between the anvil and spindle face. and record the dimension reading. the procedures described in8.6.3.1- using veral gauge blocks(or other calibration devices)of different dimensions covering the range of measurement with this micrometer. a calibration correction curve that will provide the corrections for application to the obrved dimen-sions of specimens tested using this calibrated micrometer. 8.6.4Calibration Procedure for Apparatus C,Manually Operated,Thickness Gauge: the procedures detailed in Section9pertinent to the material to be measured,collect calibration data from obrvations using veral gauge blocks(or other calibration devices)of different dimensions covering the range of mea-surement with this micrometer. a calibration correction curve that will provide the corrections for application to the obrved dimen-sions of specimens tested using this calibrated micrometer. 8.6.5Calibration Procedure for Apparatus D, Automatically-Operated Thickness Gauge: the procedures detailed in Section9pertinent to the material to be measured,collect calibration data from obrvations using veral gauge blocks(or other calibration devices)of different dimensions covering the range of mea-surement with this micrometer. a calibration correction curve that will provide the corrections for application to the obrved dimen-sions of specimens tested using this calibrated micrometer. 9.Procedure
N OTE4—In this ction,the word“method”denotes a combination of both a specific apparatus and a procedure describing its u.
9.1The lection of a method for measurement of dimen-sion is influenced by the characteristics of the solid plastic for measurement.Each material will differ in its respon to test method parameters,which include,but may not be limited to, compressibility,rate of loading,ultimate load,dwell time,and dimensions of the presr foot and anvil.For a specific plastic material,the respons may cau measurements made using one method to differ significantly from measurements made using another method.The procedures that follow are catego-rized according to the materials to which each applies.See also Appendix X1.
9.2Test Methods Applicable to Solid Plastic Specimens
9.2.1Except as otherwi specified in other applicable documents,u either Test Methods A,B,C,or D for plastic specimens.
9.2.2When testing specimens by Test Methods A,B,C,or D,u apparatus that conforms to the requirements of the appropriate parts of Section6and Table2,including the requirement for accuracy of zero tting.Warning—Cleaning the presr foot and anvil surfaces as described in8.1can cau damage to digital electronic gauges,which may then require very expensive repairs by the instrument manufacturer.Obtain procedures for cleaning such electronic gauges from the instrument manufacturer to prevent the costs.
N OTE5—An electronic indicator may be substituted for the dial gauge or vernier if the presr foot and anvil meet the requirements of that test method.
9.2.3When testing specimens using Test Method D,u an instrument that has a drop rate between750and1500µm/s between625and25µm on the dial and a capacity of at least 775µm.
9.2.4The prence of contaminating substances on the surfaces of the test specimens,presr foot,a
利福平的不良反应nvil,or spindle can interfere with dimension measurements and result in erroneous readings.To help prevent this interference,lect only clean specimens for testing,and keep them and the dimension measuring instrument covered until ready to make measurements.
9.2.5Test Method A: Apparatus A and specimens in conformance with Section7,clo the micrometer on an area of the specimen that has a similar dimension to the one to be measured,but is not one of the measurement positions. Obrve this reading,then open the micrometer approximately 100µm beyond the expected reading,and move the specimen to the measurement position.For specimens with a draft angle on each side of the specimen,take the measurement of width at the edge of the non-cavity surface(the wider of the two surfaces).Position the center of the micrometer’s anvil and presr foot on this edge.For measurement of specimen thickness position the micrometer’s anvil and pressure foot at the center of the specimen width. the ratchet,or the friction thimble,clo the micrometer at such a rate that the scale divisions may be counted easily as they pass the reference mark.This rate is approximately50µm/s. the closing motion until the ratchet clicks three times or the friction thimble slips.Obs
erve the indicated dimension. the obrved indicated dimension using the calibration chart obtained in accordance with8.6,and record the corrected dimension value. the specimen to another measurement posi-tion,and repeat the steps given in9.2.5.1- otherwi specified,make and record at least three dimension measurements on each specimen.The arith-metic mean of all dimension values is the dimension of the specimen.
9.2.6Test Method B: Apparatus B and specimens in conformance with Section7,clo the micrometer on an area of the specimen that has a similar dimension to the one to be measured,but is not one of the measurement positions. Obrve this reading,then open the micrometer approximately 100µm beyond the expected reading,and move the specimen to the measurement position.For specimens with a draft angle on each side of the specimen,take the measurement of width at the edge of the non-cavity surface(the wider of the two surfaces).Position the center of the micrometer’s anvil and pr
esr foot on this edge.For measurement of specimen thickness position the micrometer’s anvil and pressure foot at the center of the specimen width. the micrometer slowly at such a rate that the scale divisions may be counted easily as they pass the reference mark.This rate is approximately50µm/s. the closing motion until contact with the specimen surface is just made as evidenced by the initial development of frictional resistance to movement of the micrometer screw.Obrve the indicated dimension. the obrved indicated dimension using the calibration correction curve obtained in accordance with8.6, and record the corrected dimension value. the specimen to another measurement posi-tion,and repeat the steps given in9.2.6.1- otherwi specified,make and record at least three dimension measurements on each specimen.The arith-metic mean of all dimension values is the dimension of the specimen.
9.2.7Test Method C: Apparatus C and specimens in conformance with Section7,place the instrument on a solid,level,clean table or bench that is free of excessive vibration.Confirm that the anvil and presr foot surfaces are clean.Adjust the zero point. Apparatus C and specimens in conformance with Section7,clo the micrometer on an area of the specimen that has a similar dimension to the one to be measured but is not one of the measurement positions.Obrve this reading,then open the micrometer approximately100µm beyond the expected reading,and move the specimen to the measurement position.For specimens with a draft angle on each side of the specimen,take the measurement of width at the edge of the non-cavity surface(the wider of the two surfaces).Position the center of the dial gauge’s anvil and presr foot on this edge.For measurement of specimen thickness position the micrometer’s anvil and pressure foot at the center of the specimen width. the presr foot slightly. the specimen to thefirst measurement loca-tion,and lower the presr foot to a reading approximately7to 10µm higher than the initial reading of9.2.7.2. the foot onto the specimen(e also Note6). N OTE6—This procedure minimizes small
errors prent when the pressure foot is lowered slowly onto the
specimen. 5

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