【摘要】利用荧光标记的多重PCR扩增短串联重复序列(STR PCR)结合毛细管电泳检测供者细胞嵌合率(DC),以探讨该方法的连续检测对异基因造血干细胞移植(allo HSCT)后转归的预警作用,采集
或骨髓,DNA样本用Profiler Plus和Cofiler Plus商品化试剂盒扩
增后,用ABI310遗传分析仪进行毛细管电泳,确定基因位点及峰面积,根据基因型的差异选择嵌合率计算公式。结果表明:两种试剂盒测得的DC嵌合率一致;在27对中能区别出供受差别的STR位点,Profiler Plus为6.3(4-9)个, Cofiler Plus为4.9(2-6)个。26例患者均在移
植后28天出现供者细胞,1例患者未出现供者细胞。14例患者DC 100%,均获得持久植入,至今仍无白血病生存;另有9例患者出现不稳定混合嵌合(MC)状态(DC为0%-90.2%),其中5例为血液学复发。27例病
反对铺张浪费养壶【关键词】同种异基因造血干细胞移植; STR PCR; 毛细管电泳; 嵌合体
Application of Chimerism Analysis to Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation by STR PCR
Abstract The aim of this study was to analyze chimerism, evaluate the status of engraftment and predict the outcome of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo HSCT) by multiple short tandem repeat (STR)
amplification using fluorescence labeling polymera chain reaction (PCR) combined with capillary
electrophoresis. Peripheral blood and bone marrow in 27 patients who received myeloablative allogenetic cell transplantation were collected before and after transplantation in different times. 10 and 7 different STR markers were co amplified in a single reaction by using a commercial AmpF/ST
R Profiler Plus/Cofiler plus PCR amplification kits. Separation of the PCR products and fluorescence detection were performed by ABI prism 310 Genetic Analyzer with capillary electrophoresis. The Genescan and Genotype soft ware were ud for size calling and quantification of peak areas. The formula to calculate donor chi merism values was bad on the different allelic distribution type between donor and recipient. The results showed that donor chimerism was similar by the two methods. The median number of informative alleles was 6.3(4-9) by Profiler Plus and 4.9(2-6) by Cofiler Plus. The donor alleles appeared in 26 patients on day 28 post transplantation. One patient was not obrved to appear donor alleles. 14 patients with 100% donor chimerism (DC) had stable engraftment and they still survive in free leukemia. 9 patients had unstable mixed chimerism (DC: 0%-90.2%), and 5 of them relapd after allo HSCT, 6 patients died. Decrea of donor chimerism
appeared prior to graft rejection and dia relap. The incidence of GVHD was higher in group of full donor chimerism. It is concluded that dynamic monitoring donor chimerism by STR PCR in combination with all auto
capillary electrophoresis is a valuable tool for predicting graft rejection, dia relap and occurrence of GVHD,
and provides a basis for early clinical intervention in the patients received allo HSCT.
Key words allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; STR PCR; capillary electrophoresis; chimerism
J Exp Hematol 2007; 15(2):337-341
同种异基因造血干细胞移植(allo HSCT)是治疗恶性血液病和免疫缺陷性疾病的有效手段之一,移植成功与否与供者细胞在受者体内的植入情况,即嵌合体的形成有关。供者细胞嵌合率(donor chimerism, DC)的下降与移植物排斥及本病复发密切相关[1],因此移植后动态检测嵌合状态对判断移植效果、实施临床早期干预治疗尤为重要[2]。目前,嵌合体的监测已成为同种异基因造血干细胞移植术后患者的常规检测项目,检测方法已由传统的细胞学和遗传学方法发展到分子生物学方法,其中荧光标记的多重PCR扩增STR位点结合全自动毛细管电泳方法敏感性高,重复性好,简单高效,已成为目前国际骨髓移植登记处(IBMTR)推荐的检测供受嵌合状态的金标准。我们用上述方法对27例allo SCT患者嵌合状态进行了连续动态检测。
27例病人为2005年10月-2006年7月在中国人民解放军总医院血液科及其附属304医院血液科接受allo HSCT的患者,其中急性髓系白血病(AML)8例,急性淋巴细胞白血病(ALL) 2例,慢性粒细胞白血病(CML)11例,急性非淋巴细胞白血病2例,再生障碍性贫血2例,类小细胞肺癌1例,骨髓增生异常综合
DNA抽提选用美国Promega公司DNA Purification kit试剂
盒,PCR扩增试剂盒为美国应用生物系统公司(ABI) AmpF/P STR Profiler plus和Cofiler Plus商品化试剂盒,选择D3S1358、vWA、FGA、D8S1179、D21S11、D18S51、D5S818、D13S317、D7S820 9个基因位点和1个性别位点及D3S1358、D16S539、TH01、TPOX、CSF1PO、D7S820和1个性别位点所对应的荧光标记的特异性引物同时进行复合扩增,基因位点特异性同文献[3]。内标Rox 500及等位基因梯Ladder购自ABI公司,去离子甲烯胺购自Promega公司。主要仪器有ABI公司2400PCR扩增仪和prism310遗传分析仪,Amersham公司的GeneQuant pro紫外分光光度计。
采用Promega公司的DNA抽提试剂盒,按试剂盒说明程序进行基因组DNA提取,用紫外分光光度计测定DNA浓度,调整DNA终浓度为2 ng/μl。
幼儿园感恩节参照文献[4] PCR总体积为50 μl: 扩增混合液20 μl +引物混合液10 μl +Taq酶5U/μl +模板DNA 1 μl (2 ng)。热循环参数为: 预变性95℃ 11分钟, 94℃ 1分钟, 59℃ 1分钟, 72℃ 1分钟, 28个循环,最后60℃延伸45分钟。
取PCR扩增产物1.5 μl或Ladder 1 μl加入21 μl上样液(去离子甲烯胺20 μl +Rox500内标1.0 μl), 95℃变性5分钟后立即冰浴至少5分钟,ABI310遗传分析仪采用POP 4 (Perforance Optimized Polymer 4)胶及36 cm长毛细管进行全自动毛细管电泳及片段分析。di舞曲
遗传分析仪应用Genescan 3.1软件,根据Rox 500内标准确计算出DNA扩增片段碱基长度,读出峰下面积值,并应用Genotype 2.1软件,根据DNA片段长度及等位基因梯Ladder阅读各位点的基因型。
应用SPSS 10.0统计软件进行统计学分析。
我们选择Profiler Plus的9个STR位点均为4个碱基串联重复序列,加上1个性别位点,共10个位点。Cofiler Plus的6个STR位点也是4个碱基串联重复序列,加上1个性别位点,共7个位点。27对供受者中能区分出彼此差别的平均STR位点数为Profiler Plus 6.3(4-9)个, Cofiler Plus有4.9(2-6)个,非亲缘供者Profiler Plus为7.8 (7-9)个, Cofiler Plus为5.5(5-6)个;在亲缘供者中Profiler Plus 为6.5(4-9)个,Cofiler Plus为4.4(2-6)个。一元二次方程应用题