Financial Acronyms 财务缩写 | |
ADR | Average Daily Rate. The average realid price per room sold in a hotel or channel. Total rooms revenue divided by total rooms sold. 日均房价:在酒店或其他渠道的平均销售房价。总房间销售额除以销售房间数。 |
ARI | Average Rate Index Calculated by dividing the hotel’s average room rate by the average of the competitor t market rate. 平均房价指数:酒店平均房价除以市场同期竞争者平均房价 |
CAM | Capital Ast Management 资本资产管理 |
CAP | Compliance Assurance Process. 担保依法纳税措施 |
CAPEX | Capital Expenditure诉前保全申请书 资本支出 |
CCA | Capital construction authorization 基本建设批准 |
CPC | Customer Profit Contribution. The revenue supplied by a customer in a yield contribution model, minus the cost undertaken to rvice, complete the sale and the displaced revenues (‘Displacement’ is a measure of demand that was declined as a result of accepting this business.) 客户利润贡献 在收入贡献模型中,来自客户的收入减去所发生的服务成本,就得到销售与因(业务)替代分流的总利润.其中所谓的替代分流是指由于使用本业务而减少的对其它业务的需求. |
CMH | Company Managed Hotel. Includes hotels that are owned and operated hotels, and tho operated under management agreement. 酒店管理公司:包括自行经营酒店方和酒店管理方 |
COS/COGS | Cost of Sales or Cost of Goods Sold 销售成本 |
CROCCE | Cash Return on Cash Capital Employed. 使用资本额的现金收益 |
CRM | Cluster Revenue Manager. A Revenue Manager with responsibilities for more than one hotel. 区域收益管理经理:其职责超过1家酒店。 |
CTP | Contribution to Profit The hotel’s contribution to IHG’s Profit – (Total of management and incentive fees). 收益贡献:酒店提交给洲际集团的收益(包含管理费和提成) |
CSA | Control Self-Asssment (online internal control questionnaire) 内部控制自我评估 |
FAM | Finance and Ast Management (1 of 8 business units). Responsible for corporate management reporting, external financial reporting, Tax, Treasury, IR capital and project appraisals. 财务及资产管理:对企业管理报告负责,外部财务报告,税收,财政,风险资本和项目评估。 |
Flow-through | The percentage of change in revenue that flows through to profit against last year or budget. GOP is usually ud as the profit measure. Also known as drop through. 收入变化率计入去年或预算利润.通常用营业总收入测算利润.也称为直接测算. |
GDS | Global Distribution System 全球分销系统 |
GOP | Gross Operating Profit before fixed costs and overheads, i.e. before management fees, rent/lea expen, tax, insurance, interest, depreciation, amortisation, gain/loss on sale of property. 毛营业利润: 扣除各项固定费用如管理费,租借费,税收,保险,利息,折旧费,分摊费,损益。 |
GOPPAR | Gross operating Profit per available room. (revenue after variable costs) 每间房间的毛营业利润 |
GRR | Gross Rooms Revenue. 房间毛利润 |
HIRO | Hotel Inventory Rervation Optimir. The revenue maximisation or yield management system whereby information about guest demand for a particular hotel is compiled and analyd on a hotel by hotel basis and is then ud to suggest “Hurdle” values bad on this analysis. It is a highly automated system which assists individual hotels in their management of rates bad on patterns and statistical insights derived from the hotel's operating history. 酒店空房预订优化系统(方案) 酒店收入最大化或称酒店生产管理系统,它收集(酒店的)客户需求(信息),并对酒店进行逐个分析,基于这样的分析,系统(可为酒店)提供临界(障碍)值.这是一个高度自动化的管理系统,可以根据酒店类型和酒店历史数据的统计信息帮助各个酒店进行费用(入住率)管理. |
IBP | Integrated Business Plan Forms integral part of budget process and ud to track actual sales compared to budget and forecast. Also contains rolling forecast for next 12 months. 整合的企业管理流程计划:预算组成部分,采用实际销售与预算比较及预测跟踪反馈系统,同时也包含对未来12月的滚动预测 |
IGU | Income Generating Unit. Ud in financial accounting to aggregate hotels into homogeneous groupings. 收益产出单元:用于财务生成酒店同品牌体系计算 |
IRR | Initial rate on return 回报初始率 |
LOI | Letter of Intent 意向书 |
MMR | Manager’s Monthly Report 经理月度报告 |
MPI | Market Penetration Index Calculated by dividing the hotel’s actual market share by fair market share. 市场渗透指数,酒店实际市场份额除以平均市场占有率 |
NOP | Nett operating profit 净营业利润 |
P2P | Pay 2 Produce 货到付款 |
RevPAR | Revenue Per Available Room每间可售房收入 Calculated by dividing the hotel’s rooms revenue by the number of rooms available. Rev Par will equal the hotel’s average room rate when occupancy is 100%. 房间总收益除以可用房总数。当入住率100%时,此用来平衡平均房价 |
RevPASH | Revenue Per Available Seat Per Hour 每位每小时收益 |
RGI | Revenue Generation Index 收入来源指数 Calculated by dividing the hotel’s Rev Par by the total Rev Par of your hotel’s direct competitors. 每间可售房收入除以竞争对手总可售房收入 |
ROCE | Return on Capital Employed, calculated as operating profit before exceptional items divided by net operating asts, less revaluation rerve but adding back written off goodwill. 已投资资本回报:主营业务收入(扣除额外项目)由净营业资产,极小重估价准备及商誉注销生成 |
ROI | Return on Investment 投资利润率 |
SpendPAR | Total spend per available room – a better measure of total revenue in the hotel than RevPAR as it incorporates the performance of non-room revenue generating activities as part of the overall picture. 空房总支出-比RevPAR更好的衡量酒店总收入的方法,它包含总收入一部分的非房间收益 |
TACP | Travel Agent Commission Programme. The programme that stipulates how much a travel agent is paid by our hotels for taking a booking. 旅行社佣金项目:规定了一旦预定生成,旅游社的佣金支付 |
Rervations | |
Affiliates | Independent internet sites who provide a click-through link to an IHG owned website and receive a commission when a booking is made. 联盟网页:独立的网站提供洲际集团网页的链接,从而由此得到的预定 |
Confirmation | The percentage of offered calls in a CRO that actually turn into bookings. 确认预定百分比 |
CRO跑步的人 | Central Rervations Office 中央订房办公室 |
感冒喝什么好CRS | Central Rervation System. Holidex Plus being rolled out globally replacing Holidex and Global II 中央预定系统 |
ECS | Electronic Commission Services. The group that manages our outsourcing partner and internal systems which make sure travel agent commissions are paid by our hotels (the TACP programme). 在线佣金服务系统 |
EMERO | The EMEA Central Rervations Office (call centre) located in Amsterdam. 位于阿姆斯特丹的欧洲、中东、非洲中央预定办公室 |
IDS | Internet Distribution Systems (e.g. Hotwire, Priceline, Orbitz, Travelweb, Travelocity, Expedia) 互联网分销体系 |
MACRO | Market Area Central Rervations Office The system by which all rervations for properties in a given market are forwarded to a dedicated, specially trained team bad in one of our central rervations offices. A fee is levied on the hotel bad on the volume of calls handled. 市场区域中央预定办公室 |
Net RevCo | Net revenue per call offered. A key efficiency measure for the CRO which measures the amount of money generated per call through to the CRO. 每个所打电话的净收益 |
VCRO | Virtual Central Rervations Office A tool for hotels to divert their in-hou after office hours rervation calls to the nearest CRO. 虚拟中央预定办公室 |
Management Acronyms and tools | |
ANZSP | Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific 澳大利亚,新西兰和南太平洋 |
COO | Chief Operating Officer 首席营运官 |
CSS | Central Shared Services 中央共享服务 |
EMEA | Europe, Middle East and Africa 欧洲、中东和非洲 |
ES | Employee Survey 员工融入度调查 |
FIS | Franchi Information System. 加盟信息体系 |
GSS | Guest Satisfaction Index (the key measure within GSTS) 宾客满意系统 |
GSTS | Guest Satisfaction Tracking System 宾客满意度追踪体系 |
HMA | Hotel management agreement. The agreement under which the owner of a hotel contracts out the operation of the ast. Sometimes called an OMA. 酒店管理协议 |
HMG | Hotel Management Group 酒店管理团队 |
OSI | Overall Satisfaction Index. 总体满意度指数 |
PAF | Personnel Action Form 个人行动表格 |
孙子膑脚 PMS | Property Management System 资产管理体系 |
QES | Quality Evaluation System 质量评估体系 A tool ud to measure the consistency of compliance of our hotels and resorts to product and rvice standards relevant to hotel brand. |
RDOS | Regional Director of Sales 区域销售总监 |
RGM | Regional General Manager 区域总经理 |
RMEC | Regional Major Expenditure Committee 区域支出委员会负责人 |
SOP’s | Standard Operating Procedures 标准操作步骤 |
TPI | Third Party Intermediary – Third party Companies such as “WotIf” and “Need it Now” that ll our room inventory on line. 第三方中介人 |
TQM | Total Quality Management 全面质量管理 |
WH&S OH&S | Workplace, Health and Safety 工作场所的卫生安全 Occupational, Health and Safety岗位卫生安全 |
Sales Acronyms | |
Ambassador | The pay to join sub-programme of Priority Club Rewards, offering a higher level benefits in the InterContinental Hotels and Resorts brand only plus high level PCR membership. 支付给参加优悦会主要项目的人员,即为洲际酒店及度假村品牌做出杰出贡献并属于高级优悦会成员级别 |
BAT Forecast | Business Alignment Team Forecast 商业联盟预测 |
BCE | Branded Consumer Experience 品牌宾客体验 |
BFR | Best Flex Rate 最优上门散客价 |
Breakage | The percentage of PCR points that are expected to go un-redeemed, as estimated by an actuarial model. 预测优悦会积分兑换比率,类似精算模式 |
BTA | Business Travel Agent– the same as TMC – Travel Management Company 商务旅游旅行社 |
C&I | Conference and Incentive 会议和奖励 The two sales gments relating to conference and incentive group travel. |
Competitive Set | GM defined local hotels (usually four or five) with which a particular hotel competes. 竞争对手 |
Franchie | An operator who us a brand under licence from the brand owner. 特许经营人 |
Franchisor | The brand owner who licences brands for u by other operators. 授予特许者 |
GBS | Global Brand Services (1 of 8 business units). Responsible for the delivery of brand rvices such as rervations offices globally, and the definition of tho brand standards that apply globally. 全球品牌服务 |
GSA | General Sales Agent 总经纪人 |
GSS | Global Sales Support. 全球销售支持 |
HHFI | Holiday Hospitality Franchising Inc. 假日酒店特许经营股份有限公司 |
IBT | Individual Business Travellers 个体商务旅行者 |
KNR | Key Negotiated Rate 关键协议费率 |
LNR | Local Negotiated Rate 当地协议汇率 |
LIRG | Lowest Internet Rate Guarantee. 最低网站预定保证 |
PCR | 英语语感 Priority Club Rewards 优悦会 |
PFP | Pay for Performance. The collective name for all revenue generation programmes not covered by a franchie's rervations or marketing asssments. The include VCRO, MACRO and Affiliate marketing. 按效果付费(联营模式) |
PIP | Property Improvement Plan. A detailed review of a hotel property asssing what improvements/investments are required for the property to meet brand standards. 资产改进计划 |
PP | Priority Privilege 优先特权 |
RPC | Redeemed Point Cost. The estimated cost to the PCR fund of redeeming one of the outstanding points awarded to PCR members. Bad on the estmated % of points that will be redeemed plus the current amount of money paid to hotels or third parties for redemptions. 积分回收 |
PSC | Priority Sales Campaign 优先促销活动 |
RFP | Request for Proposal 提案申请 |
SRDT | Sales and Revenue Diagnostic Tool. 销售收益诊断工具 |
SSP | Strategic Sales Path 战略销售途径 |
Human Resource Acronyms | |
EEO | Equal Employment Opportunities 均等就业机会 |
EOWA | Equal Opportunity Woman Agency (Australia Only) 妇女均等就业机会机构(仅在澳大利亚) |
KPO | Key Performance Objectives 主要绩效标准 |
LTO | Labour Turn Over 劳动力流动 |
MTD | Manager, Talent Development 管理层与人才发展 |
MTM | Manager, Talent Management 管理层与人才管理 |
PDP | Performance Development Plan 个人发展计划 |
PDR | Performance Development Review 个人发展回顾 |
STI | Short Term Incentive 短期激励 |
Risk Management Acronyms | |
LTI | Lost time injuries 浪费机会的损害 |
APRM | Asia-Pacific Risk Management 亚太地区风险管理 |
HACCP | Hazard Analysis Critical Control Path (Food Safety) 危害分析临界控制途径 |
ERT | Emergency Respon Team 紧急反应小组 |
OSH | Occupational Safety & Health 职业安全 |
OHS | Occupational Health & Safety 职业保障 |
RTW | Return to Work 复工 |
FLS | Fire Life Safety 消防救生索及配件系列 |
FPMM | Fire protection maintenance management 消防防护维修管理 |
RCD | Residual Current device 漏电保护器 |
GFI | Ground Fault Interrupter 断电器 |
Alphabetical Acronyms按字母排序 | ||
ADR | Average Daily Rate. The average realid price per room sold in a hotel or channel. Total rooms revenue divided by total rooms sold. 日均房价:在酒店或其他渠道的平均销售房价。总房间销售额除以销售房间数。 | |
Affiliates | Independent internet sites who provide a click-through link to an IHG owned website and receive a commission when a booking is made. 联盟网页:独立的网站提供洲际集团网页的链接,从而由此得到的预定 | |
Ambassador | The pay to join sub-programme of Priority Club Rewards, offering a higher level benefits in the InterContinental Hotels and Resorts brand only plus high level PCR membership. 支付给参加优悦会主要项目的人员,即为洲际酒店及度假村品牌做出杰出贡献并属于高级优悦会成员级别 | |
ANZSP | Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific 澳大利亚,新西兰和南太平洋 | |
APRM | Asia-Pacific Risk Management 亚太地区风险管理 | |
ARI | Average Rate Index Calculated by dividing the hotel’s average room rate by the average of the competitor t market rate. 平均房价指数:酒店平均房价除以市场同期竞争者平均房价 工作自我介绍 | |
BAT Forecast | Business Alignment Team Forecast 商业联盟预测 | |
BCE | Branded Consumer Experience 品牌宾客体验 | |
BFR | Best Flex Rate 最优上门散客价 | |
Breakage | The percentage of PCR points that are expected to go un-redeemed, as estimated by an actuarial model. 预测优悦会积分兑换比率,类似精算模式 | |
BTA | Business Travel Agent– the same as TMC – Travel Management Company 商务旅游旅行社 | |
C&I | Conference and Incentive会议和奖励 The two sales gments relating to conference and incentive group travel. | |
CAM | Capital Ast Management 资本资产管理 | |
CAP | Compliance Assurance Process. 担保依法纳税措施 | |
CAPEX | Capital Expenditure 资本支出 | |
CCA | Capital construction authorization 基本建设批准 | |
CMH | Company Managed Hotel. Includes hotels that are owned and operated hotels, and tho operated under management agreement. 酒店管理公司:包括自行经营酒店方和酒店管理方 | |
Competitive Set | GM defined local hotels (usually four or five) with which a particular hotel competes. 竞争对手 | |
Confirmation | The percentage of offered calls in a CRO that actually turn into bookings. 确认预定百分比 | |
COO | Chief Operating Officer 首席营运官 | |
COS/COGS | Cost of Sales or Cost of Goods Sold 销售成本 | |
CPC | Customer Profit Contribution. The revenue supplied by a customer in a yield contribution model, minus the cost undertaken to rvice, complete the sale and the displaced revenues (‘Displacement’ is a measure of demand that was declined as a result of accepting this business.) 客户利润贡献 在收入贡献模型中,来自客户的收入减去所发生的服务成本,就得到销售与因(业务)替代分流的总利润.其中所谓的替代分流是指由于使用本业务而减少的对其它业务的需求. | |
CRM | Cluster Revenue Manager. A Revenue Manager with responsibilities for more than one hotel. 区域收益管理经理:其职责超过1家酒店。 | |
CRO | Central Rervations Office 狗一直吐中央订房办公室 | |
CROCCE | Cash Return on Cash Capital Employed. 使用资本额的现金收益 | |
CRS | Central Rervation System. Holidex Plus being rolled out globally replacing Holidex and Global II 中央预定系统 | |
CSA | Control Self-Asssment (online internal control questionnaire) 内部控制自我评估 | |
CSS | Central Shared Services 中央共享服务 | |
CTP | Contribution to Profit The hotel’s contribution to IHG’s Profit – (Total of management and incentive fees). 收益贡献:酒店提交给洲际集团的收益(包含管理费和提成) | |
ECS | Electronic Commission Services. The group that manages our outsourcing partner and internal systems which make sure travel agent commissions are paid by our hotels (the TACP programme). 在线佣金服务系统 | |
EEO | Equal Employment Opportunities 均等就业机会 | |
EMEA | Europe, Middle East and Africa 欧洲、中东和非洲 | |
EMERO | The EMEA Central Rervations Office (call centre) located in Amsterdam. 位于阿姆斯特丹的欧洲、中东、非洲中央预定办公室 | |
EOWA | Equal Opportunity Woman Agency (Australia Only) 妇女均等就业机会机构(仅在澳大利亚) | |
ERT | Emergency Respon Team 紧急反应小组 | |
ES | Employee Survey 员工满意度调查 | |
FAM | Finance and Ast Management (1 of 8 business units). Responsible for corporate management reporting, external financial reporting, Tax, Treasury, IR capital and project appraisals. 财务及资产管理:对企业管理报告负责,外部财务报告,税收,财政,风险资本和项目评估。 | |
FIS | Franchi Information System. 加盟信息体系 | |
Flow-through | The percentage of change in revenue that flows through to profit against last year or budget. GOP is usually ud as the profit measure. Also known as drop through. 收入变化率计入去年或预算利润.通常用营业总收入测算利润.也称为直接测算. | |
FLS | Fire Life Safety 消防救生索及配件系列 | |
FPMM | Fire protection maintenance management 消防防护维修管理 | |
Franchie | An operator who us a brand under licence from the brand owner. 特许经营人 | |
Franchisor | The brand owner who licences brands for u by other operators. 授予特许者 | |
GBS | Global Brand Services (1 of 8 business units). Responsible for the delivery of brand rvices such as rervations offices globally, and the definition of tho brand standards that apply globally. 全球品牌服务 | |
GDS | Global Distribution System 全球分销系统 | |
GFI | Ground Fault Interrupter 断电器 | |
GOP | Gross Operating Profit before fixed costs and overheads, i.e. before management fees, rent/lea expen, tax, insurance, interest, depreciation, amortisation, gain/loss on sale of property. 毛营业利润: 扣除各项固定费用如管理费,租借费,税收,保险,利息,折旧费,分摊费,损益。 | |
GOPPAR | Gross operating Profit per available room. (revenue after variable costs) 每间房间的毛营业利润 | |
GRR | Gross Rooms Revenue. 房间毛利润 | |
GSA | General Sales Agent 总经纪人 | |
GSS | Guest Satisfaction Index (the key measure within GSTS) 宾客满意度指数 | |
GSS | Global Sales Support. 全球销售支持 | |
GSTS | Guest Satisfaction Tracking System 宾客满意度追踪系统 | |
HACCP | Hazard Analysis Critical Control Path (Food Safety) 危害分析临界控制途径 | |
HHFI | Holiday Hospitality Franchising Inc. 假日酒店特许经营股份有限公司 | |
HIRO | Hotel Inventory Rervation Optimir. The revenue maximisation or yield management system whereby information about guest demand for a particular hotel is compiled and analyd on a hotel by hotel basis and is then ud to suggest “Hurdle” values bad on this analysis. It is a highly automated system which assists individual hotels in their management of rates bad on patterns and statistical insights derived from the hotel's operating history. 酒店空房预订优化系统(方案) 酒店收入最大化或称酒店生产管理系统,它收集(酒店的)客户需求(信息),并对酒店进行逐个分析,基于这样的分析,系统(可为酒店)提供临界(障碍)值.这是一个高度自动化的管理系统,可以根据酒店类型和酒店历史数据的统计信息帮助各个酒店进行费用(入住率)管理. | |
HMA | Hotel management agreement. The agreement under which the owner of a hotel contracts out the operation of the ast. Sometimes called an OMA. 酒店管理协议 | |
HMG | Hotel Management Group 酒店管理团队 | |
IBP | Integrated Business Plan Forms integral part of budget process and ud to track actual sales compared to budget and forecast. Also contains rolling forecast for next 12 months. 整合的企业管理流程计划:预算组成部分,采用实际销售与预算比较及预测跟踪反馈系统,同时也包含对未来12月的滚动预测 | |
IBT | Individual Business Travellers 个体商务旅行者 | |
ICONS | The marketing programme of key product and rvice standards to differentiate the InterContinental brand (no longer ud). | |
IDS | Internet Distribution Systems (e.g. Hotwire, Priceline, Orbitz, Travelweb, Travelocity, Expedia) 互联网分销体系 | |
IGU | Income Generating Unit. Ud in financial accounting to aggregate hotels into homogeneous groupings. 收益产出单元:用于财务生成酒店同品牌体系计算 | |
IRR | Initial rate on return 回报初始率 | |
KNR | Key Negotiated Rate 关键协议费率 | |
KPO | Key Performance Objectives 主要绩效标准 | |
LIRG | Lowest Internet Rate Guarantee. 最低网站预定保证 | |
LNR | Local Negotiated Rate 当地协议汇率 | |
LOI | Letter of Intent 意向书 | |
LTI | Lost time injuries 浪费机会的损害 | |
LTO | Labour Turn Over 劳动力流动 | |
MACRO | Market Area Central Rervations Office The system by which all rervations for properties in a given market are forwarded to a dedicated, specially trained team bad in one of our central rervations offices. A fee is levied on the hotel bad on the volume of calls handled. 市场区域中央预定办公室 | |
MMR | Manager’s Monthly Report 经理月度报告 | |
MPI | Market Penetration Index Calculated by dividing the hotel’s actual market share by fair market share. 市场渗透指数,酒店实际市场份额除以平均市场占有率 | |
MTD | Manager, Talent Development 管理层与人才发展 | |
MTM | Manager, Talent Management 管理层与人才管理 | |
Net RevCo | Net revenue per call offered. A key efficiency measure for the CRO which measures the amount of money generated per call through to the CRO. 每个所打电话的净收益 | |
NOP | Nett operating profit 净营业利润 | |
OHS | Occupational Health & Safety 职业保障 | |
OSH | Occupational Safety & Health 职业安全 | |
OSI | Overall Satisfaction Index. 总体满意度指数 | |
P2P | Pay 2 Produce 货到付款 | |
PAF | Personnel Action Form 个人行动表格 | |
PCR | Priority Club Rewards 优悦会 | |
PDP | Performance Development Plan 个人发展计划 | |
PDR | Performance Development Review 个人发展回顾 | |
PFP | Pay for Performance. The collective name for all revenue generation programmes not covered by a franchie's rervations or marketing asssments. The include VCRO, MACRO and Affiliate marketing. 按效果付费(联营模式) | |
PIP | Property Improvement Plan. A detailed review of a hotel property asssing what improvements/investments are required for the property to meet brand standards. 资产改进计划 | |
PMS | Property Management System 资产管理体系 | |
PP | Priority Privilege 优先特权 | |
PSC | Priority Sales Campaign 优先促销活动 | |
QES | Quality Evaluation System质量评估体系 A tool ud to measure the consistency of compliance of our hotels and resorts to product and rvice standards relevant to hotel brand. | |
RCD | Residual Current device漏电保护器 | |
RDOS | Regional Director of Sales区域销售总监 | |
RevPAR | Revenue Per Available Room Calculated by dividing the hotel’s rooms revenue by the number of rooms available. Rev Par will equal the hotel’s average room rate when occupancy is 100%. 房间总收益除以可用房总数。当入住率100%时,此用来平衡平均房价 | |
RevPASH | Revenue Per Available Seat Per Hour 每位每小时收益 | |
RFP | Request for Proposal 提案申请 | |
RGI | Revenue Generation Index Calculated by dividing the hotel’s Rev Par by the total Rev Par of your hotel’s direct competitors. 每间可售房收入除以竞争对手总可售房收入 | |
降血压药 | RGM | Regional General Manager 区域总经理 |
RMEC | Regional Major Expenditure Committee 区域支出委员会负责人 | |
ROCE | Return on Capital Employed, calculated as operating profit before exceptional items divided by net operating asts, less revaluation rerve but adding back written off goodwill. 已投资资本回报:主营业务收入(扣除额外项目)由净营业资产,极小重估价准备及商誉注销生成 | |
ROI | Return on Investment 投资利润率 | |
RPC | Redeemed Point Cost. The estimated cost to the PCR fund of redeeming one of the outstanding points awarded to PCR members. Bad on the estmated % of points that will be redeemed plus the current amount of money paid to hotels or third parties for redemptions. 积分回收 | |
RTW | Return to Work 复工 | |
SOP’s | Standard Operating Procedures 标准操作步骤 | |
SpendPAR | Total spend per available room – a better measure of total revenue in the hotel than RevPAR as it incorporates the performance of non-room revenue generating activities as part of the overall picture. 空房总支出-比RevPAR更好的衡量酒店总收入的方法,它包含总收入一部分的非房间收益 | |
SRDT | Sales and Revenue Diagnostic Tool. 销售收益诊断工具 | |
SSP | Strategic Sales Path 战略销售途径 | |
STI | Short Term Incentive 短期激励 | |
TACP | Travel Agent Commission Programme. The programme that stipulates how much a travel agent is paid by our hotels for taking a booking. 旅行社佣金项目:规定了一旦预定生成,旅游社的佣金支付 | |
TPI | Third Party Intermediary – Third party Companies such as “WotIf” and “Need it Now” that ll our room inventory on line. 第三方中介人 | |
TQM | Total Quality Management 全面质量管理 | |
VCRO | Virtual Central Rervations Office A tool for hotels to divert their in-hou after office hours rervation calls to the nearest CRO. 虚拟中央预定办公室 | |
WH&S OH&S | Workplace, Health and Safety 工作场所的卫生安全 Occupational, Health and Safety岗位卫生安全 | |
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