2022考研英语阅读农业与营养Agriculture and nutrition农业与养分
Hidden hunger隐性饥饿
饭店管理How much can farming really improve peopleshealth? 农业究竟能为促进人类健康贡献多少?
猪卡通图片IN A market in southern Uganda two traders squatbehind little piles of sweet potatoes and a sign thatsays with extra vitamin A. A passing shoppercomplains about the price: 10% more than ordinarysweet potatoes. Yes, say the traders, but theyrebetter, bred with extra vitamin A. The bargaininggoes back and forth, but the struggle to improve thecrop has already been won. Since 20xx, when an outfit called HarvestPlus began distributing thebiofortified rootcrop in Uganda and Mozambique, 50,000 farmers have started to plant it orcrops like it. Vitamin A intake has soared and the produce commands a premium. The shoppereventually buys some.
中国有多少人Nutrition has long been the Cinderella of development. Lack of calorieshungeris a headline-grabber, particularly as rising food prices push more people towards starvation. But the hiddenhunger of micronutrient deficiencies harms even more people and inflicts lasting damage onthem and their societies. It, too, worns as food prices ri: families switch from costly,nutrient-rich, fruit, vegetables and meat to cheaper, nutrient-poor staples.
In 20xx the Copenhagen Business School asked eight eminent economists to imagine they had$75 billion to spend on
caus that would most help the world. Five of their top ten involvednutrition: vitamin supplements for children, adding zinc and iodine to salt and breeding extramicronutrients into crops . Others included girls schools and tradeliberalisation.
Agriculture and nutrition农业与养分
Hidden hunger隐性饥饿子君和涓生
How much can farming really improve peopleshealth? 农业究竟能为促进人类健康贡献多少?
幸运的反义词IN A market in southern Uganda two traders squatbehind little piles of sweet potatoes and a sign thatsays with extra vitamin A. A passing shoppercomplains about the price: 10% more than ordinarysweet potatoes. Yes, say the traders, but theyrebetter, bred with extra vitamin A. The bargaininggoes back and forth, but the struggle to improve thecrop has already been won. Since 20xx, when an outfit called HarvestPlus began distributing thebiofortified rootcrop in Uganda and Mozambique,
50,000 farmers have started to plant it orcrops like it. Vitamin A intake has soared and the produce commands a premium. The shoppereventually buys some.
Of the 40 nutrients people need, four are inchronically short supply: iron, zinc, iodine andvitamin A. Vitamin A is esntial for the mucousmembranes that protect the bodys organs, such asthe eyes. Lack of it caus half a million children togo blind every year; half of them die within a year astheir other organs fail. Vitamin A supplements werethe Copenhagen experts top choice. Zinc deficiencyimpairs brain and motor functions and causroughly 400,000 deaths a year. Shortage of iron weakens the immune system and affects,in some poor
countries, half of all women of child-bearing age.你是我最深爱的人
Too hungry to think properly饿得无法集中精神
The missing nutrients bite wide and deep. Education levels drop ; earning-power weakens. Even marriage chances wane: malnourished boysmarry women of lower educational levels when they grow up.