aero-: concerning the air or aircraft
plane—aeroplane(=airplane A.E) space—aerospace
anti-: against; opposite of nuclear—antinuclear war—antiwar
auto-: of or by oneself biography—autobiography criticism—aut益肺止咳胶囊ocriticism
be-: to treat as the stated thing friend—befriend little—belittle(轻视;贬低)
bi-: two; twice; double lingual—bilingual cycle—bicycle
bio-: concerning living things chemistry—biochemistry sphere—biosphere(生物圈)
by-, bye-: less important product—by-product way—byway
centi-: hundredth part of a unit grade—centigrade meter—centimeter
co-: together, with author—coauthor exist—coexist
col-: (used before l) together with location—collocation
com-: (used before b, m, p) together with passion—compassion
con-: together 男士短发烫发发型with centric—concentric federation—confederation
contra-: opposite diction—contradiction natural—contranatural
cor-: (used before r) together with relate—correlate respond—correspond
counter-: opposite act—counteract attack—counterattack
cross-: across; going between the stated things狐狸毛皮草 and joining them
country—cross-country breed—crossbreed
de-: showing an opposite; to remove; to reduce code—decode value—devalue
dis-: not; the opposite of
advantage—disadvantage agree—disagree honest—dishonest
em-: (used before b, m, p) to cause to become body—embody power—empower
en-: to cause to become; to make danger—endanger large—enlarge
ex-: former (and still living) minister—ex-minister wife—ex-wife
extra-: outside; beyond curricular—extracurricular ordinary—extraordinary
f ore-: in advance, before; in or at the front arm—forearm warn—forewarn
il-: (used before l) not legal—illegal literate—illiterate
im-: (used before b, m, p) not moral—immoral possible—im应付会计possible
in-: not direct—indirect nsitive—insensitive
infra-: below in a range; beyond red—infrared structure—infrastructure
inter-: between; among change—interchange national—international
intra-: inside, within; into city—intracity department—intra-department
ir-: (used before r) not regular—irregular responsible—irresponsible
kilo-: thousand gram—kilogram meter—kilometer
macro-: large, esp. concerning a whole system rather than particular parts of
economics—macroeconomics structure—macrostructure
mal-: bad or badly function—malfunction treat—maltreat
micro-: extremely small computer—microcomputer electronics—microelectronics
mid-: middle day—midday night—midnight
mini-: small; short bus—minibus skirt—miniskirt
mis-: bad or badly; wrong or wrongly
fortune—misfortune understand—misunderstand
mono-: one; single plane—monoplane tone—monotone monologue
multi-: more than one; many purpose—multipurpo national—multinational
non-: not resident—non( -) resident nse—nonsense
out-: outside; beyond live—outlive door—outdoor
over-: too much; above; additional head—overhead time—overtime
poly-: many centric—polycentric syllabic—polysyllabic
post-: later than; after graduate—postgraduate war—postwar
pre-: before; in advance pay—prepay war—prewar
pro-: in favor of, supporting
America—pro-America abortion—pro-abortion
pseudo-: not real; f 女童毛衣alse name—pseudonym science—pseudoscience
re-: again; back to the former state unite—reunite use—reuse
self-: by means of oneself or itself; of, to, with, for, or in oneself or itself
employed—lf-employed taught—lf-taught
semi-: half; partly circle—semicircle final—semifinal
step-: not by birth but through a parent who has remarried
mother—stepmother children—stepchildren
sub-: under, below; less important; part of the stated bigger whole
divide—subdivide ction—subsection
super-; more, larger, greater than usual
market—supermarket natural—supe十二星座真实颜值排名rnatural
tele-: at or over a long distance; by or f or
screen—telescreen communication—telecommunication vision—television
therm (o) -: concerning heat
chemistry—thermochemistry (热化学) meter—thermometer
trans-: across, on or to the other side of between
Atlantic—transatlantic plant—transplant
tri-: three; three times angular—triangular cycle—tricycle
ultra-: beyond; very, extremely modern—ultramodern sound—ultrasound
un-: not certain—uncertain fortunate—unfortunate
under-: too little; below developed—underdeveloped a—undera
uni-: one; single directional—unidirectional form—uni青年人就业压力仍较大form
vice-: next in the rank; below chairman—vice-chairman president—vice-president