Stock 原料
Extrusion 挤压
Reaction injection moulding process 反应注射模型
Blow moulding 吹塑模型
幼儿园地震演练Thermoforming 热成型
Calendering 压延成型
Whisker 晶须
Eutectic 共晶组织
Transportation vehicles 交通工具
Propulsion 推进器
Vacuum melting 真空熔炼
Investment casting 熔铸
Catalyst 催化剂
Net export 净出口额
Turbine disk 涡轮盘
Turbine blade 涡轮机叶片
Combustor 燃烧室
Periphery 外缘
Leading edge 前缘
Metallic 金属的
Ceramic 陶瓷的
Composite 复合材料
Electronic 电子学
Organic 有机物
Inorganic 无机的
Ferrous 铁素体
Nonferrous ?非铁素体
Conductor 导体
Insulator 绝缘体
Furnace 加热炉
Wear resistance 耐磨性
Brittleness 脆性
Fiber 心内膜纤维,光纤
Intermetallic 金属间化合物
Crystalline 晶态,晶粒
Ductile 韧性
Composition 构成
Coordination number 喝酒胃出血是什么症状配位数
Atomic packing factor 原子堆垛密度
Edge/ screw dislocation 韧型、螺型位错
Grain boundary 晶界
Stacking fault 堆垛层错
Impurity 杂质
Vacancy 空位
Passive-film 钝化膜
Pitting corrosion 点蚀
Stress-corrosion cracking 应力腐蚀断裂
Concentration 浓度
Driving force 驱动力,推动力
Yield strength 屈服强度
Toughness 感谢父母的诗韧性
Dispersion 弥散
Austenite 奥氏体
Bainite 贝氏体
Martensite 马氏体
Cementite (iron carbide; Fe3C) 渗碳体
Pearlite 珠光体
Ferrite 铁素体
Artificial ageing 人工时效
Heat treatable 可热处理的
Extrusion 挤压
Drawing 拉拔
Anneal 退火
Recrystallization 儿童侦探故事再结晶
Grain size 晶粒尺寸
Grain refinement 晶粒细化
Precipitation 沉淀物?
Synthesize 合成
Carbide 碳化物
Oxide 氧化物
Sensor 传感器
Sinter 烧结
Self-combustion 自燃
Hydrothermal 水热?
Precursor 前驱体
Sol 溶胶
Gel 凝胶
Sialon 塞隆
Extrusion 挤压
Injection moulding 注射成型
Blow moulding 吹塑成型
Whisker 晶须
Anisotropy 各向异性
Reinforce 加强,强化
Eutectic 共晶组织
Eutectoid 先共析,共析体
1 How types can materials be divided into? What types of metallic materials are there?
2 What are the main crystalline defects(晶体缺陷)? Pls give a detailed description.
3What are the principle types of heat treatment of steels?(钢的热处理原理)
4Which is ud to express the magnitude(量) and direction(方向) of dislocation(位错) of lattice distortion(晶体畸变)?答案:柏氏矢量毅然的近义词 Burgers Vecror
5What act as the anode and cathode of a pitting corrosion cell respectively?
6Which strengthening method can achieve good strength and ductility? Pls write down the relationship or equation.
7What are the principle types of heat treatment of steel? What are the main affecting factors?
8By which way the aluminium alloy can be strengthened?
9How many ways to strengthen materials? And what are they?