世界城广场Acute myeloid leukemia with inv(16)(p13q22): involvement of cervical lymph nodes and tonsils is common and may be a negative prognostic sign.
期刊名称: American Journal of Hematology
作者: R. Billstr?m, T. Ahlgren, A.N. Békássy, C. Malm, T. Olofsson, M. H?glund, F.
Mitelman, B. Johansson
感谢国家年份: 2010年
期号: 第1期
关键词: acute myeloid leukemia;inv(16;extramedullary
摘要:Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with inv(16)(p13q22) or the variant t(16;16) (p13;q22), is strongly associated with the FAB subtype M4Eo. A high incidence of CNS involvement was reported in the 1980
s, but otherwi little is known about the pattern of extamedullary leukemia (EML) manifestations in this AML type. We have compiled clinical and cytogenetic data on 27 concutive AML cas with
inv(16)/t(16;16) from southern Sweden. In general, the AMLs displayed the clinical features that have previously been described as characteristic for this dia entity: low median age, hyperleukocytosis, M4Eo morphology, and a favorable prognosis. However, CNS leukemia was only en in relap in one patient diagnod in 1980, whereas the most common EML manifestation in our ries was lymphadenopathy (5/27, 19%), most often cervical with