Tilman is the Distinguished McKnight University Professor in the Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, and the director of the Cedar Creek Natural History Area at the University of Minnesota. His rearch focus on patterns in ecosystems, particularly biodiversity and population dynamics.
G. David Tilman is professor of the University of Minnesota, with 3,132 citations—an almost 500 citation lead over the next most-cited scientist in this field.
美国动物学家在。1904年生于德国阿尔高(Allgäu)地区的肯普滕市(Kempten);他整理并发展了达尔文的思想,著有《Systematics and the Origin of Species》(1942, 书中首次提出生物学物种定义)、《The growth of Biological Thought》(1982,该书1990年出版中译本)等著作,现为哈佛大学的教授。更多内容参见home.tiscalinet.ch/biografien/biografien/mayr.htm
或者www.edge/3rd_ culture/bios/mayr.html
Jane Goodall:關于著名動物生態學家珍妮﹒古道爾(Jane Goodall)的經歷,說來非常動人。古道爾1934出生于倫敦。她從小痴心于動物,愛讀杜立特寫的動物故事書。她知道非洲的哺乳類動物最丰富,很想到那里去。她沒有錢,就去當女招待和女秘書,攢足了旅費錢就啟程到了非洲的肯尼亞。
古道爾一到肯尼亞,就去找著名的猿人類考古學家路易斯﹒里基(Louis Leakey),向他要求給她個和動物打交道的工作。里基在一次保護野生動物的考察旅行中,不經心地考驗了她對野生動物的知識后,同意請她當他的助理秘書。后來又看到她要和動物為伍的立志很堅,就派她到坦桑尼亞去觀察野生黑猩猩群。這是因為里基認為黑猩猩在動物中與人的親緣最相近似,它的基因組有98%與人類的相同,通過過黑猩猩生態習性的觀察,可以為人類的遠祖情況提供線索。于是這個沒有受過訓練的姑娘,單槍匹馬,就闖入了觀察黑猩猩這個從來沒有人嘗試過、也沒有人敢嘗試的科學領域之中。這是1960年的事,古道爾芳齡26。
Dr. Likens自制烤鸭'
Dr. Likens' rearch focus on the ecology and biogeochemistry of forest and aquatic ecosystems, primarily through long-term studies at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. He was the co-founder of the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study in 1963, which has shed light on critical links between ecosystem function and land-u practices. He and his colleagues were the first scientists to document the link between the combustion of fossil fuels and an increa in the acidity of precipitation in North America. His findings have influenced policy makers, guided and motivated scientific studies, and incread public awareness of human-accelerated environmental change.
On 11 June 2003, the Asahi Glass Foundation announced that Dr. Likens was a co-recipient of the 2003 Blue Planet Prize for outstanding scientific rearch that helps to solve global environmental problems. Dr. Likens was awarded the distinction along with Dr. F. H. Bormann, his long-term collaborator in the Hubbard Brook Ecosystem Study in N
ew Hampshire. The Asahi Glass Foundation aspires for the Blue Planet Prize to be recognized as the environmental equivalent of the Nobel Prize. In 2002 he was awarded the 2001 National Medal of Science, the nation's highest science honor, for his contributions to the field of ecology
F. A. Bazza
F. A. Bazzaz: Mallinckrodt Professor of Biology Harvard University.
Clare Hall, Cambridge University Fellow; Life Member Elected 1981
American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellowship 1987
John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship 1988
American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1989
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship 1993
大学的排名Humboldt Forschungspreis, Germany 1996
Candidate for King Faisal Prize in Biology 2000
Leverhulme Professorships in British Universities 2000
(Bangor, Sheffield, Edinburgh, Cambridge, Oxford, and
Imperial College)
Editorial Board of Oecologia
Editorial Board of Tree Physiology
Editorial Board of Plants Today
Editorial Board of the Physiological Ecology Series, Academic Press
Editorial Board of the Journal of Vegetation Science
Editorial Board of the Journal of the Faculty of Science, United Arab Emirates University
Editorial Board of Global Change Biology
Richard T. T. Forman成语故事4
Richard T. T. Forman is the PAES Professor of Advanced Environmental Studies in Landscape Ecology at Harvard University. He received a BS from Haverford College, Ph.D. from University of Pennsylvania, honorary AM from Harvard University, honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Miami University, and honorary Doctor of Science from Florida International University. He taught at Rutgers University, the University of Wisconsin, and veral field stations. He rved as President of the Torrey Botanical Society, Vice President of the Ecological Society of America, and Vice President of the International Association for Landscape Ecology. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and of Clare Hall (University of Cambridge), and Honorary Professor in the Academia Sinica in China. He rved as Fulbright Scholar in Colombia, CNRS Chercheur in France and Miegunyah Fellow in Australia. Forman was
named Distinguished Landscape Ecologist (USA) in 1992. His awards include the Lindback Foundation Award for Excellence in Teaching, plus medals from Charles University (Prague) and the University of Florence (Italy).
Howard T. Odum
生物圈的概念Howard T. Odum attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where his father was a professor of sociology, until he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force during WWII.Among the extensive list of prestigious awards Odum received in his lifetime are the Institute de la Vie prize and the Crafoord Prize for his work in global biogeochemistry and systems modeling. Odum said what might be the common principle throughout his career has been "the 'maximum empower principle' - showing that systems are lf-organized to u the optimum efficiency to generate the maximum power." He believed that this theory applies not only to biogeochemistry but also to the people around him and his own life..He is the young brother of E.P.Odum and analyd the Silver Spring.
Frederic E. Clements
Community ecologist. Argued for a holistic view of community dynamics. Decades of field rearch funded by the Carnegie Institute of Washington. Collaborated with V. Shelford. He put forward the theory: any plant community must go through the process,from pioneer stage to climax stage which is stabilization relatively