1. What makes you happy? Are you happy when others are happy?
关于母亲的歌曲There are a lot of thing that can make me happy, for instance, sometimes the pleasant surpri from my friend, my goal have been achieved,or all of my families have a good health. in many cas, we will find that what can us feel happy are just something simply, but they are very precious and rare, so when I feel happy I will enjoy it and share it with others.
When others are happy,I will feel happy too. Some people will be angry when they are bea
ten by the competitor. But I would not do like the. becau I know, in order to win the competition ,he must be paid a lot and he derve it. therefore, when people share their happiness with us, we should feel happy too becau the happiness can be pasd.河池美食
2、In what ways can people improve their appearance?俗话说:“人靠衣装,佛靠金装”,可知一个人的穿着打扮很重要,所以,假如你想要改善自己的外表,可以先从穿着打扮开始。但这并不意味着你必须穿名牌衣服,只有选择符合自己的性格和气质的衣服,穿起来才是最漂亮的,假如你是个女孩的话,偶尔也可以化化妆。另外,想要看起来更加好看,一定要努力改善自己的皮肤,平时多喝水,多吃水果,同时还要保证每天拥有充足的睡眠,最好不要经常熬夜。有人说,整容也可以改变一个人的外表,但我不赞同这种做法,因为存在一定的危险性。增加诉讼请求申请书
As the saying goes: "the tailor makes the man", We can know that a person's dress is very important, so, if you want to improve your appearance, you can start from dress. But this does not mean that you have to wear brand-name clothes, you just have to choo the clothes according to your own character. And if you are a girl, your also can make-up.
In addition, if you want to look more attractive, you must strive to improve your skin, you can drink more water , eat more fruits , meanwhile ,make sure that you have enough time to sleep everyday, and had better not often stay up late. Someone will says, cosmetic also can change a person's appearance, but I don't agree with this kind of practice, becau it is riskful.
3. Can we overcome natural disasters?自然灾害是自然发展的规律,人类是无法控制和避免的,但是我们却可以借助科技的力量,把自然灾害所带来的损失减到最低。这几年,我们国家遭受的自然灾害有很多,特大雪灾,汶川大地震,舟曲大地震,还有大干旱等等,许多人被无情的夺去了宝贵的生命,每次给我们国家都带来了沉重的打击。所以,一方面,我们要把握和利用自然的发展规律,例如,多雨季节的时候,我们可以利用水库蓄水,干旱时可以缓解灾情;另一方面,我们要加速先进技术的发展,例如研究更加先进准确的地震监测器,可以在地震发生的前几秒发出警报。我认为,假如人类能够不断地将自然灾害带来的损失降到最低,可以说人类是在一步步战胜自然灾害的。
Natural disasters are the law of nature and we are unable to control and avoid it, but we a
re can u the power of technology to decrea the loss to a minimum. The years, our nation had suffered many natural disasters, such as snowstorm, the earthquake and the big drought, there are many people had lost their lives and our country has brought heavy blow each time. I think we can overcome the natural disasters if we can keep learning and using the natural law. So, on the one hand, we must grasp and u natural law, for example, In the rainy ason, we can u the rervoir to 蓄water to relieve the situation when it is drought; On the other hand, we should accelerate the development of advanced technology, for example study more advanced and preci ismic monitor, which can alarm in a few conds before the earthquake.As far as I am concerned, if humans can decrea the loss to a minimum each time when natural disaster happened, it can be said that we are overcome natural disasters step by step.康妇消炎栓怎么用
4、When a boss employs or promotes people, what may be the chief consideration: their education or their practical ability?我一直认为,一个人的实践能力比学历重要。因为一个人的能力可以创造长久的价值,但学历却不能。虽然刚毕业找工作时高学历显得很重要,但假如你想要得到更好的工作,或是得到老板的提拔,你必须保证你拥有很好的实践能力。
I've always thought that a person's practice ability is more important than their education. Becau a person's ability can create a long-term value, but education cannot. Although the high education ems very important when you are looking for a job, but if you want to get a better job or get the promotion, you must make sure that you have a very good practice ability. We know that the company's aim is to earn more money, and what the boss care about is how much values you can create for the company.So, I thought that when a boss employs or promotes people, the practice ability is the chief consideration.