Adams/car的悬架分析(Suspension Analys),共提供悬架38种性能。对所有悬架均提供:
• Aligning Torque - Steer and Camber Compliance //单位回正力矩的转角或外倾角 相机怎么调光圈
• Camber Angle //外倾角
• Caster Angle //后倾角
• Dive Braking/Lift Braking //制动点头/清明节的日期制动抬头
• Fore-Aft Wheel Center Stiffness //悬架纵向刚度
• Front-View Swing Arm Length and Angle //前视图(虚拟)摆臂长度和角度
• Kingpin Inclination Angle //主销内倾角
• Lateral Force - Deflection, Steer, and Camber Compliance //
• Lift/Squat Acceleration //抬头(一般指启动时前悬架抬升,后悬架压缩)
• Percent Anti-Dive Braking/Percent Anti-Lift Braking //(前悬架)防点头/(后悬架)防抬升
• Percent Anti-Lift Acceleration/Percent Anti-Squat Acceleration //
• Ride Rate //悬架动刚度
• Ride Steer //悬架转向性能
• Roll Camber Coefficient //侧倾轮倾系数(车身侧倾时车轮侧倾角与车身侧倾角的比值)
• Roll Caster Coefficient //
• Roll Center Location //侧倾中心位置骂人
• Roll Steer //Ride steer is the slope of the steer angle versus the vertical wheel travel curve. Ride steer is the change in steer angle per unit of wheel center vertical deflection due to equal vertical forces at the wheel centers. Positive ride steer implies that the wheels steer to the right, as the wheel centers move upward.
• Side-View Angle // The side-view angle is the wheel carrier side-view rotation angle. It is positive for a clockwi rotation, as en from the left side of the vehicle.
• Side-View Swing Arm Length and Angle // The swing arm is an imaginary arm extending from the wheel's side elevation instant center of rotation to the wheel center. For front suspensions, the sign convention is that when the instant center is behind the wheel center, the swing arm has a positive length. For rear suspensions, the sign convention is the opposite: when the instant center is ahead of the wheel center, the swing arm has a positive length. The angle of the swing arm is the angle it makes to the horizontal. A positive angle for a positive length is when the arm slopes downward from the wheel center. A positive angle for a negative length arm is when the arm slopes upward from the wheel center.
• Suspension Roll Rate //悬架侧倾刚度
• Toe Angle //前束角
• Total Roll Rate //总侧倾刚度羊和虎合不合
•射手座和巨蟹座 Wheel Rate //悬架刚度
•新时代新作为 Ackerman //Ackerman is the difference between the left and right wheel steer angles. A positive Ackerman indicates that the right wheel is being steered more to the right than to the left.
• Ackerman Angle // Ackerman angle is the angle who tangent is the wheel ba divided by the turn radius. Ackerman angle is positive for right turns.
•青青树官网 Ackerman Error // Ackerman error is the difference between the steer angle and the ideal steer angle for Ackerman geometry. Becau Adams/Car us the inside wheel to compute the turn center, the Ackerman error for the inside wheel is zero. For a left turn, the left wheel is the inside wheel and the right wheel is the outside wheel. Converly, for a right turn, the right wheel is the inside wheel and the left wheel is the outside wheel. Positive Ackerman error indicates the actual steer angle is greater than the ideal steer angle or the actual is steered more to the right.
• Caster Moment Arm (Mechanical Trail) // Caster moment arm is the distance from the interction of the kingpin (steer) axis and the road plane to the tire contact patch measured along the interction of the wheel plane and road plane. Caster moment arm is positive when the interction of the kingpin axis and road plane is forward of the tire contact patch.
• Ideal Steer Angle // Ideal steer angle is the steer angle in radians that gives Ackerman steer geometry or 100% Ackerman. For Ackerman steer geometry, the wheel-center axes for all four wheels pass through the turn center. Note that Adams/Car us the steer angle of the inside wheel to determine the turn center for Ackerman geometry. Therefore, the ideal steer angle and the steer angle are equal for the inside wheel. When making a left turn, the left wheel is the inside wheel. Converly, when making a right turn, the right wheel is the inside wheel. A positive steer angle indicates a steer to the right.
• Outside Turn Diameter // Outside turn diameter is the diameter of the circle defined by a vehicle's outside front tire when the vehicle turns at low speeds. Adams/Car determines t
he circle by the tire's contact patch for a given steer angle. For a left turn, the right front
wheel is the outside wheel. For a right turn, the left front wheel is the outside wheel.
• Percent Ackerman // Percent Ackerman is the ratio of actual Ackerman to ideal Ackerman expresd as a percentage. Percent Ackerman is limited to the range from -999% to 999%. Percent Ackerman is positive when the inside wheel's steer angle is larger than the outside wheel's steer angle.
• Scrub Radius // Scrub radius is the distance from the interction of the kingpin (steer) axis and the road plane to the tire contact patch measured along the projection of the wheel-center axis into the road plane. Scrub radius is positive when the interction of the kingpin axis and the road plane is inboard of the tire contact patch.