一、 Taxi and Parking
1. Taxi without delay.
2. Hold short of (position).
3. Stop immediately.
4. Tow approved to gate (number) via (route).
5. Taxi with caution.
6. Backtrack runway (number).
二、 Ground and Runway condition
1. Caution construction work/cleaner at (location).
2. Caution work in progress/obstruction (position and any necessary advice).
3. Braking action reported by (aircraft type) at (time) good/medium/poor.
4. Runway/Taxiway is wet/damp/water patches/flooded.
5. Report runway in sight.
三、 Warning condition
1. 日本购物攻略Stop immediately, traffic on your (direction).
2. Wind-shear warning strong/vere/moderate/low. Level wind-shear obrved/report in vicinity of (location) at (time).
3. A (type of aircraft) reported light/moderate/vere clear air turbulence (wind-shear) at (level) at (time) (any other reporting aircraft comment).
4. Landing gear appears up/down.
5. Right/left/ro wheel appears up/down.
6. Caution wake turbulence.
7. Cleared low pass.
数控机床厂家排名四、 landing equipment and landing warning condition
1. We have lost number 2 engine.
2. We are unable to rai and lower the landing gear.
3. We believe we have a blown fire. Plea have the emergency equipment standby.
4. VOR/DME/NDB/ILS out of rvice.
5. ILS category (number) (rviceability state).
6. Primary/condary/total radar failed.
五、 Fuel dumping
1. (Call-sign) cleared to (location fuel dump area) via (route) maintain (level).
我的偶像蔡徐坤2. (Call-sign) established in area, fuel dumping approved, advi when dumping completed.
3. (Call-sign) for a victor to fuel dumping area, fly heading (3 digits) maintain (level).
六、 Emergency
1. Call-sign
2. Position
3. Situation (or problem)
4. Intentions
5. Fuel remaining
6. POB
● Copy MAYDAY (OR PAN-PAN), may I assist you?
● Verify squawk (7500/7700/7600)
爱莲说译文● Emergency vocabulary: Smoke in cockpit/engine failure/hydraulics problem/blown tires/bomb threaten/land gear stuck up(down)/medical problem.
七、 Advisories
1. Report/say speed
菠萝蜜种植2. Maintain prent speed.
3. Increa/reduce speed to NO. Knots
4. Resume normal speed.
5. Reduce to minima approach speed.
八、 RVR
1.RVR runway NO. (value in distance) meters (define touchdown/mid/roll-out)
2.If not possible (alternate instructions and advi) c. when able (instruction)
3.After departure turn right/left heading (3 digits)
4.proceed to/direct with (name)
5.Are you familiar with (name) procedure?
九、 Takeoff
1. Hold position, cancel take-off clearance, I say again, cancel take-off clearance.
2. Be advid Tower obrve (unusual situations: trailing smoke/hatch open)
3.Weather advisory (thunderstorm/lightning/wind-shear/heavy precipitation).