Dermatitis herpetiformis: a cutaneous manifestation
of coeliac dia
监盘百花齐放造句期刊名称: Annals of Medicine
作者: Collin, Pekka, Salmi, Teea T, Hervonen, Kaisa, Kaukinen, Katri, Reunala,武警警官学院分数线
年份: 2016年
设计幼儿园关键词: Bullous dermatos;coeliac dia;dermatitis herpetiformis;gluten
白鹿洞intolerance;tissue transglutamina
炒面条怎么做摘要:Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) is an itchy blistering skin dia with predilection sites on elbows, knees, and buttocks. Diagnosis is confirmed by
showing granular immunoglobulin A deposits in perilesional skin. DH is one
manifestation of coeliac dia; the skin symptoms heal with gluten free diet (GFD) and relap on gluten challenge. Of the first-degree relatives, 5% may be affected by either condition. Tissue transglutamina (TG2) is the autoantigen in coeliac
dia and epidermal transglutamina (TG3) in DH. Both dias conditions
exhibit TG2-specific autoantibodies in rum and small bowel mucosa; patients with DH have IgA-TG3 in the skin. There are some divergencies between the two
phenotypes. One-fourth of DH patients do not have small bowel mucosal villous
atrophy, but virtually all have