中级口译词汇打印版 (IB,2009)

更新时间:2023-06-10 19:57:23 阅读: 评论:0

生物多样性        the biological deversity
气温变化         temperature variations
城市化          urbanization
太阳黑子         sunspot
太空垃圾         space trash
土壤侵蚀         soil erosion
污水处理         wage disposal
能见度          visibility
杀虫剂          pesticide
水库           rervoir
回收           recycle
可再生资源        renewable resources
害虫           pest
发电站          power plant
熔岩           lava
沼泽           marsh
碳氢化合物        hydrocarbon
渗透           infiltration
森林覆盖率        forest coverage rate
赤道           equator
灭绝物种         extinct species
泥石流          debris flow
海岸线          coast line
清洁能源         clean energy
死亡人数         death toll
分解           decomposition
对流           convection
海拔           altitude
干旱的          arid
生物圈          biosphere
人工降雨         artificial rain
农业           agriculture
生态系统         ecosystem
食草动物         herbivore
地面塌陷         ground depression
年平均气温        mean annual temperatures
自然灾害         natural disasters
中暑           insolation
入海口          mouth
噪音污染         noi pollution
洋流           ocean currents
放射性物质        radioactive materials
地震           earthquake
火山爆发         volcanic eruption
死火山          extinct volcano
休眠火山         dormant volcano
蒸发           vapor
防护林          shelterbelt
有毒化学物质       toxic chemicals
热带雨林         rainforest
热带风暴         tropical storm
城市垃圾         urban refu
无铅汽油         unleaded gas
残余物          residue
释放           relea
保护自然栖息地      protect natural habitats
淡水资源         freshwater resource
积雪           firn
冰河时期         ice age
里氏           Richter Scale
世界环境日     World Environment Day(June 5)
动物学          zoology
分水岭          watershed
废物处理         waste disposal
沼气           marsh gas,methane
地中海的         Mediterranean
霉菌           mold
温泉           hotspring
草地           grassland
温带气候         temperate
大陆气候         Continental climate
暧温带         the warm temperature zone
亚热带气候的       sub-tropical
高原气候         plateau
海洋性气候        Maritime
赤道气候         Equatorial
高山气候         Mountains
寒温带          the cool temperature zone
环保产品       environment-friendly products
白色污染         white pullution
综合整治        comprehensive improvement
三峡工程         Three Gorges Project
天然牧场         natural grazing ground
青藏高原         Qinghai-Tibet plateau
绿色能源         green energy resources
资源消耗         resource degradation
污染指数         pollution index
气象学          meteorology
珍稀濒危物种       rare or endangered species
雾            fog
冰雹           hail
雷            thunder
霜            frost
季风           monsoon
生活污水         domestice wage
无公害蔬菜        green vegetable
环保意识         environmental awareness
闪电           lightning
天气预报         weather forecast
雪崩           avalanche
海市蜃楼         mirage
虹            rainbow
风级           wind scale
风力           wind force
风带           wind belt
阵风           gust
信风           trade winds
旋风           whirlwind
大风           gale
海风           a breeze
气压表          barometer
气团           air mass
相对湿度         relative humidity
珊瑚礁          coral reefs
海水淡化         a water desalinization
渔业资源         fishing resources
厄尔尼诺效应       El-Nino effect
海藻           aweed
放射性衰变        radioactive decay
生态农业         eco-agriculture
悬浮颗粒物        suspended particles
环境恶化         environmental degradation
气象台         meteorological obrvatory
温度表          thermometer
风向标          wind vane
同步气象卫星   synchronous meteorological satellite
阴天           overcast
转晴           clear up
We must tighten ontrol over and protection of arable land,water,forests,grasslands,and mineral,a and biological resources.We should institute a system of paid u.We should stictly deal with and control pullution and speed up pollution treatment in major regions and river valleys.We should publish standards for mnitoring environmental equality in large cities.
We must correctly handle the ralationships between economic development on the one hand,and population growth,natural resources consumption and the environmental protection on the other.We should exploit our natural resources more rationally and make u of them in an integrated manner.We should do our best to protect and improve our ecological environment,so as to ensoure that our economic development will not only meet the current needs of this generation,but benefit future generations.
For centuries,man has been mercilessly cutting trees for wood until few virgin torests are left.The biggest floods of the 20th century,which occurred a few years ago in China,showed that destruction of forest is mainly responsible for disaster.Virgin forests can be our guardians,our factories,and friends.
Man dirties the air with gas and smoke,poisons the water with chemicals and other substances and damages the soil with too many fertilizers and pesticides.
Environmental pollution is one of the most rious problems facing mankind today.Badly polluted air can cau illness,and even death.Polluted water kills fish and other marine life.Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land available for growing food.
Water pullution reduces the amount of pure,fresh water that is available for such necessities as drinking and cleaning,and for such activities as swimming and fishing.The pullutants that affect water come mainly from industries,farm,and werage systems.Industries dump millions of tons of waste products into bodies of water each year.
The same level of pollution can also affect two people quite differently-some forms of air pollution might be a slight annoyance to a healthy person but life threatning to someone with emphyma or another respiratory disorder.
Trees absorb harmful carbon dioxide,produce valuable oxygen and protein,provide food and shelters for wildlife,and prerve fertile topsoil.
Trees,as esntial part of nature,are indispensable to wildlife.Without trees,many species of wildlife may become extinct.
To sum up,forests protect us from floods,droughts and many other natural disasters,help us survive and promote our prosperity.
小学          primary/elementary school
初中          junior middle school
高中          nior high school
大专学校        junior college
大学          university
研究生        postgraduate/graduate students
博士          doctor
全体教师        the teaching staff/the faculty
学期          term/mester
高考        university entrance examination
补考          make-up examinations
奖学金         scholarship
学费          tuition
义务教育        compulsory education
理工大学    universities of science and engineering
师范大学        normal university
医科大学        medical university
美术学院        an academy of fine arts
海运大学        maritime institute/university
辍学率         dropout rate
知识产权        intellectual property rights
知识经济        knowledge-bad economy
教书育人    impart knowledge and educate people
物流          logistics
电讯          telecommunications
教学楼         teaching building
多媒体教室       a multimedia room
学分制         credit system
应试教育       examination-oriented education
素质教育     quality-oriented education/education for all-round development
创新精神        creativity/innovation
德智体美劳全面发展all-round development of moral,intellectual,physical,aesthetics and labour education
陶冶情操    cultivate one’s taste and temperament
世界观、人生观、world outlook,outlook on life and value
智商          intelligence quotient(IQ)
研究生成绩考试 Graduate Record Examination(GRE)
有识之士        people of vision
职业培训        job training
人才交流        talents exchange
学生减负       alleviate the burden on students
1.At the tender age of 13 or 14,children are lected and pushed into examination class which will effectively decide their futures.年仅十三、四岁的孩子被强迫参加将会决定他们命运的考试。
2.Then,at the age in their lives when most of them are least receptive to learning,they are forced to sit exams where the penalties for failure are as final as death ntence.
3.The system that exists today is certainly harmful to our children and therefore must be changed.
4.Children complain that their class are boring,their textbooks are boring,and their teachers are boring.However,the voice of the children is rarely heard;and all too often,when they have to write,they simply wirte what they know the teacher wants to read.
5.For admission to any university degree cour,a student has to pass qualifying examinations.In Britain,there are not enough places for all condary school students,so the qualifying examinations are highly competitive.
Welcome to the Program of “Chine as a Foreign Language”.We are glad to e that a worldwide interest in Chine is increasing at an accelerating tempo.
Considering that Chine has the largest number of speakers in the world and the greatest time depth in its literature,this interest is long overdue.
In a n,Chine is a very old language,with its earliest writings dating back nearly four thousand years.
I doubt that children under this compulsory system will actually learn anything beneficial for the country and for themlves.I don’t believe they will become very creative citizens.
The US MBA model consisted of a two-year program.Students were able to take an internship in the summer months between years one and two.In the first year compulsory class taught core business disciplines such as finance,marketing,general management,operations management and accountancy.
研究所          a rearch institute
人工智能         artificial intelligence(AI)
信息技术        IT(information technology)
高科技园         a high-tech park
硅谷           the Silicon Valley
网络空间         cyberspace
无人、载人宇宙飞船 an unmanned/a manned spaceship励志的话
地球同步卫星a geostationary satellite;synchronous satellite
全球卫星定位系统   GPS(global positioning system)
发射运载火箭       launch a carrier rocket
多媒体          multimedia
电话会议         a telephone conference
可回收卫星        retrievable satellite
商业用卫星       satellite for commercial u
无绳电话         cordless phone
来电显示电话机      a caller ID telephone
能上网的手机       a WAP phone
手机           cell phone,mobile phone
寻呼机          pager,beeper
超导体          a superconductor
遗传工程         genetic engineering
分子科学         molecular science
科技含量         technology content
纳米           nanometer
太空生物学        astrobiology
假说           hypothesis
地质学          geology
气象学          meteorology
植物学          botany
微生物学         microbiology
量子力学         quantum mechanics
海洋学          oceanography
生物化学         biochemistry
航天技术         space technology
天文学          astronomy
地震学          ismology
生态学          ecology
环境科学         envionmental science
考古学          archaeology
公式           formula
方程式          equation
定理           theorem
定律           law
生命科学         life science
细胞生物学        cytobiology
仿生学          bionics
生物工程学        bioengineering
转基因食物    genetically modified food(GM food)
胚胎移植         embryonic implantation
无性繁殖         agamogenesis
分子变异         molecular mutations
激光           lar
恒星           star
行星           planet
银河系          the Milky Way Galaxy
九大行星         9 principal planets
彗星           comet
流星           meteor
太阳辐射         solar radiation
太阳黑子         sunspot
万维网          World Wide Web(www)
网民           netizen
内联网          intranet
芯片           chip
因特网          Internet
下载           download
三维图像         3-D image
地球公转         revolution of the Earth
地球自转         rotation of the Earth
假手于人盈月           waxing moon
亏月           waning moon
天文台          obrvatory
射电天文学        radio astronomy
经度           longitude
纬度           latitude
天象馆          planetarium
大气层          atmosphere
臭氧层          the ozone layer
摄氏温度         degrees centigrade(C)
华氏温度         degrees Fahrenheit(F)
虚拟现实         virtual reality
在线服务         on-line rvice
超文本传送协议   hypertext transfer protocol(http)
宽带网技术        broadband technology
主页           homepage
网页           web page
网站           website
界面           interface
网上冲浪         web-surfing
浏览器          browr
计算机辅助设计  CAD(ComputerAided Design)
计算机辅助制造CAM(Computer-Aided Manufacturing)
相对论          relativity
神经科医师        neurologist
克隆           clone
信息革命         information revolution
网吧           cybercafe
门户网站         portals
终端机          terminal
电脑病毒         computer virus
电子商务         e-commerce
黑客           hacker
高保真          Hi-Fi(High Fidelity)
三维动画       three-dimentional animation
网恋           cyber romance
程控电话       program-controlled telephone
试管婴儿         test-tube baby
干细胞          stem cell
卫星导航         satellite navigation
外星人          extraterrestrial being(ET)
外层空间         outer space
认知的          cognitive
理解、感知        perception
大脑皮层         cortex
半球           hemisphere
肌肉的          muscular
优势、统治        dominate
对称的          symmetrical
哺乳动物         mammal
组织           tissue
协调           coordinate
神经中枢         nerve center
头盖骨          brain box
脑干           brain stem
脑细胞          brain cell
神经纤维         nerve fiber
重力           gravity
美国国家航空航天局    NASA
可能性          likelihood
密度           density
We should implement the strategy of developing the country by relying on science and education.Science and technological progress is a decisive factor in economic development,and educational development is the foundation of scientific and technological progress.
Long before ecology was in the forefront of many minds,NASA was genuinely eoncentrated about aircraft noi.But the supersonic transport program did more to focus on noi problem than any other single factor.
Multimedia is the combination of computer and video technology.Multimedia,really just two media:sound and pictures,or in today’s term,audio and video.
Multimdia PC needs to be more powerful than mainstream computer-at least the multimedia PC defines the mainstream.Among contemporary PCs,about the only things that parate an ordinary computer from multimedia are a soundboard and a CD-ROM driver.
Manufactured products are made from atoms.The properties of tho products depend on how tho atoms are arranged.If we rearrange the atoms in carbon we can make diamond.If we rearrange the atoms in sand(and add a few other trace elements)we can make computer chips.If we rearrange the atoms in dirt,water and air we can make potatoes.
Cloning is the creation of cells or whole animals using DNAfrom a single”parent”.In other words,the clone has the same DNA to the parent.
Polly,another sheep clone in Edinburgh has had a human gene inrted so that it produces a blood clotting agent needed by haemophiliacs in its milk.Cloning of human cells in a laboratory could offer perfectly-matched tissue for surgical or genetic repair of humans.
Online chat refers to the simultaneous text communication between two or more people via computer.It is synchronous-one person types a message on his keyboard,and the people with whom he is chatting e the message appear on their monitors and respond almost immediately.
Chat has its own jargon.They are easy to type and make the communication more efficient.People who chat commonly u abbrevaiations.BRB,for example,means”be right back”.IMHO means “in my humble opinion”.
10. 数年前还鲜为人知的电子网络产业,时至今日已成为一个国家国民生活的重要组成部分。越来越多的网民使用人们所知道的信息高速公路
The eletronic network industry,which was virtually unknown years ago,has become an vital part of a country’s national life.An increasing polulation of netizens make u of what is popularly known as the “information superhighway”.
11. 信息高速公路是一种大规模的全国范围,甚至全球范围电子通信网络系统,它集光纤电缆高速电路、金属电缆中低速电路和无线电传播于一体,可以传送任何形式的记录信息。
Information superhighway is a large-scale nationwide,or worldwide,electronic communications network system that combines high-speed channels of optical fiber cable,intermediate andlow speed channels of metal cables and wireless transmission,capable of transmitting just about any form of recorded data.
12. 用户主要在当地因特网服务点会费入网,便可在电脑终端机上获取有关时事、教育、科研、金融、医疗保健、气象、娱乐、购物等内容的信息。电子网络产业已经极大地改变并将继续改变我们的生活。
By subscribing to a local Internet rvice,a ur can obtain information from the computer terminal,including information about current events,education,science rerch,finance,medical care,weather,entertainment and shopping.The electronic network industry has dramatically changed,and will continue to change,the way we live.
13. 信息技术正在从根本上改变着世界、改变着人们的居住、工作、管理和交际方式。在进入21世纪之际,全球信息革命已不是一种遥远的展望,而是一种迫近的现实。
Information technologies are fundamentally transforming the world in which people live,work,govern,and communicate.On the threshold of the 21st century,the global information revolution has become more of an imminent reality than a remote vision.
the average life span/the average life expectancy
人口爆炸        population explosion
人口负增长       negative population growth
电视连续剧          a TV ries
电视台主持人          host;hostess
礼仪小姐            ritual girl
义演          benefit/charity performance
娱乐总汇          an entertainment center
美容院             a beauty salon
按摩院             a massage parlor
桑拿浴             a sauna
追星族           celebrity worshipper
时装表演            a fasion show
保健食品            health-care food
健身运动   body-building exercis;fitness exercis
健身娱乐设施    fitness and entertainment facilities
健美热             the beauty craze
发烧友         fans;addicts;fanciers;zealots
脱口秀             a talk show
整容              a plastic surgery
音像制品       audio and video tapes and disks
隐形眼镜            contact lens
选美比赛            beauty contest
香港小姐            Miss Hong Kong
自选商店            lf-rvice shops
美食节             gourmet festival
烹饪艺术            the culinary art
绿色食品            green food
软饮料             soft drinks
方便面     fast-cooking spaghetti/instant noodles
黑匣子             black box
庙会              temple fair
集体婚礼        a group wedding ceremony
婚外恋         extramarital relations/affair
第三者       the third party;the third person
早恋         puppy love;calf love;cub love
养老院         a nursing home for the aged
独生子女          the only child
安乐死          euthanasia;mercy-killing
同性恋男子、女子        gay,lesbian
流动人口     transient/floating/flowing population
单亲家庭          single-parent family
挂历              wall calendar
跳槽              job-hopping
民工rural labors;migratory workers from the countryside
人际关系          interpersonal relations
家教              home tutor
身份证     the citizen identity card(ID card)
残疾人         handicapped(disabled)people
情商              EQ
猎头公司        a head-hunting company
咨询公司         a consultancy company
小道消息            hearsay
复印机         photocopier/xerox/duplicator
家电         electrical houhold appliances
斜拉桥             stringed bridge
自动取款     an automatic teller machine(ATM)
申办奥运       bid for the Olympic Games
公证处             a notary office
福利彩票            welfare lotteries
吉尼斯世界记录         Guinness
疯牛病             mad cow dia
机场建设费        airport construction fee
黑社会      Mafia-style organizations;gangland
盗版              piracy
腐败              corruption
水货              smuggled goods
洗钱              money laundering
偷渡              human smuggling
宰客       swindle money out of customers
吸毒者             a drug abur
性骚扰             xual harassment
色情              pornography
通缉犯             wanted man
艾滋病 AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
生产力             productive forces
生产工具        the means of production
经济基础与上层建the economic ba and the superstructure
个人主义            individualism
拜金主义            money worship
不正之风            unhealthy practices
发扬正气         encourage healthy trends
见义勇为的英雄人物   justice-upholding volunteers
赌博              gambling
Some women shudder at the thought of being en in public in clothes that are out of fashion.A fashion-follower,who is mercilessly exploited year after year by the so-called “top disigners” in Paris or Rome,often stands in front of a wardrobe packed full of clothes announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear.
From the health point of view we are living in a marvelous age.We are immunized from birth against many of the most dangerous dias.A large number of once fatal illness can now be cured by modern drugs and surgery.
We spend the whole of our lives keeping up with our neighbors,the Jones.If we buy a new television t,Jones is bound to buy a bigger and better one.If we buy a new car,we can be sure that Jones will get one better,or two new cars.
Today is the International Day against Drug Abu and Illicit Trafficking.To our delight,countries around the world are joining hands to combat illicit drug abu.Sixteen days ago,the General Asmbly of the United Nations conculed a three-day Special Session of fighting the world drup problem,sounding a clarion call for an unprecedented worldwide war against drugs.
In the past,most American women remained mothers and houwives.Few of them had been able to take leading roles in political,social and economic life.Now women asked if it was not time to give each woman a full opportunity to u her mind and skills in the building of a better world for all?
Among the world’s best-lling popular singers,Latin American Heart-throb Ricky Martin is one the top of the charts and winning awards everywhere.A new wave of musical trend is sweeping across American and the world-the Latin American sound rediscovered.
In societies where most people can earn a living only by working for others,being unable to find a job is a rious problem.
Becau of its human costs in deprivation and a feeling of rejection and personal failure,the extent of unemployment is widely ud as a measure of workers’ welfare.
The proportion of workers unemployment also shows how well a nation’s human resources are ud and rves as an index of economic activity.
No noe would deny that the terrifying scourge of AIDS is spreading virtually everywhere.What was once a popular dia in Africa,America and Haiti is now a growing threat in Asia,Western Europe and Latin America.We all have a clear idea that AIDS is fatal,and there is no cure at all.So in recent years the fear it engenders has started to reach a critical mass.
民间艺术         folk arts
高雅艺术         refined art
戏剧艺术         theatrical art
电影艺术         cinematographic art
爱国主义精神       patriotism
文化产业         culture industry
文化事业         cultural undertaking
文化交流       cross-cultural communication
文化冲突         culture shock
乡村文化         rural culture
民族文化         national culture
表演艺术         performing art
文化底蕴         cultural deposit
华夏祖先         the Chine ancestors
同宗同源         of the same origin
中国文学         Chine literature
中国武术       Chine martial art/Kung Fu
中国书法         Chine calligraphy
哲学家          philosopher
四大发明   the four great inventions of ancient China
火药           gunpowder
造纸术          paper-making
印刷术          printing
指南针          the compass
四书           the Four Books
大学           the Great Learning
中庸           the Doctrine of the Mean
论语           the Analects of Confucius
孟子           the Mencius
孔子           Confucius
孟子           Mencius
老子           Lao Tzu
庄子           Chuang Tzu
墨子           Mo Tzu
孙子           Sun Tzu
中国画         traditional Chine painting
水墨画  Chine brush painting;ink and wash painting
武术门派       styles or schools of martial art
习武健身       practice martial art for fitness
古代格斗术        ancient form of combat
武林高手         top martial artist
气功        Qigong;deep breathing exercis
空手道          karate
拳击           boxing
击剑           fencing
跆拳道          tae kwon do
柔道           judo
中国武术协会    Chine Martial Art Association
武侠小说    tales of roving knights/kung fu novels
汉学家          sinologist/sinologue
偏旁部首         radical
笔画           stroke
中国热          Sinomania
汉语的四声调   the four tones of Chine characters
平声           level tone
上声           rising tone
仄声           falling-rising tone
去声           falling tone
孙子兵法         the Art of War
西游记   Journey to the West;Pilgrimage to the West
三国演义       Romance of Three Kingdoms
红楼梦        Dreams of the Red Mansions
水浒传 Heroes of the Marshes;Tales of the Water Margin
资治通鉴         History as a Mirror
春秋         the Spring and Autumn Annals
史记           Historical Records
诗经       the Book of Songs;the Book of Odes
书经           the Book of History
易经         I Ching;the Book of Changes
礼记           the Book of Rites
三字经 three-character scripture/three-word chant
八股文      eight-part essay/stereotyped writing
五言绝句         five-character quatrain
七言律诗         ven-character octave
四合院          quadrangle
京剧           Peking Opera
独角戏          monodrama
杂技           acrobatics
相声     witty dialogue comedy,standup comedy
马戏           circus show
哑剧           pantomime;mime
踩高跷          stilt walk
说书           story-telling
木偶戏          puppet show
口技           ventriloquism
京剧票友     amateur performer of Peking Opera
篆刻           alcutting
图章           al
工艺          workmanship/craftsmanship
手工艺品         handicraft
泥人           clay figure
唐三彩 trio-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty
陶器           pottery
苏绣           Suzhou embroidery
文房四宝  the four stationary treasures of the Chine study-a writing brush,an ink stick,an ink stone and paper
寓言           fable
神话           mythology
传说           legend
十二生肖         zodiac
公历           gregorian calendar
阴历           lunar calendar
对联           antithetical couplet
天干           heavenly stem
地支           earthly branch
闰年           leap year
二十四节气       the twenty-four solar terms
本命年  one’s year of birth in the circle of twelve years
传统节日         traditional holidays
春节           Spring Festival
元宵节          Lantern Festival
清明节          Pure Brightness Festival
端午节          dragon boat festival
中秋节          Mid-Autumn Festival
重阳节      Double Ninth Day/the Aged Day
才子佳人     gifted scholars and beautiful ladies
中华文明         Chine civilization
朝代           dynasty
中外学者      Chine and overas scholars
考古学家         archaeologist
人类学家         anthropologist
进化论          Darwinism
无神论          atheism
宿命论          determinism
启蒙运动         enlightenment
辩证的          dialectic
先知           illuminati
佛教           Buddhism
儒教           Confucianism
道教           Taoism
形而上学         metaphysics
基督教          Christianity
新教           Protestant
天主教          Catholicism
洗礼           baptism
伊斯兰教         Islam
教堂           Church
寺庙           temple
修道院          abbey
礼拜堂          chapel
斋月           Ramadan;month of fast
喇嘛           Lama
邪教           cult
宗教仪式         religious ritual
异教徒          infidel
宗教矛盾         religious contradictions
孔庙           temple of Confucius
The Chine civilization is extensive and profound,and has a long history.
Modern means of transportation,telecommunication and mass media have shortened the geographical distance of the world.The international community appears to be no more than a global village,in which peoples of all nations experience the inevitable cultural exchanges and clashes,while eking common development in a harmonious and respectful relationship.
In this modern world,the culture of any nation cannot develop in isolation and different cultures should learn from each other’s strengths to offt their own weakness.
The culture of a nation must withhold its own distinctive national characteristics in its extensive exchange with other cultures.Cultural exchange,I think,is by no means a process of losing one’s own culture to a foreign culture,but a process of enriching each other’s national cultures.
China produced in its history many outstanding philosophers,thinkers,statesmen,strategist,sciencists,writers and artists and left us numerous volumes of literature.
The scene of “contention of a hundred schools of thought”brought forth in the Spring and Autumn Period 2500 years ago and the Warring States Period over 2200 years ago and the emergence of various schools of thought and their exponents such as lao Tzu and Confucius about 2400 years ago all occupy a very important position in the world history of philosophy.
People from different cultures cometimes do things that make each other uncomfortable,without meaning to or sometimes without even realizing it.
Most Americans are usually spontaneous,friendly and open,and enjoy meeting new people,having guests and dringing people together formally or informally.
They tend to be informal and speak freely.So if your American hosts do something that makes you uncomfortable,try to let them know how you feel.They will appreciate your honesty and try not to make you uncomfortable again.
No eating tools on the Chine dinner table are more magical and distinctive than the chopsticks.For thousands of years we Chine have always regarded chopsticks the simplest possible and the most efficient tool for meals.
debility                                衰弱
acne                                疥疮,粉刺
acute                                  急性的
adrenalin                              肾上腺素
adver effect                          反作用
aerobics                                有氧运动
AIDS(Acquired Immune Defiency Syndrome)  艾滋病
Alcoholic poison                        酒精中毒
Alkalinity or acidity                      酸碱性
Alzheimer’s dia                    老年痴呆症
Amino acids                            氨基酸
Anemia                                贫血
Anoxia                                  缺氧
Anthrax                                炭疽
Anti-aging                              抗衰老
Antibiotics                              抗生素
Antibody                                抗体
Antipruritic                              止痒剂
Artery                                  动脉
Arthritis                                关节炎
Artificial heart                          人造心脏
Artificial hormone                        人造激素
Asthma                                哮喘
Avian influenza                          禽流感
B.O.(body odor)                          体臭
Backache                                背痛
Bacterium/pl.bacteria                      细菌
Balm                                止痛膏,香油
Behavioral therapy                        行为疗法
Belch                                  打嗝
Bioengineering                          生物工程
Biologist                                生物学家
Bird flu                                禽流感
Bleeding                                出血
Blemish                                疤痕
Blister                                  水泡
Blood circulation                        血液循环
Blood vesl                              血管
Bone marrow                            骨髓
Bronchitis                              支气管炎
Brui                                  瘀伤
BSE(bovino spongiform encephalopathy)      疯牛病
Burp                                饱嗝,打嗝
Calorie                                  卡路里
Callus                                    老茧
Cancer                                  癌,毒瘤
Capillary                                毛细血管
Carbohydrate                          碳水化合物
Cardiac                                  心脏的
Cardiologist                          心脏病专家
Cataract                              白内障
Cellulite                              脂肪团块
Chest cavity                                胸腔
Chickenpox                                水痘
Cholera                                  霍乱
Cholesterol                                胆固醇
Chronic                                  慢性的
Cirrhosis                                肝硬化
Colic                                  绞痛,疝气
Coma                                    昏迷
Communicable dia                      传染病
Corona virus                            冠状病毒
Congenital defect                      先天性缺陷
Coronary dia                          冠心病
Cough                                    咳嗽
Dandruff                                  头皮屑
Deadly                                  致命的
Dehydration                                脱水
Dementia                                  痴呆
Deodorize                                除臭
Dermatologist                        皮肤科医生
Dermatology                            皮肤病学
Diabetes                                  糖尿病
Diagnosis                                  诊断
Dialysis machine                          透析机
Diarrhea                              痢疾,腹泻
Die a grim death                            惨死
Dietitian                              营养专家
Disinfectant                              消毒剂
Dizziness                              头昏眼花
Do                                    剂量
Dropsy                                  水肿
Duodenal ulcer                      十十指肠溃疡
Dyspepsia                              消化不良
Eating disorder                          食欲紊乱
Elasticity                              弹力弹性
Embryo                                  胚胎
Embryology                              胚胎学
Epidemic                          流行的,传染的
Epidemiology                          流行病学
Euthanasia                              安乐死
Extrovert                            性格外向的人
Fatal                                  致命的
Fertilization                            授精
Fetus                                  胎儿
Fitness center                          健身中心
Foot-and-mouth dia                    口蹄疫
Fungus                                真菌
Futile                                  无效的
Gluco                                葡萄糖
Gum                                    齿龈
Hatch                                    孵化
Health care product                        保健品
Herbal medicine                            草药
Heart failure                            心力衰竭
Hemorrhoid                                痔疮
Hepatitis                                  肝炎
Herbal esnce                          草本精华
Heredity                                  遗传
Herpes                                    疱疹
Hiccup                                    打嗝
High blood pressure                        高血压
HIV(human immunodeficiency virus)          人体免疫缺损病毒,艾滋病病毒
HIV-positive                艾滋病病毒测试呈阳性
Hoarness                                嘶哑
Human genome                      人类基因图谱
Hypertension                    高血压,过度紧张
Hypotension                          血压过低
Immune system                        免疫系统
Immunity                            免疫性
Implant                              植入
In a vegetative state                处于植物人状态
Infected                            被感染的
Infertility                          不孕,不育
Inflamed skin                        皮肤发炎
Injection                            注射
Inoculate                      打预防针,接种疫苗
Inmination                                授精
Insomnia                                  失眠
Insulin                                  胰岛素
Introspective                            内向的
Irregular pul                          脉律不齐
Irritable                                急躁的
Isolation                                隔离
Itching                                  发痒的
Kidney stone                            肾结石
Kidney transplant                          肾移植
Living donor                      活体器官捐献者
Lobe                                    耳垂
Malaria                                  疟疾
Mandatory testing                      强制测试
Mate                                  交配
Maternity leave                          产假
Matrix                                  子宫
Menopau                              更年期
Mental deterioration                      精神紊乱
Metabolism                            新陈代谢
Microbe                                微生物
Migraine                                偏头痛
Molecule                                分子
Morbidity rate                            发病率
Mortality rate                            死亡率
Mouth hygiene                          口腔卫生
Near-sighted                              近视的
Nerve pathway                          神经通道
Neurological                            神经学的
Neurologist                            神经科医师
Nicotine                                尼古丁
Numbness                              麻木
Nutrient                          有营养的,养分
Obesity                                  肥胖症
Odds                          可能的机会,机率
Odor                                    气味
Offspring                                  后代
OTC drugs                            非处方药
Outbreak                              疫情爆发
Paralysis                              瘫痪
Parkinson’s dia                帕金森综合症
Passive smoking                      被动吸烟
Pediatrics                            小儿科
Perceptual                          感知能力
Person in a vegetative state              植物人
Personal hygiene                        个人卫生
Pharmaceutical                        药物的
Pharmacist                            药剂师
Physical endurance                      体力
Pimple                              青春痘
Pneumonia                            肺炎
Pore                                 毛孔
Pregnancy                            怀孕
Protein                              蛋白质
Pul                                  脉搏
Quarantine                              隔离
Rabies                                狂犬病
弟子规读后感Regenarate                              再生
Remedy                              药物,治疗
Renal                                  肾脏的
Respirator                          罩,人工呼吸器
Ringing in the ears                        耳鸣
Saccharin                              糖精
Affected area                          疫区
Scarlet                                猩红热
Secretion                              分泌
Sedative                          镇静剂,止痛药
Shiatsu                            指压按摩疗法
Schistosomiasis                        血吸虫病
Smallpox                              天花
Snore                                  打鼾
Spasm                                痉挛
Spermbank                            精子库
Sprain                                扭伤
Stem cell                              干细胞
Sterile                                不育的
Sterilization                            绝育的
Steroid                                类固醇
Stiff neck                              落枕
Stimulant                              刺激物
Stinky feet                              臭脚
Stolid                    神经麻木的,感觉迟钝的
Stroke                                中风
Sub-consciousness                      潜意识
Swelling                                肿胀
Symptom                              症状
Syndrome                            综合症状
Syphilis                                梅毒
Toxic                                  有毒的
Transplant                              移植
Trauma                          外伤,心理创伤
Tumor                                肿瘤
Typhoid                                伤寒
Ulcer                                  溃疡
Urinary incontinence                    小便失禁
Vaccination                            接种疫苗
Vaccine                                疫苗
Varico vein                          静脉曲张
Vicious circle                          恶性循环
Visual disturbance                      视力障碍
Vivacious                      性格活泼的,快活的
Voluntary and confidential testing  自愿的,保密的测试
Womb                                  子宫
Wrinkle                                  皱纹
Acupuncture anesthesia                  针刺麻醉
Defer nility                          延缓衰老
Pharmacopoeia                            药典
Organic                                有机的
Yoga                                  瑜珈                                                       
国际化大都市    cosmopolitan city/cosmopolis
大都会        metropolitan city/metropolis
旅游热点           tourist attraction
必游之地        a must tourist attraction
商务旅游           business tour
蜜月之旅           honeymoon trip
旅游旺季           tourist ason
旅游目的地          tourist destination
历史文化名城  a well-known historic and cultural city
长江三角洲        the Yangtze River Delta
高架公路           elevated highway
浦东新区           Pudong New Area
自助游            DIY tour
纪念品            souvenirs
旅行社            travel agency
路线             itinerary
导游讲解员          guide interpreter
联合国教科文组织United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization
直辖市 municipality directly under Central Government
万国建筑博览  exhibition of International Architecture
世界文化遗产保护地   World Heritage Sites(WHS)
天下奇观           wondrous spectacle
名胜古迹   famous scenic spots and places of historical interest
古建筑群       ancient architectural complex
避暑胜地           summer resort
黄金线路           hot travel route
标准、豪华游         normal/luxury tour
国内游            inbound tourism
出境游            outbound tourism
旅游黄金周        golden week for tourism
自然保护区  natural rerve/nature prervation zone
随团旅行           group travel
星级饭店           star-grade hotel
强迫购物           forced purcha
多功能厅           multi-functional hall
亭台楼阁     pavilion,terrace,mansion,tower
长廊             corridor
湖石假山        lakeside rocks and rockeries
陵墓          emperor’s mausoleum/tomb
塔              pagoda;tower
坛              alter
九       zigzag bridge/Bridge of Nine Turnings
古玩店            antique/curio shop
世界七大奇迹      ven wonders of the world
缩影             miniature
历史文物           historical relics
发掘             unearth
朝代             dynasty
自然景观           natural landscape
植物园            botanical garden
少数民族           ethnic minority
西域             western countries
信息港            infoport;cyber port
不夜城            ever-bright city
主题公园           theme park
原始森林           virgin forest
园林建筑           garden archetecture
江南水乡the South of the lower reaches of the Yantze River
鱼米之乡         land of honey and milk
古董             antique
工艺             workmanship
滑雪胜地           skiing resort
国家公园           national park
后裔             descendant
要塞             fort
城堡             castle
山区             mountainous region
盆地             basin
丝绸之路           the Silk Road
野生动物园          safari park
水族馆            aquarium
观光电梯           sighteing lift
金贸大厦           Jinmao Tower
世博会            World Exposition
渡轮             terryboat
游轮             crui
盛典             pageantry
公共交通           public transit
往返旅行           round trip
长途汽车           long distance coach
时差             jet lag
出租车            taxi/cab
免下车银行          drive-in bank
国际驾照        international driver’s licen
汽车旅馆           motel
前台             reception desk
健身房            gym
住宿             accommodation
入住             check in
退房             check out
卡拉OK            karaoke
闭路电视        clod-circuit television
公寓式酒店          apartment hotel
小旅馆、招待所        hostel
直达航班           non-stop flight
增值税          Value Added Tax(VAT)
山林小屋           lodge
高原反应           altitude stress
大堂             lobby
套房             suite
轻轨             proline/LRT
磁悬浮列车          maglev train
头等舱            first class
经济舱            coach class
人生意外伤害险   PAI(personal accident insurance)
保存完好           well-prerved
湖光山色        landscape of lakes and hills
陡峭的            precipitous
如画的            picturesque
琳琅满目           an eyefull of goodies
流连忘返        too delighted to be homesick
吉利的            propitious
宏伟的            majestic
蜿蜒曲折           winding,zigzagging
无边无际           boundless
心旷神怡           soothed and relaxed
庄严肃穆           solemn
优雅的          graceful/elegant/exquisite
诱人景色           inviting views
悬崖绝壁           cliff/precipice
仙境             wonderland
烟波浩渺       a wide expan of misty waters
雄伟险峻           precipitous
奇花异草         exotic flowers and herbs
兵马俑      Terracotta Worriors and Hors
吐鲁番            Turpan
五岳          China’s five great mountains
泰山             Mount Tai
佛教名山        famous Buddhist mountains
寺庙             temple
上有天堂,下有苏杭 In heaven there is a paradi,and on earth there are Suzhou and Hangzhou.
桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林  Guilin landscape tops tho elwhere,and Yangshuo landscape tops that of Guilin.
五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳  Trips to China’s five great mountains render trips to other mountains unnecessary,and a trip to Huangshan renders trips to the five great mountains unnecessary.
Shanghai is one of the world’s largest aports.Formerly the largest metropolis of the Far East,Shanghai has become China’s important center of economy,finance,trade,science and technology,information and culture.
As a noted historic and cultural city,Shanghai attracts millions of tourists from home and abroad with its unique charm.
Shanghai is also a cherished paradi for gourmets,boasting thousands of restaurants rving a complete list of well-known Chine and international cuisines,among which the Shanghai food enjoys particular popularity among overas visitors.
Standing on the obrvation floor of the Oriental Pearl of TV Tower and looking around,you will e across the Huangpu River the famous Bund lined up with a dazzling exhibition of archetectual creations of international styles and the charming skyline of the whole city in the distance-endless soothing vistas that one will find it difficult ot turn away from.
Chine gardens can be divided into two categories,the imperial and the private.The former are en most frequently in nothern China,while more of the latter can be found in the south,especially in Suzhou,Wuxi and Nanjing.
Small and delicate,cleverly laid out and pleasing to the eye,the streams,bridges,rockeries and pavilions of a private Chine garden reveal a natural bearuty of their own.
中国加入世贸组织  after China’s entry into/accession to the WTO
国内生产总值     GDP(Gross Domestic Product)
国民生产总值     GNP(Gross National Product)
经济全球化       economic globalization
经济体制改革      economic restructuring
通货膨胀           inflation
通货紧缩           deflation
货币政策           monetary policy
市场准入           market access
预算             budget
银行业            banking
核心竞争力          core competitiveness
贬值             depreciation
增值             appreciation
流通            circulation/distribution
多元化            diversitfication
萧条             depression
经济回报           economic returns
密集型产业     knowledge-intensive industries
向市场经济转轨    switch to a market economy
恶性循环           vicious cycle/circle
良性循环        beneficent/virtuous cycle
经济技术开发区        an economic and technological development zone
经济特区          a special economic zone
刺激内需        stimulate domestic demand
兼并破产         merger and bankruptcy
股分制            the joint stock system
经济可持续发展    sustained economic growth
泡沫经济           bubble economy
总裁             president
优惠券            coupon
物价指数           price index
外汇储备        foreign exchange rerve
黄金储备           gold rerve
融资             financing
发行股票、债券        issue shares and bonds
本金与利息          principal and interest
商业银行           commercial bank
财政收入           fiscal revenue
金融危机           financial cirsis
个人所得税          individual income tax
关税             tariff
证券交易所          curities exchange
股市             stock market
期货市场           futures market
反倾销            anti-dumping
补贴             subsidies
欧元、欧元区         Euro/Euroland
流动资金           circulating funds
有价证券           portfolio
股票指数           stock index
上市公司           listed company
牛市、熊市          a bull/bear market
股民,股东         shareholder/stockholder
纳斯达克指数         the NASDAQ index(National Association of SecuritiesDeal Automated Quotations)
国库券            state treasury bonds
市场疲软   a slack/sluggish/sagging/inactive market
招商           invite/attract investment
贸易顺差、逆差        trade surplus/deficit
贸易伙伴           trade partner
关税壁垒        tariff wall/customs barrier
基础设施           infrastructure
投资热点      a hot destination for investment
年营业额      annual business volume(turnover)
双赢             a win-win situation
改善出口商品结构   improve the export product mix
双边、多边贸易谈判bilateral/multi-lateral trade negotiation
贸易自由化          trade liberalization
保税区       bonded area/free trade zone
最惠国待遇   MFN(most favored nation)treatment
销售网点           sales outlets
独家经销代理       exclusive lling agency
专卖店       exclusive agency/franchid store
分期付款           installment payment
回扣         kickback(sales commission)
直销             direct sale
贴现率            discount rate
经济弊病           economic ills
传统产业         conventional industries
相对优势         comparative advantage
商业条款           commerce clau
注册会计师    certificated public accountant(CPA)
定金、存储          deposit
管理知识           managerial experti
有效需求           effective demand
公平竞争           fair competition
跨国公司    transnational/international corporation
外资企业         foreign-funded enterpri
团队精神           team spirit
企业转型           transformation
注册资本           registered capital
新兴市场           emerging market
创业精神     enterprising spirit/pioneering spirit
企业家            entrepreneur
精英             elite
电子交易           electronic business
风险管理           risk management
透明管理        transparency manegement
固定资产           fixed asts
灰色收入           gray income
政府开支           government spending
博彩业            lottery industry
制造业          manufacturing industry
动力             incentive
恶性通货膨胀         hyperinflation
第三产业           the tertiary industry
有限公司        limited liability corporation
出租业务           leasing
需求不足           inefficient demand
工业化            industrialization
凯恩斯            Keynes
凯恩斯主义          Keynesian theory
机制             mechanism
微观经济学          microeconomics
垄断             monopoly
过热             overheating
寡头政治           oligarchy
机会成本           opportunity cost
购买力            purchasing power
政权、机制          regime
生产力            productivity
私有化            privatization
投资组合           portfolio
退休金、养老金        pension
人均国民生产总值       per capita GNP
专利             patent
衰退、滑坡          slump
上涨             surge/soar/climb/ri
缺乏             scarcity
宏观调控体系         macro-control system
资源配置    the distribution/allocation of resources
全天候服务          24-hour rvice
交易             transaction
东南亚国家联盟        ASEAN(Association of South-East Asian Nations)
欧盟             EU(European Union)
贸易制裁           trade sanction
贸易集团           trade bloc
繁荣             prosperous/prosperity
首付             down-payment
房契、产权          title
房地产开发商         real estate developer
拉动经济增长         fuel economic growth
民营企业           non-public enterpri
贫富悬殊           income disparity
贫困地区           impoverished areas
市政工程      municipal works/public works
货币坚挺           strong/firm
劳务输出         export of labor rvices
减员增效    downsize staffs and improve efficiency
发展势头           momentum of growth
招商银行           Merchants Bank
建设银行           Construction Bank
交通银行        Bank of Communication
中国银行           Bank of China
农业银行           Agricultural Bank
工商银行      Industrial&Commercial Bank
衣食住行     food,clothing,housing and transport
中国电信           China Telecom
中国移动           China Mobile
中国联通           China Unicom
中国出口商品交易会   China Export Commodities Fair(Guangzhou Fair)
优化             optimize
免税期            tax holiday
消费税            comsumption tax
下岗人员           laid-off workers
试点工程、项目        pilot project
波动             fluctuation
补偿贸易           compensation trade
净利润            net profit
批发价            wholesale price
尝试性定购          trial/try-out order
互补互惠的合作关系      complementary and mutual beneficial partnership
The World Organization(WTO),who predecessor was the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT),was established on January 1,1995.
Joining the WTO means assuming binding obligations in respect of import policies-obligations which will necessitate an adjustment in China’s trade policies and economic restructuring.
China’s entry into the WTO is about more than trade;it is about China’s future role in the world economy and about the future derection of the global economic development.
Direct foreign investment in China maximizes the strengths of both parties concerned.China has massive land,abundant natural resources,huge cheap labor,low taxation,a growing consumer market,improving infrastructure and of cour,a stable social and political environment with attractive investment policies.
In the West everybody is talking about going to the East and making an investment.Apparently a growing number of foreign firms have been pouring into China,and the Pudong area of Shanghai is among the best choices of their investment destinations.Today it is not a matter of whether to go east,but when and how.
Overas investment in Shanghai and its surrounding areas has quadrupled in recent years.There are many reasons for this rising investment fever.
Currently,among Pudong’s 200 biggest joint ventures,not many have independent designing and developing capabilities.However,on the Chine side,about 200 deputy managing directors,1000 division managers,3000 nior and intermediate-level engineers and technologists and 30000 skilled workers have been learning on the job.
When nior reprentatives of General Motors of the United States,BSF of Germany and Hitachi Electric of Japan talked about their investment in Pudong,they all pointed to Pudong’s geographical advantage,good investment environment and the high quality of local enterpris as Pudong’s attractions for their respective firms in their global strategy.
The enterpris and talents,through production-related association and cooperation,are expected to boost thousands of enterpris in the Yangtze River Valley,as well as in other parts of the country,engaging in intergrated production and sales for both domestic and international markets.By doing so,Pudong will functions as a leader and bridge to integrate China’s modern industry with the mainstream of the world’s economy.
China’s economic development has entered a new stage which is characteristically one of high growth and low inflation.The national economy continues to grow rapidly and market prices remain basically stable.
Statistics for the last year show that China’s gross domestic product reached 7,477.2 billion yuan(US$900.87 billion),an increa of 8.8 percent over the previous year,among which primary industry grew by 3.5 percent,condary industry 10.8 percent,,and tertiary industry 8.2 percent.
The sole mission of APEC is to promote economic cooperation.It should refrain from extending the scope of its discussions to social,political curity and other non-economic fields.It is necessary to concentrate our efforts on advancing economic cooperation in a spirit of doing certain things and refraining from doing other things.
Some people hold the view that Shenzhen and Hong Kong may form an economic zone and become a new economic center in the Asia-Pacific region.However,more people are of the opinion that Shenzhen should continue to play its role as a bridge linking Hong Kong and the mainland.Shenzhen is making good u of the advantages of Hong Kong’s economy to develop itlf.Over the last 15 years,Shenzhen has gradually developed into an international commercial port.
1. 由于中国鼓励环保产业的发展并投入巨资,中国的环境有了显著的改善。
China’s encouragement and big investment in environmental protection industry led to a much better invironment.
His perverence and hard training in the last five years helped him regain world championship.
Little experience didn’t prevent him from becoming the best salesman with his loborious work.
A less-competitive country backward in economy and lack of resources ten years ago,Korea has become one of the four _________in Asia by introducing foreign investment and developing industry.
The Yellow Mountain,located in An Hui Province and covering an area of about twenty squre kilometers,is a world-known scenic spot with numerous tourists annually.
Words and Phras:official launch,on the occasion of,opening ceremony , long-term , enthusiastic , enthusiasm , dynamic , dynamics , energy , energetic , vigor , vigorous , cradle of ancient civilization , childhood dream , delegation , meet old friends and establish new contacts , cosmopolitan city , cosmopolis , metropolitan city , metropolis , harbour , port , appreciation , grateful , arrival , friends coming from afar , cooperation , strategic partnership , Bon Voyage , have a safe trip home , meet sb all the way , wish sb a unforgettable journey extend/express one’s warm welcome to , distinguished guests, VIP , host , on behalf of , faculty , staff , crew , contribution to
Sentences:I regard it my great honor/pleasure/privilege to have the rare opportunity to have name,title visit our city of ____,which is crowned as _______,and I do hope that Your Honor enjoy your stay here and e by your own eyes the great hospitality of people here as well as its fabulous dynamics.

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标签:经济   发展   中国   世界   成为   投资   资源   社会
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