1.I have been thinking to visit Grandmother at the hospital after school on Monday.Grandmother hurt her right leg and the doctor put white tape on it to help the “hurt” go away.I will bring some pretty flowers to give to Grandmother.Grandmother likes all sorts of flowers more than I do.I have been thinking how much I like my Grandmother and how much she really likes me.And I have been thinking that no one could like my Grandmother more than I do.So,I have been thinking to visit Grandmother at the hospital after school.I have been thinking…
2.Mom is great cook.She started cooking when she was three years old!I know that sounds silly ,but she would help her mother cook.And ,now I’m helping my mom cook.I like to make chicken the best.Baked chicken is my favorite thing to make.It is also my favorite food to eat.One day,when mom was sick,I tried to make the chicken all by mylf.I washed the chicken and put it in a pan in the oven to bake.When the bell rang to tell me the chicken wa
s done,I open the oven door.Guess what? The chicken was not cooked!I stared to laugh.I laughed and laughed and laughed!Did you know what I did? I forgot to turn on the oven!Did you know what I did next? I called on the telephone for pizza to come to our hou.Mom was happy that I”cooked”by mylf.She was happy that we could eat the pizza together.3.Once upon a time there was a blackbird that lived in a cherry tree outside my window.Every day, the blackbird would sing and sing.When I ate my breakfast , the blackbird ate his breakfast.When I ate my lunch , the blackbird ate his lunch.When I ate my dinner , the blackbird ate his dinner.When I had a snack,the blackbird had a snack,too.The blackbird always ate the cherries off the cherry tree.One day, mother was going to make a cherry pie.We picked all the cherries off the cherry tree.Mother made the pie.Mother washed the cherries,and then put them in the crust to bake.When it was baked, she put the pie by the window to cool off.She opened the window.I was eating my breakfast.I saw the blackbird fly around the tree.There were no cherries on the tree.I saw the blackbird fly in though the window to sit by the pie.I smiled.The blackbird took the pie under his wing and flew out the window.I saw him as he hid the cherry pie in a little hole i
n the tree.“That blackbird stole the cherry pie!” I shouted.When I looked outside, I saw the blackbird eating the whole pie!He was eating the crust!He was eating the cherries!Soon, it was all gone.Now, we both smiled
4.Once upon a time, there were three billy goats that lived on a green hill by a stream.They saw the grass was very green on the other side of the stream.So the :first little billy goat went across the bridge.“ip.trapl” went the goat's hooves as he walked across the bridge.“Who's tripping across my bridge?” shouted the wolf that lived under the bridge.“I will eat you up.” “I'm going to the other side.but I'm the smallest billy goat.If you wait brother will come.He's bigger than I am.” And so the wolf let the smallest billy goat go across the bridge to the green grass on the other side.Then the wolf waited.The cond billy goat came to cross the bridge.But the cond billy goat said there was another billy goat that was much bigger.The wolf waited again.The third billy goat came across the bridge.As the wolf came to eat him.the biggest billy goat rammed the wolf with his horns and pushed him off the bridge.After that.the third goat ran across the bridge so he could eat the green grass with his brothers.5.John and his cat Rick do n
ot like rats.They catch all they can.One time, John t a trap to catch some and then went away and hid with Rick.Pretty soon a big rat came outof its hole and went to the trap.Rick saw the rat and started to Jump up to cha it.but John said.“Hold on.Rick.let's e if it will go into the trap.7' But the rat did not go in, and as it was going to run away, John let Rick go, and said, ”Catch it, Rick.Be quick!“ and they ran very fast to catch the rat.But the rat was too quick for them.It went into its hole just as Rick was very near it.6.”Do not go outside without your warm coat, Tom;it is very cold, and the snow lies thick on the ground.If you do, then you will catch cold, and you will be sick.“ ”But I feel quite warm.“ ”Yes, you do now, but e what a large fire there is here? Out of doors there is no fire, and the cold wind blows.If you have no warm coat on, you will feel cold.“ But Tom thought he knew best, so he went outside with no coat on, and he caught a bad cold and cough.He was put to bed.Jack, Will and Tom were suppod to play on the frozen pond the next day, but now Tom was too sick to go.When he was in bed, Tom thought how silly he had been.He would try and do all that he was told when he got well.7.There was once a big, white hen that had twelve little chickens.They were very small, and the old hen took
good care of them.She found food for them in the daytime and at night kept them under her wings.One day, this old hen took her chickens down to a small brook.She thought some fresh air and the water would do them good.It was very pretty on the other side of the brook, and the old hen thought she would take her children over there.There was a large stone in the brook;she thought it would be easy for them to jump to that stone.So she jumped to the stone and told the children to come after her.For the first time, she found that they would not obey her.She flapped her wings, and cried, ”Come here, all of you!Jump upon this stone as I did.Come now!“ ”O Mother!We can't, we can't!“ said all the little chickens.”Yes you can if you try,“ said the old hen.”Just flap your wings as I did, and you can jump over.“ ”I am flapping my wings,“ said Chippy, who stood by himlf, ”but I can't jump any better than I could before.“
8.Tim is ven years old.He is a good boy.But he can't get up early.He sleeps until eight or nine o'clock in the morning.He is often late for school.Tim's mother doesn't want him to be late for school.So she buys him an alarm clock.She says to Tim, ”You must get up when you hear the clock ring.“ ”Yes, Mum.“ says Tim.After that Tim gets up at six o'clock 八年级下册地理>等你来草原
when he hears the clock ring.One day his mom forgot to wring up the clock.And next morning, Tim didn't get up at six thirty.It is time for breakfast.Mother went to e him.Tim was in bed and his eyes were open.”Why didn't you get up?“ Mother was angry.”I am waiting for the bell.“ Tim said.9.One morning the fox said to his children, ”I will find some eggs for breakfast.“ Then he went to the woods.The fox saw an eagle's nest in the top branch of a tree.”How can I reach tho eggs?'7 he thought.“Ha, ha!Now I have a plan.” He put some grass stalks into his ears and knocked on the tree with them.“Throw an egg to me:' cried the fox.”If you do not throw an egg to me, I will knock this great tree over with the grass stalks.“ The eagle was terribly frightened, and she threw an egg down to the fox.”Throw another egg down to me at once,“ demanded the fox when he saw that he had frightened the eagle.”One egg is enough,“ said the eagle.”I shall not throw down any more eggs.“ ”Throw another egg to me, or I shall knock the tree over with the grass stalks and take all of your eggs,“ said the fox.The eagle was still more frightened, and she threw down another egg.Then the fox laughed and said, ”How could I knock down a great tree with the small grass stalks?“ The eagle became very angry, She flew down fr
om her nest and grasped the fox.Then she lifted the fox up and flew with him far out to a.She dropped him upon a lonely is land.IO.”Look, Ned, here is a nest!It is made from hay, and the old hen is in it.“
”Put your hand into the nest, Mary.“ ”Oh no, the hen will not let me!“ ”But, Mary, I will hold her.“ ”Well, Ned, if you can hold her, I will put my hand into the nest,“ said Mary as she moved her hand towards the nest.”Oh Ned, there are some little chicks under the hen!“ ”Are there?“ asked Ned.”Take her out of the nest so we can e them.“ Ned lifted the hen out of the nest.The children could e the chicks.There were six of them.”Oh the dear little chicks!How pretty they are,“ said Ned.”We will feed them, Mary.“
”Yes, I will run and get some food and give them some water,“ said Mary as she ran towards her hou.11.”Come boys, what shall we do? Let's play hide and ek,”suggested Ned.“Oh yes!That will be fun for all of us.Who will shut his eyes'? Ned, will you?” asked Roy.“Yes, I will shut my eyes while you all go and hide,” replied Ned.Then Ned stood by the tree and shut his eyes, and the other boys ran off to hide.Pre
tty soon Ned said, “Boys, are you all hidden? Well, here I go.One, two, three, here I come!” Ned started to look for the hidden boys.He spotted Fred hiding in a box.“Ha!I spy you, Fred.You are in that box!” shouted Ned.Then Ned said to Roy, “I spy you, Roy.You are under the hay.” Ned could still not find Frank.Ned kept looking and then saw Fred in the Barn.”Oh there he is!I spy you, Frank.Come out of that barn.I e your black cap!“ shouted Ned.Now it was Fred's turn to shut his eyes and stand by the tree while the other boys hid.12.”Look, Mom!See what a pretty fish!It is a little trout,“ said John to his mother.John's mother asked, ”Where did you get it.John?“ ”Frank caught it in the brook.I went to the brook to get some water and saw this little fish.Then I told Frank about the fish, and he ran to get his fish net.He put the net into the water and caught the fish, and I put it into this dish.“