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王庆超Unit 10
在天愿作比翼鸟在地愿为连理枝The Largest Recipient of Foreign Capital引资第一大国所有权转让
艺术手法有哪些形容专注的成语>冯的繁体At the China Conference政治协商会上: The Year of Capital, held in Beijing on December 4, Shi Guangsheng石广生, Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, said that in 2002, for the first time, China became the largest recipient接受者 of foreign direct investment (FDI)外商直接投资 in the world. He predicted that this year's FDI in China would exceed $ 50 billion. 在12月4日于北京举行的“中国会议:资本年”上,外经贸部部长说,2002年中国第一次成为世界上吸收外国直接投资的“第一引资大国”。据他预计,中国今年利用外国直接投资将超过500亿美元。
Shi noted that this achievement has been accomplished through positive, rational理性的 and effective measures for utilizing foreign capital利用外资, under an overall situation of opening. 石广生表示:这一成就的取得是与全面开放的情况下,积极、理性及有效地利用国外投资分不开的。
China has maintained a strong momentum in utilizing foreign capital中国在利用外资过程中保持一种强劲的动力, while the FDI was declining globally然而,直接利用外资在全球正呈下降趋势. Latest statistics from the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (MOFTEC)对外贸易经济合作部的最新统计显示 show that by October 2002, the number of newly approved foreign-funded enterpris外资企业had reached 27,630, an increa of 35 percent over the same period of last year; contractual foreign capital hit契约性外资达 $ 75 billion, a ri of 36 percent: and actual u of foreign capital came to实际使用外资达 $ 44. 7 billion, up 20 percent. 中国在全球外资直接投资不断下降的情况下,中国依然保持着利用外资的强劲势头。外经贸的最新统计数据显示:到2002年10月,新批准设立的外商投资企业达27630家,比去年同期增长35%;合同外商投资金额达750亿美元,增长36%;实际外商投资447亿美元,增长了20%。
"According to the latest UN world investment report, China has 排名第一教育方法包括
among developing countries and regions for nine concutive years连续九年 in terms of attracting foreign capital吸引外资," Shi said. He added that 400 of the world's top 500 cor
porations世界500强企业 have t up enterpris in China. Moreover, the number of rearch and development institutions established by foreign business reached 400 in 2002, the number of foreign-funded enterpris totaled 420, 000, with contractual契约性foreign capital reaching $ 820.2 billion and actual u of foreign capital, $ 439.9 billion. “根据最新的联合国世界投资报告,中国已连续九年成为发展中国家及地区吸引外资的第一名。”石广生说。他补充说,在世界500强企业中,已有400家在中国开设公司。而且,外国企业所建立的研究及发展机构也已经达到400家。2002年,外商投资企业共有420000,合同外商投资金额达8202亿美元,实际外商投资4399亿美元。
At the same time, the industries and regional distributions分布 of foreign investment have been optimized使最优化. "Foreign investors have their focus the manufacturing ctor basic industries, infrastructure facilities and hi-tech industries, as well as to central and western regions," Shi said. He noted that as the readjustment of international industrial structures accelerated随着国际产业结构调整步伐地加快, foreign business have incread their investment in China, highlighting broadened scope扩大范围 and higher quality and level提高其质量与水平. China has become a priority for foreign investment.
Promising Prospects前景光明
A recent survey conducted by A.T. Kearney Inc., a global management consultant firm一家全球性管理咨询公司, indicates that China has surpasd the United States to become the most attractive destination for FDI. A.T.科尔尼公司,一个全球管理咨询公司的最新调查显示: 中国已经超过美国,成为最吸引外商直接投资的国家。
The survey shows that this year almost all countries experience a slide滑进 in FDI, except for China. The Chine market has attracted more and more investors toward the country's economic prospects.
Paul Laudicina, President of the Global Business Policy Council全球贸易政策委员会的总
裁 of A. T. Kearney, said that China's increasing attractiveness can be attributed to 归因于veral key factors: A huge market with a population of 1.3 billion, long-term and rapid economic growth, stable political situation and favorable investment environment稳定地政治局面、良好的投资环境, as well as its WTO accession and Beijing's successful bid投标,出价to host the 2008 Olympic Games. A.T.科尔尼公司全球商业政策委员会主席保罗·劳迪西那称,中国持续增长的吸引力可以归于以下几个主要原因:13亿人口的巨大市场,长期快速的经济发展,稳定的政治环境,有利的投资环境,以及加入WTO和北京成功申办2008年奥运会。
He noted that China has become a primary choice of manufacturing enterpris throughout the world他指出中国已经成为全世界制造业首选的国家. At prent, large conglomerates聚集 热心 tting up factories or joint ventures合资企业 in China, citing China’s advantage in raw materials and skilled laborers利用中国在原材料和熟练劳动力的优势. In addition, great potential in the financial, rvice and basic industries and telecommunications, as well as wholesale and retail sale ctors批发零售部门, also lures吸引,
foreign capital. 他指出,中国已经成为制造业企业在全世界范围内的第一位选择。目前,由于中国的自然资源丰富,有熟练的劳动力,因此联合大企业都热衷于在中国开设企业或是合资公司。而且,金融业、服务业、基础工业电讯业、商品批发零售业的巨大潜力都极大地吸引着外国资本地注入。
Laudicina added that about 4 million people with an annual income of more than $10,000 would be added to the world by 2005, half of which would be Chine. Strong purchasing power is also a reason for increasing FDI in China.
The survey shows that China is not only a FDI recipient, but also an investor. Last year, China's top 12 state-owned enterpris invested a total of $ 30 billion in foreign countries, equivalent to相当于that of all of Latin America. In addition, many small and medium-sized enterpris have also focud their attention on overas markets and invested in more than 40 countries. 调查显示,中国不仅只是一个引资国,同时也是投资国。去年,中国最大的12家国有企业在外国投资总额达300亿美元,相当于整个拉丁美洲的投资。而且还有很多小的及中等企业将目光放到海外市场,在40多个国家进行投资。
Better Environment for Investment
Minister Shi Guangsheng stated that China would continue to encourage introducing, exploring and creating new technologies鼓励引进、开发并创新技术, and promote foreign investors to establish capital-intensive投资密集的 and technologically advanced projects. "Efforts shall be made to strengthen policy guidance 以?方式 the limitations on the proportion of foreign capital in joint ventures and industrial equities资产净值," said Shi他说:“我们会致力于加强在合资企业及工业资产净值中外资受限的政策指导。”. He pointed out that China will further revi rules and regulations concerning foreign-funded shareholding股权 companies, perfect stipulations约定、契约 on the Build-Operate Transfer model and franchi operation and prompt foreign-funded enterpris' listing at home and abroad. 石广生部长表示,中国将继续鼓励引进、开发、创造新的科学技术,促进国外投资者建立资本密集型及高科技的项目。他说:“我们会致力于加强在合资企业及工业资产净值中外资受限的政策指导。”他指出,中国将修改涉及外资股权的法律法规,完善关于建构-操作的转变模式及特权操作的约定,鼓励国内外的外资企业投资。

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