翻译:风筝 (鲁迅)对比
(a) Kite (translation: alexcwlin/edit: adam。L)
(b) The Kite (杨宪益、戴乃迭 译)
(c) Kite (刘士聪译)
(a) It is wintertime in Beijing. The ground is covered with thick snow. Leafless tree—branches in greyish-black color reach into the clear sunny sky. A couple of kites floating high in the air at distance saddle me with a feeling of bewilderment and melancholy.
(b) A Peking winter dismays and depress me: the thick snow on the ground and the bare trees' ashen branches thrusting up towards the clear blue sky, while in the distance one or two skies arefloating。
(c) When,in late winter in Beijing,there was still snow on the ground and, up in the air,an entanglement of dark-gray bare branches against a sunny sky,a couple of kites were al万古长什么成语
ready fluttering up and down in the distance - a sight that filled me with amazement and forlornness。
(a) The kite-flying ason of my hometown is around February in springtime. If you happen to hear rustling sound of wind—wheels, look up and you would e a grayish—black crab—shaped kite or a light-blue centipede-shaped kite。
(b) At home, the time for kites is early spring。 When you hear the whirr of a wind—wheel, you rai your head to e a grey crab-kite or a soft blue centipede—kite.
(c) In my hometown,kites were flown in early spring. When you heard the whirring of wind—wheels and looked up,you saw a darkish crab—kite or one rembling a centipede of limpid blue。
(a) There is also the solitary tile-shaped kite which doesn’t have wind-wheels。 Helplessly it flies at low altitude with a worn—out and piteous look.
(b) Or there may be a solitary tile—kite, without wind wheel and flown too low, looking pathetically lonely and forlorn.
(c) There were one or two others in the shape of old—fashioned tiles, without wheels. They flew at a lower level慢一点点,looking lonely and shriveled森林防火安全教案,arousing a n of compassion.
(a) At this time, the foliating willows and budding wild—peaches on the ground complement tho children’s high-flying adornments to fill a warm spring's day。
(b) By this time, though, the willows on the ground are putting out shoots, and the early mountain peaches have budded。 Set off by the children's fancy work in the sky, together they make up the warmth of spring.
(c) Around this time of the year,poplars and willows began to sprout,and new buds appeared on the early mountain peaches,forming a picture complete with the sky decorated by the kids with their kites,a picture that gave you the feel of the warmth of spring.
(a) And where am I now? I am surrounded by bitter cold in all directions, but then a reminder of the long—gone springtime of my hometown is now going up and down in the sky。
(b) Where am I now? All round me dread winter reigns, while the long—departed spring of mylong—forgotten home is floating in this northern sky。
(c) But,where was I now?Standing in the midst of the vere and desolate winter,I felt the spring of my hometown rippling in the air,the spring that had been long gone。
(a) Kite-flying is never my cup of tea。 Not only that I dislike it, I hate it with a passion becau I always think that is something an unmotivated kid would do.
(b) Yet I never liked flying kites. Far from liking kites, in fact, I detested them as playthings of good—for-nothing children。
(c) I had never enjoyed flying kites and,further,I detested it,thinking that it was the play of kids of little promi。
(a) My little brother is the opposite. At that certain time he was around ten years old, sick all the time and skinny as a twig. He loved flying kites.
(b) My young brother was just the rever。 He must then have been about ten, often fell ill and was fearfully thin, but his greatest delight was kites.
(c) My younger brother,however,about ten years of age then,weak and thin,freq
uently troubled with sickness,was crazy about kites.
(a) He couldn't afford to buy a kite, and I wouldn’t allow him to fly one. All he could do was to gaze at the sky in fascination with his mouth open, and sometimes for duration of almost half-a-day.
(b) Unable to buy one andforbidden by me to fly one, he would stand for hours at a time,
his small lips parte in longing, gazing raptly at the sky.
(c) Unable to afford it and deprived of the access to it by this elder brother of his,he would stand there,his tiny mouth open in a gape,watching upward, sometimes for hours running。
(a) When a crab—shaped kite from afar fell off the sky, he would scream in amazement. When two tile—shaped kites became dintangled, he would jump up and
down for joy. In my view, what he did was laughable and contemptuous.
(b) If a distant crab like suddenly came down, he would utter a cry of dismay; if the strings of two tile—kites became dintangled, he would jump and skip for joy。 This struck me as absurd and contemptible.
(c) When,all of a sudden,循循教导the crab—kite in the distance plummeted,he would gasp with surpri; when two tile—kites got twisted and then taken apart,he would jump with joy. To me,all the spontaneities of his were contemptible and despicable.
(a) One day I suddenly realized I hadn’t en him for many days but I did remember eing him collect fallen bamboo twigs in the backyard。
(b) One day it occurred to me I had not en much of him lately, but I had noticed him picking up bamboo sticks in the backyard.
(c) (Translation of this part missing in source.)
(a) Then it dawned on me。 I ran to a ldom-visited storage shed and opened the door. As expected, I found him among a pile of dust-covered stuff.
(b) The truth dawned on me in a flash. I ran to a small derted store-room and, sure enough, as I pushed open the door I discovered him there in the midst of the dusty debris.
(c) (Translation of this part missing in source.)
(a) He was sitting on a small stool facing a big square chair。 He stood up in shock; his face turned pale and he started to quiver。
(b) He had been sitting on a foot-stool in front of a big square stool; but now, standing up in confusion, he changed colour and shrank back.
(c) (Translation of this part missing in source.)
(a) Leaning against the square chair were the bamboo ribs of a butterfly kite and the paper cover had not been pasted. On the chair was a pair of wind—wheels for the eyes. They were being decorated with red paper strips and clo to completion。
(b) Propped up against the big stool was the bamboo framework of a butterfly kite, not pasted yet with paper; while on the stool lay two small wind-wheels for the butterfly’s eyes, which he had just been beautifying with red paper。 This work was nearly done.
(c) (Translation of this part missing in source.)
(a) I felt lf—satisfied in exposing his hidden cret and infuriated at him for making extra efforts in fooling me to do such nonnsical kid’s game. In the heat of all the, I reached out and broke a rib of the butterfly's wing, and then threw the wind—wheels on
观赏竹the floor and stepped on them。
(b) I was plead to have found out his cret; but furious that he could deceive me so long,
while he toiled so singly-heartedly to make the toy of a good-for nothing child. I ized the framework at once and broke one of its wings, then swept the wheels to the ground and trampled on them.
(c) I snatched up the kite and broke off one of its wings and,throwing the wheels on the ground,crushed them with my foot。
(a) In terms of age and brute strength, he was not my match. Of cour it was a total victory for me. I strutted out and left him standing in the shed in devastation. I didn’t know or care what happened afterwards。
(b) In size and strength he was no match for me; so of cour I came off completely victorious。 Then I stalked out proudly, leaving him standing in despair in that little room.
What he did after that I neither knew nor cared。
(c) He was no match for me,physically and agewi。I crowned with clean victory,of cour. I walked out of the room,with my head lifted,leaving 共商国是什么意思him behind where he was in despair。
(a) I finally received my just derts. Long after we went our own ways and I reached middle age, I regrettably stumbled upon a foreign book about children。 After reading it, I found out playing games would be normal behavior for children and toys would be little angels to them。
(b) But retribution came to me at last, long after our parting, when I was already middle—age。 I was unlucky enough to read a foreign book on children, from which I learned for the first time that play is a child’s best occupation, and playthings his good angels。
(c) Until,accidentally and unfortunately,I had read a book by a foreign author about children,I did not know that children had a hundred and one reasons to play and toys were their angels.
(a) Suddenly the long—forgotten scene in which I mentally abud him at our childhood age twenty years ago emingly was replayed right in front of my very eyes; at the same time, my heart sank like a piece of very heavy lead。
(b) At once this childhood tyranny over the spirit, forgotten for more than twenty years, came to my mind; and that instant my heart emed to turn to lead and sink heavily down and down。
(c) The thing I did of actually a soul-torturing nature,which had been abnt from my memory for the past twenty years,suddenly began to unfold itlf in my minds eye,turning my heart into a clod of lead that kept sinking with an increasing heaviness。
(a) My sinking heart didn’t hit bottom, but just kept sinking lower and lower.
(b) My heart did not break; it simply sank down and down。
(c) (Translation of this part missing in source。)
(a) I knew how to make up to him, such as buying him a kite, encouraging him to fly a kite, and accompanying him to fly a kite. We could shout, run and laugh together。 But by the time he was at that age with a beard just like me.
(b) I knew how I could make it up to him: give him a kite, approve of his flying it, urge him to fly it, and fly it with him。 We could shout, run, laugh! 。.. But by this time he, like me, had l
ong had a moustache.
(c) I knew how to make up for it then. I could give him a kite and encourage him to fly it,or I could even go and fly it with him。 We would run and shout and laugh together. But,like mylf,by this time he had long been wearing a beard.
(a) I also knew another way for redemption, and that would be to ask for his forgiveness。 Once he said: “I’m not a bit bitter about you”, then a great burden would be lifted off my mind。 That would be a practical solution。
(b) I knew another way I could make it up to him: go to ask his forgiveness, and wait for him to say:”But I didn't blame you at all." Then, surely, my heart would grow lighter。 Yes, this way was feasible.
(c) There was another way to make up,I knew. I could go and ask him to forgive me and then wait until he said,“Why,I never put the blame on you!
(a) At one time when we met, our faces had been furrowed with the grind of life and I was heavy—hearted。
(b) There came a day when we met。 The hardships of life had left their marks on our faces, and my heart was very heavy。
(c) Once,we came together when both our faces were full of lines engraved with the bitterness of life,and my heart was very heavy,indeed.
(a) Gradually our conversation turned to tidbits in the old days when we were little. I recounted the episode and admitted it was a youth's folly。 I was thinking he was about to say: “I’m not a bit bitter about you.” Then I would be forgiven right away and a load w
ould be lifted off my mind forever。
(b) We fell to talking of childhood happenings, and I referred to this episode, admitting that I had been a thoughtless boy. “But I didn’t blame you at all,” I thought he would say. Then I should have felt forgiven, and my heart would henceforth have been lighter。
(c) Soon the conversation turned to our childhood days and I mentioned the story about the kite,saying with regret what a barmy boy I was then.
(a) “Did it really happen?" He laughed in amazement as if he were listening to someone el’s story. He didn’t remember a thing。
(b) ”Did that really happen?” he smiled incredulously, as if he were hearing a tale about something el. It had slip。
(c) “Did it ever happen between us?”He smiled with amazement,as if it were a story about someone el. Obviously he remembered nothing about it。
(a) It was totally forgotten。 How could there be forgiveness if there was no bitterness? To feel good about receiving a pardon from someone without a grain of bitterness in heart, I might as well lie to mylf。
(b) The thing was completely forgotten, with no hard feelings. In that ca, what forgiveness could there be? Without hard feelings, forgiveness is a lie.
(c) (Translation of this part missing in source.)
(a) What el could I ask for? My heart just had to live with a heavy burden。
(b) What hope is there for me now? My heart will always be heavy。
(c) (Translation of this part missing in source。)
(a) Now my hometown’s spring is alive in the sky of this strange place, which also brings back memory of my long-gone childhood and a bout of irrepressible sadness。 Maybe I should hide away in the bitter cold of deep winter; but then again isn’t deep winter already everywhere around me showing me its extreme mercilessness and coldness。
(b) Now the spring of my home is in the air of the strange parts again。 It carries me back to my long-departed childhood, and brings with it an indefinable sadness。 I had better hide in
dread winter. But clearly all about me winter reigns, and is even now offering me its utmost rigour and coldness.
(c) I thought I should retire to the depth of the vere and desolate winter,but I was right in the middle of it,expod to the verity of the piercing cold.