(1) credit standing 信用状况
(2) financial status 财务状况
(3) be in strict confidence 绝对保密
(4) modes of business 经营方式
(5) open an account 开立账户
(6) 小额交易 small business engagement
(7) 过额交易 overtrading
(8) 商业证明 trade reference
(9) 定额货代 standing credit
(10) 拖延付款 delay payment
(1) a trial order 试购订单
(2) duplicate order 重复订单
(3) outstanding order 未完成订单
(4) clo business 达成交易
(5) order sheet 订货单
(6) 第一次订货 initial order
(7) 存货清单 stock lines
(8) 接受订单 accept an order
(9) 取消订单 cancel an order
(10) 执行订单 carry out an order
(1) to cable a credit 电开信用证
(2) to amend a credit 修改信用证
(3) to extend a credit 延展信用证有效期
(4) to increa a credit 增加信用证面额
(5) recour repudiation 拒绝偿还
(6) 保兑信用证 confirmed L/C毛泽东沁园春长沙
(7) 可转让信用证 transferable L/C
中考英语满分作文(8) 有追索权信用证 with recour L/C
(9) 信用证余额 credit balance
(10) 通过银行开立信用证 to establish a credit through a bank
(1) waterproof 防水
(2) wooden ca 木箱
(3) In sound condition 完好无整
(4) registered trademark 注册商标
(5) packing instructions 包装要求
(6) standard export packing 标准出口包装
(7) 装箱单 packing list
(8) 以毛作净 gross for net
(9) 习惯包装 customary packing
(10) 中性包装 neutral packing
(11)适合海运的包装 aworthy packing
(12)运输标志 shipping mark
(1) on sb.’ s behalf 代表……
(2) for one’s account 由某方付费
(3) refer sb. to sth. 请……参看,参照
废物利用手工小制作(4) refund the premium to you 将保险费退还给你
(5) in the abnce of definite instructions 没有明确指示
(6) 免赔率 franchi
(7) 保险费 insurance premium
(8) 办理保险 arrange insurance
(9) 保险凭证 insurance certificate
(10) “仓至仓”条款 warehou to warehou clau (w/w clau)
(1) CCPIT 中国国际贸易促进委员会
(2) on going into the matter 经调查此事
(3) to hold no liability for sth. 不负赔偿责任
(4) take up the matter 着手处理这个问题
(5) at sb.’s disposal 由某人做主,由某人支配
(6) make compensation for sb.’s loss 补偿某人的损失
(7) 公正行 the public surveyor
(8) 不可抵抗 Force Majeure
(9) 仲裁裁决 Arbitration Award
(10) 无追索权 without recour
(11)承担责任 assume responsibility
(12)国际贸易仲裁委员会 Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission理想国读后感
(1) For information_______ our_______ we refer you to Bank of China, Shanghai Branch.
a. regards/credit standing b. as to/standing credit
c. involving/ credit standing d. concerning/ credit standing
(2) We should be grateful if you would say _______they are likely _______a credit up to USD10,000.
a. what/to be reliable for b. if/to be reliable at
c. whether/to be reliable for d. that/to be reliable of
(3) We understand that you will treat this information as_______.
a. confidence b. confident c. confidential d. confidently
南泉(4) Any information you kindly give us will be treated in strict confidence and_______ on your part.
a. without any responsibility b. hasn’t any responsibility
c. is no responsibility d. is not to have responsibility
(5) Will you plea inform us, _______ , of the extent of their resources and also as to their reputation?
a. with confidence b. in confidence
c. as confidential d. of confidentially
(6) We shall appreciate_______ us_______ an opinion as to the credit standing, respectability and responsibility of the following firm.
a. your providing/with b. provided/by
c. to provide/with d. your provision to/by
(7) Will you plea let us know_______ your experience_______ in your dealing with him?
a. how/are b. what/has been
a. which/is d. that/have had
(8) This firm is a_______ private company of import and export merchants, _______ in 1981.
a. high/registered b. height of/to register
c. highly/registered d. highest/to register
(9) We_______ consider the said firm quiet reliable for_______ engagement as you mention.
a. should/such as b. with/such as
c. shall/such a d. would/such like
(1) Plea ship the ten chests of tea_______ our Order No.2213 at an early date.
a. covered by b. covering