Oil and natural gas is long known as the industrial blood, which is an important strategic resource of a country and related to the economic and social development. In recent years, as easy to develop unexplored areas gradually reduce, geological exploration rearchers have taken the focus of the oi
l and natural gas exploration target to the hidden rervoir and complex rervoir construction, tho technical requirements are higher. So just rely on the physical or petrophysical parameters of rervoir could not fully meet the needs of oil and natural gas exploration, and using the pre-stack ismic data to carry out high resolution ismic joint inversion methods for estimating physical and petrophysical parameters of rervoir has become the hot topic in academia and industry.
Bad on the review of the background and significance of high resolution ismic data processing and ismic inversion, we summarized out two unanswered questions of the pre-stack ismic inversion:1) how to get the high resolution ismic data; 2) how to realize the high resolution pre-stack ismic joint inversion with deterministic optimization method. In order to solve above two problems, this paper did the specific works of the innovation as follows:
1. For the question 1), this paper propod a new high resolution ismic data processing method bad on BP artificial neural network method. Firstly, we ud BP artificial neural network to establish the mapping relationship between the amplitude spectrum of the practical ismic information of nearby the well and the compensation coefficient. Secondly, we ud the relationship to calculate each compensation coefficient of amplitude spectrum of ismic records without compensation. Thirdly, we procesd the compensation coefficient with weighted smoothing and ada
ptive compensation location lection method respectively. Finally it acted on the amplitude spectrum to get the high resolution ismic records. This method takes the spectrum width of logging data as the compensation standard, which overcomes the shortcomings of tho general spectrum methods which lack of quantitative compensation standard and enhance the compensation basis.
2. For the question 2), this paper propod a new method for estimating physical and petrophysical parameters of rervoir bad on double parameters elastic velocity model with deterministic ismic pre-stack inversion. This method ud double
parameters elastic velocity model to build up the relationship between pre-stack data and petrophysical parameters We treated the joint posterior probability of physical and petrophysical parameters as the objective function under the Bayesian architecture, and by using the high resolution ismic data processing methods to improve the resolution of the initial value of joint inversion. we ud the adaptive variable step length optimization method to get higher resolution physical and petrophysical parameters of rervoir in the end. On the one hand, this method adopts double parameters elastic velocity model, compared with the other rock physical model, this model can better establish the relationship between physical parameters and the pore shape parameter, he
lp to know the influence of pore shape on the rervoir elastic properties. On the other hand, this method adopts the deterministic optimization method to establish the inversion framework and solve it, compared with the stochastic optimization method, it has faster inversion speed and higher precision.
The propod methods were tested by using the real data respectively, from the testing results, the new high resolution ismic data processing method has the obvious effect in raising the resolution of ismic data. The new joint inversion of deterministic optimization method has good convergence speed and steady effect, and the inversion results fit the well logging curve well. It proved that this method conform to the requirements of the pre-stack inversion.
Keywords:high resolution, artificial neural network, pre-stack joint inversion, Bayesian architecture, adaptive variable step length optimization method
细雨朦胧第一章绪论 (1)
1.1研究背景和意义 (1)
1.2 国内外研究现状 (2)
1.2.1 地震资料高分辨率处理研究现状 (2)
1.2.2 地震反演方法研究现状 (3)
1.3 本文主要工作与贡献 (6)
1.4 本文组织结构 (7)
第二章叠前地震反演理论基础 (8)
2.1 叠前地震反演概述 (8)
2.2 A VO反演基本原理及方法 (8)
2.2.1 Zoeppritz及其近似方程 (9)
2.2.2 正演模型的建立 (12)
2.2.3 A VO反演方法 (14)
小鹦鹉怎么养2.3 叠前地震反演面临的问题 (16)
2.3.1 提升地震观测资料的分辨率 (17)
2.3.2 实现叠前同步反演的确定性方法 (18)
2.4 本章小结 (18)
第三章基于BP人工神经网络的地震资料高分辨率处理方法 (20)
3.1 引言 (20)
3.2 数据预处理 (21)
3.2.1 地震子波的确定 (21)
3.2.2 生成合成地震记录 (23)
3.2.3 时频变换 (23)
3.3 基于BP人工神经网络的地震资料高分辨率处理方法 (24)
3.3.1 BP人工神经网络结构的确定 (24)
3.3.2 补偿系数求解与空间加权平滑处理 (28)
3.3.3 自适应补偿处理 (30)
3.3.4 地震记录的恢复 (30)
3.4 实验仿真及分析 (31)
3.5 本章小结 (39)
第四章高分辨率的储层弹性与物性参数同步反演方法 (40)
4.1 引言 (40)
4.2 储层弹性与物性参数同步确定性反演方法 (40)
4.2.1 双参数弹性速度模型 (41)稀浆封层施工工艺
4.2.2 同步反演方法框架 (45)
4.2.3 自适应变步长优化方法 (49)
4.2.4 同步反演的高分辨率处理 (50)
4.3 实验仿真与分析 (52)
4.3.1 合成数据测试 (52)
4.3.2 实际数据应用 (55)
生日诗句经典4.4 本章小结 (60)
第五章总结与展望 (61)
5.1 工作总结 (61)
5.2 工作展望 (62)
致谢 (63)
参考文献 (64)
个人简历 (68)
攻读硕士学位期间取得的研究成果 (69)
攻读硕士学位期间参加的科研项目 (69)