小孩预防针Inflammatory bowel dia: is it really just another红楼梦第三回
break in the wall?美丽英语
孕妇可以用香水吗期刊名称: Gut
作者: Weber, C R,Turner, J R
年份: 2007年
期号: 第1期
骠勇读音关键词: Cell Membrane Permeability;Colitis, Ulcerative;Crohn
电脑不能启动Dia;Epithelium;细胞膜渗透性;结肠炎, 溃疡性;Crohn病;上皮;炎性肠疾病;干扰素Ⅱ型
摘要:Ulccrative colitis and Crohn's dia, collectively known as inflammatory bowel dia (IBD), are major caus of lifetime morbidity. Although the dias are often differentiated clinically on the basis of dia distribution and morphology, they share many characteristics. Each dia clearly inv
olves an abnormal mucosal inflammatory respon, and data from various sources suggest that luminal stimuli and epithelial cell dysfunction can also contribute to dia pathogenesis or progression. Defective epithelial barrier function, which can be measured as incread intestinal permeability, has been implicated in IBD1 and can predict relap during clinical remission. Incread permeability is also prent in a subt of unaffected fust-degree relatives of patients with Crohn's dia. As a result of the obrvations,