英语阅读 英译汉
Unit 1
1.College is the best place to broaden your horizons and the best time to meet people, to work hard, to play sports, to fall in and out of love, to find out about our great big world.
2. I wish I’d known that it’s fairly difficult to be truly mirable at college, and that not many people are smarter.
3. It’s a basic human need, so don’t neglect it, if only becau your mom is really good at detecting when you stay up too late or cut class. 4. College may make you more realistic, more aware that having a decent salary, having a warm and supportive family of your own, and being happy are equally important as a brilliant career, if not more so.
5. But I wish I’d known that life becomes enjoyable not just by handing in assignments on time, shivering on the edge of life, but by diving into a pool of new friendships, swimming around lots of new ideas, and drying off in the warm sunshine of new experience.
1. As we investigate its contents, the bubbling steam and spices ri, and our faces go red with the heat and the expectation of our favorite food.
2. The waitress brings plates of raw food, … as well as some slippery bits of meat which are hard to identify and which we wouldn’t even think of eating in the US.
3. Then I explain how to plunge the ingredients in the boiling stock, cook them and then dip them in the different sauces before eating.
4. Why did I bring him here, for his first meal in China? I should have taken him to a beginner’s class in Chine food, as if he was in a beginner湘教版数学’水浒传人物绰号s class to learn Chine.5. However, gradually, over the months I’ve lived in China, I now realize that it’s the feel of the food which I appreciate and which I miss when I威尼斯商人剧本’m away.
1. This is the country of the famous “melting pot” with a long history both of conflict between races as well as some success in integrating them.
2. In certain political and social circles in the US, it’s believed that mixed-race couples marry in order for the immigrant partner to get a green card, to stay and work here.
3. Fortunately, there are many others who understand that basic human values, such as mutual attraction, play the most important role in a mixed marriage.
4. Whatever the real motives for marriage, all of the couples face the challenges of differences in their opinions towards money, towards traditional values of respect towards their partner, of religion, of being accepted by the community where they live, of the roles of men and women, and even of language.
5. Children born to parents of two cultures or two races are now known as Third Culture Kids, who grow up learning two different cultures, and feel at home with anyone who has lived in more than one country or culture.
1. At the entrance of the store, there’s usually what’s called a transition zone, which is the first five metres, where shoppers get ud to the idea that they’re no longer on the street, but about to start shopping
2. On the ground floor you can find beauty products, watches and jewellery becau the are luxuries which are beautifully designed, packaged and displayed, and which attract customers into the store.
3. Once again, most people have an idea of what they’措施费口诀re looking for in this department, and don’t need to be attracted into the store by psychological tricks.
4. More and more department stores now include places for entertainment, like cinemas, to ll things to people who come into the store for the film and not for the shopping.
5. Some department stores t up special areas for men to read newspapers or to watch a football match, so they won’t make their partners stop shopping and leave the store.
1. Both events made me feel proud to be connected to the family from which I come and the family which I am trying to create.
2. None of the describe Eden's academic skills,but for me,if Eden can retain the characteristics,they 'll be so much more important than the results she'll get as she progress though school.
3.Listening to my Dad's speech at my Mum's retirement party laterthe same day, it really came home to me How much of a positive influence my mother has been on my life, and just how hard it will be ever to live up to the kind of example she has t for us.
4. Mum gave up huge chunks of her life and a potential career in social work to raising my brothers and we when we were small, without so much as a rentful world, despite the fact that she could easily have had a very successful career.