Standard Chartered Bank was formed in 1969 through the merger of two parate banks, the Standard Bank of British South Africa and the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. 英属南非标准银行(the Standard Bank of British South Africa)当我们同在一起和印度、澳大利亚及中国渣打银行(The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China)
The banks had capitalid on(获利) the expansion of trade between Europe, Asia and Africa.
The Chartered Bank
The Chartered Bank was founded by James Wilson(詹姆斯 威尔逊) following the grant of a Royal Charter by Queen Victoria in 1853.
The bank opened in Mumbai (Bombay), Kolkata and Shanghai (孟买,加尔各答和上海)in 1858, followed by Hong Kong and Singapore in 1859.
The traditional trade was in cotton from Mumbai, indigo(靛蓝) and tea from Kolkata, rice from Burma, sugar from Java(瓜哇岛), tobacco流量查询中国移动(烟草) from Sumatra(苏门答腊), hemp(麻) from Manila(马尼拉) and silk from Yokohama(横滨).
The bank played a major role in the development of trade with the East following the opening of the Suez Canal(苏伊士运河) in 1869 and the extension(扩展)of the telegraph to China in 1871.
In 1957 Chartered Bank bought the Eastern Bank(东方银行), together with the Ionian(爱奥尼亚) Bank's Cyprus(塞浦路斯) Branches and established a prence in the Gulf(海湾).
The Standard Bank
The Standard Bank was founded(成立) in London in 1862 by John Paterson(约翰 帕特森) from the Cape Colony(开普殖民地) in South Africa, and started business in Port Elizabeth(伊丽莎白港) in the following year.
The bank was prominent(突出的) in financing the development of the diamond fields of Kimberley(金伯利) from the 1870s. It later extended its network further north to the new town of Johannesburg(约翰内斯堡) when gold was discovered there in 1886.
The bank expanded in Southern, Central and Eastern Africa and had 600 offices(办事处) by 1953.
In 1965, it merged(合并) with the Bank of West Africa, expanding its operations into Cameroon(喀麦隆), Gambia(冈比亚), Ghana(加纳), Nigeria and Sierra Leone(塞拉利昂).
In 1987 Standard Chartered Bank sold its stake in the Standard Bank, which now operates as a parate entity.
From the early 1990s,Standard Chartered has focud on developing its strong franchis in Asia, Africa and Middle East. It has concentrated on consumer, corporate and institutional banking and on the provision of treasury rvices---areas in which the Group had particular strength and experti.
Since 2000 the Bank has achieved veral milestones (里程碑) with a number of strategic alliances and acquisitions., which have extended the customer and geographic reach and broadened the product range that Standard Chartered offers.
渣打银行也称标准渣打银行,香港回归前大陆( the return of Hong Kong to China)曾称其为麦加利银行(Macquarie Bank)。它是一家总部(headquarters)在伦敦的英国银行,业务遍及许多国家尤其是亚洲和非洲。其在英国的客户非常少,2004年其利润的30%来自于香港市场。渣打银行在伦敦证券交易所(London stock exchange)及香港交易所(Hong Kong Stock Exchange)上市,并且是香港的三家发钞银行(Note-issuing Bank)之一。
渣打银行由两家英国海外银行合并而成,他们是英属南非标准银行(the Standard Bank of British South Africa)和印度、澳大利亚及中国渣打银行(The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China)。
渣打银行是一家老牌银行,在维多利亚女王的特许(grant)(即“渣打”这个字的英文原义)下于1853年建立(founded)。1858年,渣打银行在加尔各答开出了第一家分行,孟买以及上海紧随其后(followed by )。第二年,香港分行春乏(branch)和新加坡分行分别成立。1900年代早
期(in the early 1990s),渣打银行成为第一家获准在纽约开展业务的外国银行。标准银行于1863年在南非伊丽莎白港(Port Elizabeth)开张。从1890年代至1910年代期间,标准银行在非洲开设多家分行,但一部分因经营困难(operational difficulity)而被关闭(clo down/ shut down)。
1957年,标准银行收购了东方银行(Eastern Bank),从而获得了其在亚丁、巴林、贝鲁特、塞浦路斯、黎巴嫩、卡塔尔和阿拉伯联合酋长国的分行网点。
到1950年代中期(in the middle of 1950s),标准银行在非洲已拥有约600分行及办事处(offices)。1965年,在与原英属西非银行(Bank of British West Africa)合并后,它的网络得了充分的扩张(sufficient expansion)。英属西非银行在尼日利亚、加纳、塞拉利昂、喀麦隆和冈比亚拥有分行。
1969年,标准银行和渣打银行合并,成立了标准渣打股票上市公司(Standard Chartered PLC)。渣打随后收购(acquire)了英国的霍奇集团(Hodge Goup)和华莱士兄弟集团(the Wallace Brothers Group)。在渣打股票上市公司(Stas well asard Chartered PLC)成立之后,它的分支机构又遍及欧洲、阿根廷、加拿大、巴拿马、尼泊尔和美国。渣打收购了三
家美国银行,其中包括加利福尼亚联合银行(the Union Bank of California),使得渣打获得了进入巴西和委内瑞拉(enter Brazil and Venezuela)的机会。
1980年代末期,英国劳合银行(Lloyds Bank)意图(intend to)对渣打进行恶意收购传媒专业大学排名(hostile takeover),但最终没有成功。1990年代,渣打继续扩张其网络,分别于1990年、1992年、1993年和1995年在越南、柬埔寨、伊朗、坦桑尼亚和缅甸开设新的分支机构。渣打(羊腿汤的做法大全香港)
渣打银行于2004年7月1日完成在香港注册(registration)的手续(procedure),并将渣打银行香港分行、Manhattan Card Company Limited, Manhattan Card Company Limited, Standard Chartered Finance Limited, Standard Chartered International Trade Products Limited及Chartered Capital Corporation Limited的业务注入在香港注册的渣打银行(香港)有限公司旗下。但根据现行法例(current legislation ),只可由总公司负责发钞(issue note),因此现时仍要等待立法会修改(amend / modify )法例,把发钞权转移(transfer to )至香港分公司。渣打中国
珠海、厦门。成都和苏州分行正在筹建之中(under preparation)。
渣打是一家领先的国际银行(Standard Charted is a leading international bank),在全球一些最有活力的市场上经营 150 多年(operate more than 150 years in the most dynamic markets in the world),拥有员工超过86,000 名(own over 86000 employees)。我们为遍布亚洲、非洲和中东市场的个人和企业客户提供金融服务,(We provide financial rvices for personal and corporate customers all over the Asia Africa and Middle-East market )支持他们进行投资、开展贸易,并实现财富增值(support them to invest ,carry out trading and realize wealth appreciation)女士体检。这些市场为集团带来 90%以上的营运收入和利润。(over 90 percent of operating revenues and profits of the Group come from the markets)渣打的文化传承和企业价值都在其品牌承诺 “一心做好,始终如一(Here for good)”中得到充分体现。Standard Charted’s cultural inheritance and corporate value are sufficiently reflected in its brand commitment “here for good”.