诊 断 证 明 书
Certificate of Diagnosis
1.旅客姓名Name of Pasnger: 2.年龄Age: 3.性别Sex:
4.地址及联系方式Add. and contact:
5.航程Routing:航班号Flight No. HU 日期Date 月Month 日Day 自From 至to
联程Via:航班号Flight No. 地理书日期Date 月Month 日Day 自From 至to
6.诊断结果Result of diagnosis:
7.症状、程序、预后(如系孕妇需注明预产期)Symptom, process, prognosis (indicate expected date of childbirth, if pregnant woman):
[注](1)上述第6、7两项内容填写,需简单、明确。(2)下述表格中提供的内容,供机上服务人员在飞行途中为病伤旅客提供必要的服务时作为参考。[Note] (1) The above described 6 and 7 items shall be filled shortly and clearly. (2) The content described in the form under is for reference to cabin crew who offer necessary rvice to sick or injured pasngers during flight.
程度Degree 症状Symptom | 无Normal | 轻度Mild | 中等Moderate | 严重Severe | 备注Remark |
贫血Anemia | 流浪地球读后感 | | | 意识形态工作主要内容 | |
呼吸困难前列舒丸Dyspnea | | | | | |
疼痛Pain | | | | | |
血压Blood Pressure | |
| | | | | |
8.附注:(如有膀胱、直肠障碍或者在飞行中需要特殊餐食及药物医疗处理情况等,请予以列明)PS: (If suffering from bladder and recta, or needing special food and medical treatment on the flight, plea list it clear)
9.需要何种坐姿(将下列适用的项目用 ○ 圈起)Which kind of ating position is needed (Enclo the following applicable items with ○):
乘坐姿态Seating Position | 1.使用机上一般座椅Taking common at 2.使用机上担架设备Using supporting equipment |
陪伴人员Attendance | 医生 Doctor · 护士 Nur · 其他人员(具体列明)Others (list in details) · 不需要 No need |
上下飞机时Deplane or enplane | 轮椅Wheelchair | 要 Need 不要 No Need |
担架Stretcher | 要 Need 不要 No Need |
救护车Ambulance | 要 Need 不要 No Need |
| | |
已参阅下面的资料,我院诊断认为:该旅客的健康条件在医学上能够适应上述航空旅行的要求,无传染疾病,也不致造成对其他旅客的不良影响。After referring the under documents, we make a diagnosis: the health condition of this pasnger meets the requirements of air travel, he/she hasn't communicable dia, and doesn’t influence other pasngers.
医师(签字)Physician (signature): 电话Tel: 医疗单位(盖章)Medical Unit(al)
参考资料(下述内容仅供医生在判断病人是否适于航空旅行时的参考)References (The following contents are only for physician's reference on the fact whether a patient is suitable for air travel or not)
一、机上条件I. Conditions on board:
因此能引起体腔内气体的膨胀,同时也造成轻度的缺氧状态。The airplane's cabin is aled and pressurized. Cabin pressure is equivalent to the atmospheric conditions at 2300 meter (7000 ft), which cau expansion of body cavities and mild anaerobic conditions.
2.飞机在飞行中会有较大的颠簸及震动。Great jolt and vibration may be occurred while flying.
3.机上服务人员只受过一般的急救训练,但不允许为病人注射。同时,在飞行途中机上服务人员需担负整个飞机上的服务工作,无暇更多地特别照看病人。The cabin crew are only trained for common first aid, and not allowed for patient injection. And that, the cabin crew should be responsible for rvice during flight, so they have no time to especially attend patients more.
4.机舱内的活动范围和舒适程度受到机舱技术设备的一定限制。Activities space and comfortable will be limited by technique and equipment in cabin.
二、处于下述状况的病人,一般不适于航空旅行II. The people, who is in the following conditions, isn't suitable for air travel:
1.处于极严重或者危急状态的心脏病患者。如严重的心力衰竭,出现紫绀症状或者心肌梗塞者(在旅行前六周之内增发生过梗塞者)。The cardiopath is of vere ca or in critical status, e.g. vere heart failure, cyanosis, or myocardial infarction (The ca of myocardial infarction occurred within six weeks before traveling)
2爷孙情.出生不满14天的婴儿。Infant under 14-day age
3.孕妇。怀孕期限超过描写景物的成语36周者(怀孕期在两湖两广两河山36周以内超过32周的孕妇乘机,需具有医生在72小时之内签署的诊断证明书)。The pregnant woman who pregnancy exceeding 36 weeks. (If the pregnant woman, who pregnancy is more than 32 weeks but not exceeding 36 weeks, wants to take airplane, it requires her to offer a physician's signed certificate of diagnosis dated within 72-hour before departure.)