2016 届本科毕业创作(设计)说明书
装饰画——《海 蕴》
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院 系: 美术学院
冬虫夏草如何食用 专 业: 美 术 学
学跟踪路由命令 号: *********
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2016 年 5月2日
摘 要
Decorative Painting <Natural Sea Beauty>
The a, she was very trend, the amount of all-encompassing; She hosted history, in order to ship, life, inheriting civilization. And who can know, however, the a, like people, also has the joys and sorrows, there are sad and sorrowful. Marine pollution problems in the real life more and more rious, once, the vast a of wide now becomes cloudy, I am a graduate of creation in the form of decoration, environmental pollution, Marine pollution in real life with a ries of decoration, each picture has a a of highly accumulate pollution of Marine life as the principal part of the picture to show their life's pollution a aggregates. Proposition a accumulate, accumulate containing, inclusive of the meaning is, ocean encompass everything, she tolerate the garbage pollution,
but hold the degree is limited. So want to through this theme decoration arou the awareness to protect the environment, reduce pollution, green living.
Through the work, showing their dislike of the environmental pollution in our daily life, and called on everyone to protect the nature, protect the ecological environment. Through the creation performance theme and the u of material, u the adornment design of the aesthetic and cultural concept to arou the consciousness of protecting the environment, beautify life effect, in order to improve people's quality of life. By further enhance the understanding of the artistic creation, improve the art accomplishment.
Key Words
Natural Sea Beauty; All-encompassing. Green living; Artistic accomplishment
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