本人姓名(泰迪配种印刷体安的成语): 小米解锁官网本人签名:
Letter of Commitment on Receiving
Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine(Vero Cell)
I______________(Name),___________(Gender),born on_________(year-month-date) The number of my passport (or Foreign permanent resident ID card)is_______________.I have read letter of connt.I acknowledge the content of the abovementioned documents, connt to voluntary vaccination and will pay for all relevant expens. I promi to truthfully inform health workers on site of my personal information such as health conditions and vaccine contraindications. I am fully aware of the type, usage of the vaccine and its contraindications, as well as the possible adver reactions after vaccination. All risks associated with vaccination shall be borne entirely by mylf.
Name (in print): Signature:
安全生产评估报告Date:______ (Day)______(Month)2022
Unofficial translation, for reference only
In ca of discrepancies, the Chine version shall prevail