
更新时间:2023-06-10 13:28:26 阅读: 评论:0

One of the techniques to determine influence of academic rearch is to build and measure properties of citation or co-author networks.
Co-authoring a manuscript usually connotes a strong influential connection between rearchers.
One of the most famous academic co-authors was the 20th-century mathematician Paul Erdös who had over 500 co-authors and published over 1400 technical rearch papers.
It is ironic, or perhaps not, that Erdös is also one of the influencers in building the foundation for the emerging interdisciplinary science of networks,particularly, through his publication with Alfred Rényi of the paper “On Random Graphs” in 1959.
Erdös’s role as a collaborator was so significant in the field of mathematics that mathematicians often measure their cloness to Erdös through analysis of Erdös’s amazingly large and robust co-author network (e the website www.oakland.edu/enp/ ).
The unusual and fascinating story of Paul Erdös as a gifted mathematician, talented problem solver,and master collaborator is provided in many books and on-line websites (e.g., s.st-and.ac.uk/Biographies/Erdos.html).
Perhaps his itinerant lifestyle, frequently staying with or residing with his collaborators, and giving much of his money to students as prizes for solving problems, enabled his co-authorships to flourish and helped build his astounding network of influence in veral areas of mathematics.
In order to measure such influence as Erdös produced, there are network-bad evaluation tools that u co-author and citation data to determine impact factor of rearchers, publications, and journals.
Some of the are Science Citation Index, Hfactor,Impact factor, Eigenfactor, etc.
Google Scholar is also a good data tool to u for network influence or impact data collection and analysis.
Your team’s goal for ICM2014 is to analyze influence and impact in rearch networks and other areas of society.
Your tasks to do this include:
1) Build the co-author network of the Erdos1 authors (you can u the file from the
website files.oakland.edu/urs/grossman/enp/Erdos1.html or the one we
include at Erdos1.htm ). 构建Erdos1 的合作网络
You should build a co-author network of the approximately 510 rearchers from the file Erdos1, who coauthored a paper with Erdös, but do not include Erdös. 你该用文件Erdos1构建大概510位研究员的合著网络
This will take some skilled data extraction and modeling efforts to obtain the correct t of nodes (the Erdös coauthors) and their links (connections with one another as coauthors). 这需要熟练数据提取 并 在建模上下功夫, 以便得到正确的节点和边现代中小学教育
There are over 18,000 lines of raw data in Erdos1 file, but many of them will not be ud since they are links to people outside the Erdos1 network. 文件Erdos1里有1800条原始数据,但很多可能由于不包阔在 Erdos1的网络中而用不上
If necessary, you can limit the size of your network to analyze in order to calibrate your influence measurement algorithm. 必要的话,缩小网络以便矫正你的影响力度量算法
Once built, analyze the properties of this network. 建完后分析网络性能(Again, do not include Erdös --- he is the most influential and would be connected to all nodes in the network. In this ca, it’s co-authorship with him that builds the network, but he is not part of the network or the analysis.)
2) Develop influence measure(s) to determine who in this Erdos1 network has方龙骨
significant influence within the network.开发 影响途径 以决定谁在网络中重要
Consider who has published important works or connects important rearchers within Erdos1.考虑谁发表了重要文献或者联合了重要的研究员
Again, assume Erdös is not there to play the roles.
3) Another type of influence measure might be to compare the significance of a rearch paper by analyzing the important works that follow from its publication.
Choo some t of foundational papers in the emerging field of network science either from the attached list (NetSciFounda
tion.pdf) or papers you discover.
U the papers to analyze and develop a model to determine their relative influence.
心有猛虎细嗅蔷薇Build the influence (coauthor or citation) networks and calculate appropriate measures for your analysis.
Which of the papers in your t do you consider is the most influential in network science and why?
Is there a similar way to determine the role or influence measure of an individual network rearcher?
Consider how you would measure the role, influence, or impact of a specific university, department, or a journal in network science?
Discuss methodology to develop such measures and the data that would need to be collected.
Implement your algorithm on a completely different t of network influence data --- for instance, infl
uential songwriters, music bands, performers, movie actors, directors, movies, TV shows, columnists, journalists, newspapers, magazines, novelists, novels, bloggers, tweeters, or any data t you care to analyze.
You may wish to restrict the network to a specific genre or geographic location or predetermined size.
Finally, discuss the science, understanding and utility of modeling influence and impact within networks.
Could individuals, organizations, nations, and society u influence methodology to improve relationships, conduct business, and make wi decisions?
For instance, at the individual level, describe how you could u your measures and algorithms to choo who to try to co-author with in order to boost your mathematical influence as rapidly as possible.
Or how can you u your models and results to help decide on a graduate school or thesis advisor to lect for your future academic work?
Write a report explaining your modeling methodology, your network-bad influence and impact measures, and your progress and results for the previous five tasks.
The report must not exceed 20 pages (not including your summary sheet) and should prent solid analysis of your network data; strengths, weakness, and nsitivity of your methodology; and the power of modeling the phenomena using network science.
*Your submission should consist of a 1 page Summary Sheet and your solution cannot exceed 20 pages for a maximum of 21 pages.
*您的提交应该由一个1页汇总表  您的解决方案不能超过20页最长21页。
This is a listing of possible papers that could be included in a foundational t of influential publications in network science.
Network science is a new, emerging, diver, interdisciplinary field so there is no large, concentrated t of journals that are easy to u to find network papers even though veral new journals were recently established and new academic programs in network science are beginning to be offered in universities throughout the world.
You can u some of the papers or others of your own choice for your team’s t to analyze and compare for influence or impact in network science for task #3.
您可以使用其中的一些文件或其他你的选择你的团队的设置来分析和比较影响或影响在网络科学任务# 3。
Erdös, P. and Rényi, A., On Random Graphs, Publicationes Mathematicae, 6: 290-297,
Albert, R. and Barabási, A-L. Statistical mechanics of complex networks. Reviews of
Modern Physics, 74:47-97, 2002.
Bonacich, P.F., Power and Centrality: A family of measures, Am J. Sociology. 92: 1170-
1182, 1987.
Barabási, A-L, and Albert, R. Emergence of scaling in random networks. Science, 286:
509-512, 1999.
Borgatti, S. Identifying ts of key players in a network. Computational and
Mathematical Organization Theory, 12: 21-34, 2006.
Borgatti, S. and Everett, M. Models of core/periphery structures. Social Networks, 21:
375-395, October 2000
Graham, R. On properties of a well-known graph, or, What is your Ramy
number? Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 328:166-17
2, June 1979.
Kleinberg, J. Navigation in a small world. Nature, 406: 845, 2000.
Newman, M. Scientific collaboration networks: II. Shortest paths, weighted
networks, and centrality. Physical Review E, 64:016132, 2001.
Newman, M. The structure of scientific collaboration networks. Proc. Natl.
Acad. Sci. USA, 98: 404-409, January 2001.
Newman, M. The structure and function of complex networks. SIAM Review,
金斧头45:167-256, 2003.
Watts, D. and Dodds, P. Networks, influence, and public opinion formation. Journal of
开业日子Consumer Rearch, 34: 441-458, 2007.
Watts, D., Dodds, P., and Newman, M. Identity and arch in social networks. Science,
296:1302-1305, May 2002.
Watts, D. and Strogatz, S. Collective dynamics of `small-world' networks. Nature, 393:
440-442, 1998.
Snijders, T. Statistical models for social networks. Annual Review of Sociology, 37:
131–153, 2011.
Valente, T. Social network thresholds in the diffusion of innovations, Social Networks,
18: 69-89, 1996.
Erdos1, Version 2010, October 20, 2010
This is a list of the 511 coauthors of Paul Erdos, together with their coauthors listed beneath them.
The date of first joint paper with Erdos is given, followed by the number of joint publications (if it is more than one).
An asterisk following the name indicates that this Erdos coauthor is known to be decead; additional information about the status of Erdos coauthors would be most welcomed.
(This convention is not ud for tho with Erdos number 2, as to do so would involve too much work.)
Numbers preceded by carets follow the convention ud by Mathematical Reviews in MathSciNet to distinguish people with the same names.
Plea nd corrections and comments to grossman@oakland.edu
The Erdos Number Project Web site can be found at the following URL: www.oakland.edu/enp
决定学术研究的影响力度的一种方法就是建立和衡量引用或共同作者网络的特性。共同作者通常意味着各个研究人员之间的重要联系。20世纪最著名的共同作者之一就是Paul Erdos,他有超过500个共同作者,并发表了1400多篇研究论文。有趣的是,通过和Alfred Renyi在1959年共同发表的《随机图》(“On Random Graphs”),Erdos也是新兴的关于网络的交叉学科的奠基人之一。Er

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