Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio at 14th week predicts loss of respon to 52-week infliximab therapy in patients with Crohn's dia咳白痰怎么回事
GAO Qian 1,DONG Hongxia 2,LI Jin 1
空气是什么Department of Gastroenterology,Zhongnan Hospital,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430071,China;2Department of Ultrasound,Wuhan Central Hospital,Tongji Medical College,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430014,China INTRODUCTION项目进度计划表模板
Infliximab (IFX),a monoclonal antibody against tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF -α),has become an established therapy for inducing and maintaining remission in inflammatory bowel dia (IBD)and is routinely ud for treatment of moderate and vere Crohn 's dia (CD)[1-3].For treatment of CD,the patients initially receive 3infusions at the do of 5mg/kg at 0,2and 6weeks,and if the patients show a positive respon,maintenance IFX treatment is decided at an 8-week interval.Unfortunately,a large proportion of patients who initially respond to IFX subquently suffer a dia relap [4],or loss of respon (LOR).The mechanism of LOR remains poorly understood,but mounting evidence suggest that the formation of antidrug antibodies (ADA)of IFX and pharmacokinetic variations in the ind
信息建设ividual patients play an important role [4-6].Some prospective studies of patients in clinical
我想成为一名老师excel2010remission have been conducted to identify potential biomarkers that may help predict the occurrence of LOR to IFX.Patients with IBD who have low IFX trough concentrations and significant amounts of ADA are found to have largely poor clinical outcomes in terms of a low rate of clinical respon and poor mucosal healing [4-6].But considering the technical difficulty and high cost of detecting plasma IFX concentrations and ADA of IFX,rearchers attempted to find a more cost -effective predictor for LOR in CD patients.In particular,a prospective study showed that Crohn 's patients with a C -reactive protein (CRP)level above 20mg/L had a relative risk of short -term relap of 8.0as compared with the patients with a lower CRP level (≤20mg/L)[7].The neutrophil -lymphocyte ratio (NLR)is a convenient and effective marker of subclinical inflammation,and can be indicative of inflammatory and neoplastic dias in the biliary tract [8]and bladder [9]as well as breast cancer [10].Several studies have reported the association between NLR and the activity of IBD [11,12].In regard of IFX,a study by Wlodarczyk et al [13]showed that for patients with CD who received a 52-week therapy of IFX,NLR at 14weeks was a promising predictor of a sustained Received:2019-05-07Accepted:2020-03-27Corresponding author:LI Jin,MD,Professor,E-mail:150**** Original Article二年级上册语文教学计划>凉拌鸡腿肉的做法
J South Med Univ,2020,40(4):453-458doi 10.12122/j.issn.1673-4254.2020.04.01··453