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Enterpri standard forerunners for 2020 announced
With the collaborative efforts of China
National Institute of Standardization
(CNIS) and related industry associations,
2020 A nnual Sum m it of Enterpri
Standard Forerunner w as held on
December 19, 2020 in Beijing, to show
the latest progress in implementing the
enterpri standard forerunner system.
The system was initiated in 2018
by SAMR in collaboration with ven
橄榄油作用departments and commissions, in an
aim to support the national strategy
of building China into a great power of quality, promote high-quality development of industries and guide enterpris’transformation and upgrading. CNIS has undertaken the asssment and announcement of the forerunners since then, working actively to increa public awareness and extend influence of the system.
The event was addresd by Cui Gang, Director-General of Standards Innovative Management Department of SAMR, and attended by Liu Hongsheng, CNIS President. Zhang Xiaogang, former ISO President, delivered a keynote speech. Oiu Yueming, CNIS Vice President, presided over the event.
Ten industry associations incLuding China PetroLeum and ChemicaL Industry Association relead one hundred forerunner standards and a joint initiative. Seventy-six asssment bodies announced the first List of forerunners for 2020, incLuding 154 kinds of products/rvices, 331 enterpris and 453 standards. The event also kicked off the development of the first batch of association standards to support the implementation of the system in 2021.
Another highlight of the Summit was the ssion of sharing experience in implementing the system,
bringing together reprentatives from Local administration for market regulation, asssment and test bodies, industry associations, leading enterpris and renowned e-commerce companies.
PLea visit the official website of Enterpri Standard Forerunner Platform (www.qybzlp. com) to e the full List of the forerunners for 2020.
6CHINA ST A N D A RD IZ A TIO N January / February 2021
Enhanced management of eco-environment
The Ministry of Ecology and Environment recently issued the Administrative Measures
/〇厂 £co-e/?v/>〇A?r7?e A7t Stcinc/a厂ds to be enforced on February 2, 2021, to adapt to new
requirements for environmental management, with the promulgation of revid
Environmental Protection Law, Stondordizotion Law of China and other Laws and regulations.
The Measures puts forward the general guidelines and direction for China^ eco-
environment standardization work in the new era. Major revisions include improving
the standards system and standards categorization; adjusting the positioning of the role
of standards in each category and development principles; specifying requirements for
standards implementation; local standardization work; and adding regulations on the
asssment of standards implementation and information disclosure.
Key areas for adopting international standards in national standards
SAC issued the 2020 version of the G i//c/e/o厂/nfe厂naf/ooa/ Sfandc?厂c/5 /n A/af/o n a/ 5fG A7d c/厂ds
爱情天梯in Late November of 2020, identifying the key areas where national standards can be scheduled for
development and revision bad on advanced international standards.
Eight key areas include agriculture and food, consumer products, equipment manufacturing,
information technology and electric power, new materials, rvice ctor, social administration and
public rvice, as well as energy and resources. The aim is to support major national strategies,
promoting the Belt and Road Initiative, responding to major public events, meeting export and import
demand, and helping create a new “dual circulation” development pattern.
Related departments and technical committees are also required to take proactive actions in
supporting the adoption of advanced international standards in national standards.
2021 January / February CHINA ST A N D A R D IZ A T IO N7
Standardizing financial informationization
The National Standardization Working Group for Financial Informationization
was t up to guide and support standardization work in the area. SAMR Vice-
Minister and SAC Administrator Tian Shihong and Vice Minister of Finance Xu
Hongcai addresd the inaugural meeting held virtually on December 29, 2020.
电动马桶More than 50 experts including director, deputy director and cretary of the
working group attended the event.
The working group will rve as a uful platform for promoting connectivity, coordination and exchanges in financial management and informationization,
said Tian.
SAC/SWC 18 on baby & children products established
The inauguration m eeting together with the annual m eeting of National Standardization Working Group on Baby & Children Products (SAC/SWG 18) was held on December 22, 2020 in Guangzhou. The event was addresd by Chen Hongjun, Deputy Director-General of Standards Technical Management Department of SAMR, and attended by some 200 reprentatives from MIIT, General Administration of Customs, China National Light Industry Council, relevant industries, etc.
China boasts more than 20,000 manufacturers of baby & children’s products, with annual output and export exceeding RMB 650 billion and USD 50 billion respectively. People now have increasing and stricter requirements for the category, function, quality and safety of tho products, which prents urgent needs for standards for the cross- ctor industry that involves multiple disciplines. SAC/SWG 18, which integrated nearly 20 conventional ctors such as textiles and coating materials, was established just in time, pointed out Chen.
He stresd the future priorities of the working group, including improving standards system for baby & children products, establishing coordination and management mechanism for the cross-ctor, interdisciplinary industry, actively participating in international standardization activities, and enhancing standards publicity.
8CHINA ST A N D A R D IZ A T IO N January / February 2021
Improving the quality of water and air by standards
The Ministry of Ecology and Environment recently relead 15 new national standards on environmental protection in respon to the needs of social and economic development and eco- environmental regulation.
Specifications for environmental monitoring of groundwater and coastal waters w\\l be more harmonized with the implementation of HJ 164-2020, HJ 442. (l-10)-2020 and other 9 newly published standards in the area, helping strengthen monitoring. HJ 1147-2020 and HJ 1150-2020 will help improve the determination of basic water quality indexes and monitoring of specific water pollutants. H J 1153-2020 and H J 1154-2020 are aimed at promoting coordinated control of fine particulate matters (PM 2.5) and ozone and standardizing the monitoring of volatile organic components.
Tho standards will help guide the technological development of air, water, groundwater and offshore waters monitoring, improve the quality of eco-environment monitoring data and support eco-environment management, thereby contributing to the fight against pollution.
An overall picture of China’s association
The 2020 Report on the Development of Association Standards,a book written by CNIS was published in November, which made an objective overview of the status quo,
highlights and results of association standards development in China.
The Report encompass association standards policies issued in 2018 and 2019 and provides a clear picture of standards development bad on the data that have been
relead so far on the National Platform of Association Standards Information. It also
lects 14 associations from the Platform who have actively participated in association
standards activities to uncover their strengths.
On the other hand, the document provides ca studies of association standards carefully chon from the fields of automotive aftermarket, electric motor, green
manufacturing, intelligent transport and others to vividly describe good experience and
practices in the development, relea and implementation of association standards.
2021 January / February CHINA S T A N D A R D IZ A T IO N9
Natural resources monitoring to be improved
The Ministry of Natural Resources issued the Standards System for the Investigation and Monitoring
of Natural Resources (Trial)on January 1, 2021. Taking into full account of the existing standards in
the fields of Land, minerals, forest, grassland, waters, wetland and oceans, the Standards System penetrates the whole process of natural resources investigation and monitoring.
The document classifies standards into 5 categories from the aspects of general u, investigation, monitoring, analysis and asssment, as well as results and application. It Lays out national and ctor standards that are to be developed within 3 years and tho that have been relead or are under development, and future trends of standardization demands in the area.
New platform established to enhance GBA cooperation
The first Association Standards Service
P la tfo rm for P ro m o tin g T e c h n o lo g ic a l
Innovation in the G uangdong-H ong Kong-
Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) was Launched at
the GBA Innovation and Cooperation Meeting
taking place on December 2, 2020 in Nansha
District of Guangzhou.
九色鸟The Platform was developed with the joint
试着忘记efforts of Nansha District Bureau for Market
Regulation, CNIS and Guangzhou Institute of
Standardization, to promote mutual recognition of association standards and explore a new pattern for greater industrial connectivity among the three regions.
Several associations from the three regions have jointly relead an association standard on product tracking management bad on bLockchain technology, the first GBA association standard. The Area also published the mosaic terminology of precious metal adornment, a uniform specification for mosaic processing to enhance industrial cooperation among the three regions.
At prent, more than 150 associations and enterpris have been registered at the Platform and are actively working on more than 20 joint association standards in such fields as artificial intelligence, 3D printing, rvices, and agriculture.
10C HIN A S T A N D A R D IZ A T IO N January / February 2021

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