
更新时间:2023-06-11 10:02:04 阅读: 评论:0

1.你的到来一定会给节日气氛增添色彩 Your arrival will definitely add color to the festive vibe
2.对英国文化有了更深的了解 have a deeper insight into British culture
3.成为中外文化交流的平台 rve as platform for the exchange of Chine and foreign cultures
4.言语无法表达我对你的感激之情。Words fail to express my thankfulness/gratitude/gratefulness/appreciation to you.
5.元宵节是在农历正月十五,标志着中国新年庆祝活动的结束。The lantern Festival is celebrated on the 15th of the first month in the lunar calendar, marking the end of Chine New Year celebrations.
6.提着象征着好运的红灯笼,猜灯谜 carry red lanterns symbolizing good fortune and solve r
iddles on lanterns
7.不仅欣赏令人叹为观止的风景,而且享受独特的当地习俗和可口的美食 not only appreciate the breathtaking landscapes but enjoy the unique local customs and palatable cuisines
8.激发学生的好奇心,帮助他们辨别不同的绘画风格 arou students’ curiosity and help them distinguish different painting styles
9.介绍一些关于如何创作简单作品的基本技巧 prent some basic techniques about how to create a simple work
10.有充分的动手机会 have adequate hands-on opportunities
11.指导他们并给予及时的帮助 coach them and give timely help
12.提前做好准备工作,包括毛笔、纸张和墨水 make preparations in advance which involve brushes, paper and ink
13.被选中的学生将身着服装表演太极拳,这一定是最吸引人的部分之一。Chon students dresd in costume will perform T’ai Chi, which must be one of the most attractive parts.
14.这些别出心裁的表演一定会给在场的所有人留下深刻印象。The ingenious performance are sure to impress everyone prent.
15.你的奉献和勤奋是你稳步进步的原因。Your devotion and diligence accounts for your steady progress.
16.为我树立一个好榜样,推动我向前发展 t a good example for me and push me to move forward
17.理由如下 The reasons are as follows
18.享受新鲜空气,体验体力劳动 enjoy fresh air and experience physical labor
19.关于计划的一些信息如下。Some information regarding the plan are as follows.
20.星期天8点在学校门口集合 asmble at the school gate at 8 o’clock on Sunday
21.投诉一周前在你们网站上购买的智能手环出现了问题 complain about a faulty smartband purchad on your website a week ago
22.我一知道你对中国象棋有偏好的时候,我就决心全力帮助你。Hardly had I known that you have a preference for Chine chess when I determined to assist you with all my might.
樯橹的拼音23.拥有培养耐心以及智慧的机会 posss the opportunity to develop patience as well as wisdom
重庆旅游攻略三日游自由行24.没有你的帮助,我就不会成为英语尖子,也不会在英语演讲比赛中获奖。But for your help, I would not have been a top student in English and would not have won the English Speech Contest.
25.拥有陪伴外国朋友的丰富经验 be equipped with rich experience in accompanying foreign friends
26.使我能够更好地学习英语,同时拓展我的视野 enable me to learn English better and meanwhile to expand my horizons
27.丰富多彩的活动是为节日增光添彩不可缺少的因素 Various activities are indispensable in adding flavor to the festival
28.一起吃个大餐 have a big feast together
本科分数29.届时,一切都将洋溢着幸福。 Everything will overflow with happiness then.
30.我写这封信的目的是想告诉你......My intention to write this letter is to 都江堰的历史
31.给我一些建议,以便我能够为我在美国的生活做更好的准备 give me some suggestions so that I can get mylf better prepared for my stay in America
1.推荐一些不容错过的景点 recommend some can’t-be-misd attractions
2.表示最热烈的欢迎,并通知你有关安排 extend our warmest welcome and keep you informed of the arrangements
3.学业压力带来的自我关心的缺失 lack of lf-care brought by academic pressure
4.通过健康的饮食、充分的休息和定期的体育活动,在学习和休息之间取得平衡 strike a balance between study and rest by means of healthy eating, adequate rest and regular physical activities
5.不积硅步,无以至千里 Every small step counts!
6.激发学生的想象力和创造力,丰富我们的校园生活 spark students’ imagination and creativity as well as enrich our school life
7.通过中国古典诗词传递的智慧,对学习汉语的人来说,可以说是印象深刻,很有帮助。The wisdom delivered through Chine classic poems can be rather impressive and helpful for learners of Chine.
8.中国古代文化正在重新得到普及 ancient Chine culture is regaining popularity
9.很遗憾,我无法参加......It is much to my regret that I
10.忙于后天的一场重要考试 be fully occupied with an important exam coming the day after tomorrow
11.错过了这样一个愉快的聚会的机会 miss the chance of such an agreeable get-together
12.请不要犹豫,给我写信告诉我你喜欢的日期。 Plea don’t hesitate to drop me a line about your preferable date.苹果手机锁屏密码
13.简单地说,......Put simply,...
14.鉴于我在艺术和语言方面的天赋,再加上我愿意寻求新的经验,我一直计划学习与媒体有关的东西。Given my talents in art and language, coupled with my willingness to ek new experience, I’ve been planning to learn something related to the media.
15.热衷于参加社区服务,以及喜欢与来自不同背景和习俗的同龄人分享故事 be enthusiastic about participating in community rvice and sharing stories with peers from different backgrounds and customs
16.作为同龄人,我相信我们有很多共同点。Being of the same age, I’m sure we have much in common.

本文发布于:2023-06-11 10:02:04,感谢您对本站的认可!



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