例: in the morning 在上午 in the evening 在瞬上 in the field 在田野里 in the country 在乡间 In the sun 往阳光下 in the distance 在远处 □n tiie right 在右边 by the way 顺便说一下 | in the afternoon 在下午 In the night 在夜里 in thfi sky 在空中 in the dark在暗处 in the rain在雨中 in the shade在阴凉处 on the left 在左边 all the tim巳始终 in the middle of 在中间 |
1 | 指一类人或爭.相当于a kind of | A plane is a machine that can fly. |
汉字的意义 2神奇的英文 | 勇一次提及某人英甸.非桁栢 | A boy is waiting for you ・ |
3 | 表示"毎一"相刍于every, one | We study eight hours a day・ |
4 | 表示"相间"相当于the same | We are nearly of an age・ |
5 | 冃于人名福.表示不认识此人或与 某名人有罠似性质的人或爭 | A Mr. Smith came to visit you wtien you were out That boy is rather a Lei reng. |
6 | 用于固定词组中 | A couple of, a bit, once upon a time, in a hurry, have a walk, many a time |
7 | 用于 quite, rather, many, hiilf# wthil, such之信 | This room is rather a bin one・ |
8 | 冃丁 sofas, too. how)+形容词之右 | She is as clever agri as you can v/ish to meet ・ |
II. R | ||
1 | 壮丽世纪表示某一类人或物 | Ihe hor is a uful animul・ |
2 | 冃于世上独一无二的爭物名词前 | 萝卜开花the univer, the moon, the Pacific Ocean |
3 | 表示说话双方部了窸的或上文提到过的 人或爭 | Would you mind opening the door? |
4 | 用于乐器前面 | play the violin, play the guitar |
5 | 用于形容词和芳词前袁示一竟人 | the read\ 1 he living, the wounded |
6 | 表示"一家人”或-夫妇" | die Greens, the Wangs |
7 | 用于字釵词和形容词副词比蚊级最髙级 前 | lie is the taller of the two children. |
-i | 用于国家党尿茅以及江河m.山川粹弘 的名词前 | the United States, the Communist Party of Giina, the Fiend) |
9 | 冃于表示找明物的单次名词前 | The com pass was invented in China ・ |
10 | 在逹十吐复数数诃之前,指世纪的某个年 代 | in the 1990*5 |
11 | 用于衷示单位的名词前 | 1 hired the car by the hour. |
12 | 用于方位名诃,身体部位名诃,及表示时 间的词组前 | He patted me on the shoulder. |
1 | 专有名词,物质名诃.捕象名词,人名地 名等名词前 | Beijing IJniversily, lack, China# love, air |
2 | 名词前有 this/ my, v4io? somez浣熊简笔画 no, eadi, every 限制 | 1 want this book, not that one・ / Who pur is this? |
3 | 季节,月份,星期,节假日,一日三餐前 | March, Sunday. National Day, spring |
4 | 表示职位,身份.头衔的名词前 | Lincoln was made President of America ・ |
5台湾书店 | 学科,语言,球类,棋类名词前 | He likes pldyiig football/diess. |
6 | 与冈连屯表示交通工具的名词前 | by train, by air, by land |
7 | 以测d连接的两个相对的名词并冃时 | husband andwifez knife and fork^ day And night |
8 | 惹示迂指的亘数名词前 | Hors are uful animals・ |
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