纤维与纱线 Fibers and Yarns
1.纤维鉴别Fiber Identification
2.纤维含量Fiber Content
3.纱线细度Yarn fineness
4.纤维长度Fiber length
5.纱线强力Yarn strength
6.纱线捻度Yarn Twist
7.回潮率Moisture Regain
爱丽丝漫游奇境记8.化纤长丝分析Synthetic filament Analysis
物理性能 Physical properties
1.经纬密度(Fabric Density)
2.针织物线圈密度(Knitted fabric coil density)
3.纱支(Yarn count)
4.起毛起球(Pilling resistance)
5.质量/克重量(Fabric Weight)
6.厚度(Fabric thickness)
7.水洗缩率(Washing shrinkage)
8.气蒸缩率(Gas Steam shrinkage)
9.干洗缩率(Dry shrinkage)
10.洗后外观(appearance after laundering)
11.拉伸强力(Tensile strength)
12.撕破强力(Tearing strength)
如何破解手机锁屏密码13.胀破强力(Bursting strength)
立体摄影14.接缝滑移(Seam slippage)
15.折痕答复性(Crea recoverability)
17.荧光分析(Fluorescence Analysis)
18.棉结杂质(Nep impurity)
19.护理标签/水洗提议(care labeling recommendation)色牢度Color Fastness Test
1.耐洗色牢度(Color fastness to washing )
2.耐摩擦色牢度(Color fastness to rubbing)
3.耐汗渍色牢度(Color fastness to perspiration)
4.耐水色牢度(Color fastness to water)
粗心反义词5.耐日晒色牢度(Color fastness to light)
6.耐唾液色牢度(Color fastness to saliva)
7.耐干洗色牢度(Color fastness to drycleaning)
8.耐熨烫色牢度(Color fastness to Ironing)对父亲说出我爱你
9.耐刷洗色牢度(Color fastness to scrubbing)
10.耐漂白色牢度(Color fastness to Bleaching)
11.耐干热色牢度(Color fastness to dry heat)
12.耐甲醛色牢度(Color fastness to Formaldehyde)
生态纺织品 Eco-textile
1. PH值(PH value)
2. 甲醛含量(Formaldehyde content)
3. 禁用偶氮染料(AZO Dyes content)
4. 致癌染料(Carcinogenic dye)
5. 致敏染料(Sensitized dye)
6. 含氯苯酚(Chlorinated Phenols)
7. 邻苯基苯酚(O-phenylphenol)
8. 有机锡化合物(Organic Tin Compounds)
9. 可萃取重金属(Extractable Metal Content)
10. 六价铬(Chromium VI)
11. 总铅/总镉(Total Lead/Cadmium)
12. 镍释放量(Nickel relea)
13. 邻苯二甲酸盐(Phthalates)
14. 富马酸二甲酯(DMF,Dimethyl Fumarate)
15. 二甲苯(Xylene)
16. 有机氯载体(chlorinated Organic carriers)
17. 禁用纤维(Disable Fiber)
18. 气味(Peculiar smell)
功能性检测Textile Functional Property Test
1. 燃烧性能(Flammability)
2. 耐磨性(Abrasion Resistance)
3. 静水压(Hydrostatic pressure)
4. 表面抗湿性(Resistance to surface wetting)
5. 透气性(Air permeability)
6. 防水性(Water Repellency)
7. 防油性(Oil Repellency)
产品测试Product Tests
1.国家纺织基本安全技术规范(GB 18401)National general safety technical specification for textile products
2.羽毛羽绒检测 Feather & Down Test
3.棉花品质检查 Cotton Test
4.衬衫 Shirts
5.棉服装 Cotton wadded clothes
6.婴幼儿服装 Knitted garment and adornment for infant
7.袜子 Hosiery
皂洗牢度 washing
摩擦牢度 rubbing/crocking
汗渍牢度 perspiration
干洗牢度 drycleaning宝贝我爱你
光照牢度 light
水渍牢度 water
氯漂白 chlorine bleach spotting
非氯漂白 non-chlorine bleach
漂白 bleaching
实际洗涤(水洗一次) actual laundering (one wash) 氯化水 chlorinated water
含氯泳池水 chlorinated pool water
海水 a-water
酸斑 acid spotting
碱斑 alkaline spotting
水斑 water spotting
有机溶剂 organic solvent
煮呢 potting
湿态光牢度 wet light
染料转移 dye transfer
热(干态)dry heat
热压 hot pressing
印花牢度 print durability