通过对历年考题以及考试大纲的分析,我们得出这样的数据:《英语学科知识与教学能力》(高级中学)笔试中主观题所占的分值比重较大,约为 60%,客观题部分比重较小,约为 40%;另外,学科知识所占比重约为 27%,而教学能力比重约为 73%,远远超越学科知识比重。
单项选择题:前 10 道题主要是由词法、句法、语言学和情景交际知识构成,其中对词法的考查较多,
语言学考点较灵活,前两年的命题热点是语音学和音系学,近年来开始加强对语义学和语用学的考查;接下来的 10 道题基本上是对教学理论知识的考查,考情比较稳定,涉及的知识点较全面,旨在要求考生掌握英语教学所必需的理论知识和基本技能,树立正确的教育观念;后 10 道题是阅读理解题目,基本上是两篇,每篇设题 5 道,阅读题材以人文科技类为主,也会涉及与教育教学相关的材料,大多数文章都选自外文网站,考生备考过程中可加强阅读。
1. As Alice believed him to be a man of integrity, she refud to consider the possibility that his statement was _____.(2016 年上半年全国教师资格考试 - 高级中学)
A. irrelevant
B. facetious
黄骅港引航站C. fictitious新安二高
D. illogical
【答案】C。解析:考查形容词辨析。句意:因为 Alice 相信他是一个正直的人,所以她不认为他的言论存在_____可能性。空格要填入的是一个形容词,修饰“他的陈述(his statement)”,as 表示因果关系,前后应该意思一致,前半句对“他”的描述是“正直的人”,后半句中 refud 表示否定,因此空格应该表达和 integrity 相对的含义。irrelevant 不相干的,不切题的;facetious 诙谐的,爱开玩笑的;fictitious 虚构的,编造的;illogical 不合逻辑的,不合常理的。根据句意可知正确答案为 C。睫毛弯弯简谱
2.He had no time and energy to play with his children or shop with his wife, but he _____ home a regular salary. (2015 年下半年全国教师资格考试 - 高级中学)
A. did bring
B. does bring
C. did get
D. does get
妻子购物,但是他会定期给家里钱。根据 but 可知前后时态应该一致,故排除 B 和 D。根据句意可知应表示“给家里钱”,故 A 正确。
3. The pair “_____” are dialectal synonyms in British and American English. (2016 年下半年全国教师资格考试高级中学)
A. tap and faucet
C. liberty and freedom
B. stroll and trot
D. statesman and politician
【答案】A。解析:考查语义学的词义关系。题干中要求找出属于方言同义词(即英式英语和美式英语)的一组词。A 项 tap 和 faucet 均是水龙头的意思,但前者常用于英式英语,后者常用于美式英语,因此 A 项属于方言同义词。B 项 stroll 为“漫步,散步”,trot 是“慢跑”,语义是有差别的。C 项freedom 其“自由”的涵义比较广泛,包括从社会政治经济意义上的自由,到个体内心的无拘无束。而liberty 则比较偏向于政治经济和人权上的解放,属于存在语义差异的同义词。D 项 politician 和statesman 均指从事政治的人,但politician 多含贬义,而 statesman 常用于褒义,属于情感或评价有
差异的同义词。故选 A。
4.When a teacher creates a real life situation for his students to discuss, he expects them not to focus on
_____ too much. (2016 年下半年全国教师资格考试 - 高级中学)
A. form
B. u
C. meaning
D. function
【答案】A。解析:考查课堂活动。句意“当一个老师为他的学生创造一个真实的生活情境进行讨论时,他不期望他们过多地关注________。”为教师创设真实有意义的情境,为学生体会讨论交流的机会,在这个过程中,更重视语言的意义、用法和功能,让学生通过体验、实践,将学习的结果和自己的生活结合起来。因此不必过多地关注形式(form)。故选 A。
5. When asking students to quickly run their eyes over a whole text to get the gist, we are training their skill of _____.(2016 年下半年全国教师资格考试 - 高级中学)
A. scanning
B. mapping
C. predicting
D. skimming
【答案】D。解析:考查阅读教学。题干意为:当要求学生快速浏览一篇文章获取大意时,我们在训练他们的________技能。Scanning“寻读”,目的是从较长的文字资料中寻找特定的细节内容。Mapping “绘图”,一般是在了解文章基本内容之后进行的梳理活动;predicting“预测”,指借助文章的标题、逻辑关系等,对文章的主题、体裁、结构等进行预测,目的常常是激发学生的阅读兴趣。Skimming“略读”是通过快速阅读文章来获取大意的阅读技巧。故选 D。
(2016 年下半年全国教师资格考试 - 高级中学)
玻璃猫鱼Einstein is a mental Hercules, according to tho who know his work. He has performed prodigious labors. By all the theories of physiognomy, he should be a granite-visaged Nor god of the Hindenburg type, instead of looking like a poet or musician. On theoretical grounds, he should have an iron will, instead of being pliant, docile, compromising. The explanation ems to be that Einstein, unlike most men of achievement, has never had to coerce or harden himlf. His work was an exalted revel and his whole scientific life was a perpetual carnival, to judge from a speech of his at a dinner in Berlin in honor of the physicist, Max Planck. A preceding speaker had talked of the “agonizing toil” and “superhuman will” required of a great scientist. Einstein demurred. “This daily striving,” he said, “is d ictated by no principle or program, but aris from immediate personal need. The emotional condition which renders possible such achievements is like that of the religious devotee or the lover.” On another occasion, Einstein described the impul to grappl e with his problems as “a demoniac posssion,” needing no stimulation from conscious effort of the will. Einstein’s own theory about himlf must be correct; nothing el could account for his irresistible energy in his own regions of thought and his lamblike helplessness in ordinary contacts. To catalogue a few of his lost wars of everyday life:
For a time he refud to play the violin for charity becau of his modest estimate of his own ability,
and becau he thought it unfair to professionals; under pressure, however, he gave many recitals. He declined a
deluxe cabin on a trip to America becau of his scruples against luxury, but accepted when informed that he was hurting the feelings of the steamship line. On his trip to India, he refud to travel i n a rickshaw becau he thought it degrading to u a human being as a draught animal; he reconsidered, however, on the ground that rickshaw boys must live, and patronized them extensively. Hating fuss and feathers, he has been induced to make triumphal progress on four continents. He has compared mass newspaper interviews to being bitten by wolves and to being hanged, but nevertheless he is frequently gang-interviewed.
This easy yielding to pressure would lead another man to cheapen himlf, but Einstein is saved by his aesthetic n and his unworldliness. He could not do anything sordid. He doesn’t want anything; there is nothing about the man for temptation to work on. When he received the Nobel Prize in 1921, he gave it to charity. When a magazine of fered him an amazing sum for an article, he rejected it contemptuously. “What?” he exclaimed. “Do they think I am a prizefighter?” But he finally wrote the article after arguing the magazine into cutting the price in half. It is said that he declined his prent post at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton on the ground that the salary was prepo
sterously munificent, and was persuaded to accept only by the promi of an enormous pay cut. He objected to gifts, but his 1930 trip to this country netted him five violins and other valuable booty. His backbone stiffened, however, when an admirer sought to press on him a Guarnerius valued at $33,000; this he firmly refud, saying that he was not enough of a musician to do justice to the instrument. Probably no man has been more plagued than Einstein by offers of money for testimonials for toothpaste, pimple-eradicators, corn plasters, and cigarettes. He brushed all this aside as “corruption” and would have no compromi. Einstein regards money as something to give away; in 1927, he was aiding one hundred and fifty poor families in Berlin.
6.What has led to Einstein’s great achievement in science according to the passage?
A. His strong belief in religion.
B. His lifelong interest in science.
C. His aesthetic n and unworldliness.
D. His superhuman will in science rearch.
章第一段中“The emotional condition which renders possible such achievements is like that of the religious devotee or the lover”,意思是使他在科学上有如此大的成就的原因是他对科学的喜爱就像是对宗教的热爱或迷恋那样,故选 B。
7.What does the underlined phra “his problems” in PARAGRAPH ONE refer to?
A. His scientific pursuit.
B. His daily striving.
C. His superhuman will.
D. His irresistible energy.
【答案】B。解析:推理判断题。根据题干可以将 his problems 定位至文章中“On another occasion, Einstein described the impul to grapple with his problems as ‘a demoniac posssion,’”。由上文““This daily striving,” he said, “is dictated by no principle or program, but aris from immediate personal need. ...””可知,他的问题指代的是 this daily striving,故选 B。
8.Which of the following best describes Einstein as a man yielding to pressure? A. He rejected luxury offers.
B. He often cheapened himlf.
C. He usually fell into a dilemma.
D. He didn’t accept expensive gifts.