Episode 1: A General Survey of Word
1. Word --- A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.
2. Vocabulary --- Vocabulary is most commonly ud to refer to the sum total of all the words of a language. It can also refer to all the words of a given dialect, a given book, a given subject and all the words possd by an individual person as well as all the words current in a particular period of time in history.
The general estimate of the prent day English vocabulary is over 2 million words.
3. Content word (notional word) --- denote clear notions and thus are known as notional words. They include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and numerals.
4. Borrowed words (loan words, borrowing) --- words taken over from foreign language are known as borrowed words or loan words or borrowings in simple terms.
孕妇能吃驴肉吗According to the degree of assimilation and manner of borrowing, we can bring the loan words under 4 class: Denizens, Aliens, translation loans, Semantic loans
简短的名言警句5. Semantic loans ---are not borrowed with reference to the form, but their meaning are borrowed from another language. In other words, English has borrowed a new meaning for an existing word in language.& stupid old dump
丽江古城介绍6. Reference– the relationship between language and the world. By means of reference, a speaker indicates which things in the world (including persons) are being talked ab out. The reference of a word to a thing outside the language is arbitrary and conventional. This connection is the result of generalization and abstraction.
Although reference is abstract, yet with the help of context, it can refer to something specific.
7. Concept– which beyond language is the result of human cognition reflecting the objective world in the human mind. It isn’t affected by language. Meaning and concept ar
e cloly connected but not identical. Meaning belongs to language, so is restricted to language u.
A concept can have as many referring expressions as there are languages in the world.
8. Sen---denotes the relationship inside the language. Every word that has meaning has n. The n of an expression is its place in a system of mantic relationships with other expressions in the language.
1. What is the importance of basic word stock?
The basic word stock is the foundation of the vocabulary accumulated over centuries and forms the common core of the language, which has five characteristics: all national character, stability, productivity, polymy, collocability.
2. What are the characteristics of associative meaning?扎多音字组词
Associative meaning is the condary meaning supplemented to the conceptual meaning.
It is open-ended and indeterminate. It is liable to the influence of such factors as culture, experience, religion, geographical region, class background, education, etc.
3. Tell briefly about Martin Joos’ the Five Clocks?
It suggests five degrees of formality: frozen, formal, consultative, casual and intimate.
4. What is the difference between lexical meaning and grammatical meaning?
Unlike lexical meaning, different lexical items, which have different lexical meanings, may have the same grammatical meaning. On the other hand, the same word may have different grammatical meanings. Functional words, though having little lexical meaning, posss strong grammatical meaning whereas content words have both meanings, and lexical meaning in partial. Lexical and grammatical meanings make up the word-meaning. It is known that grammatical meaning surfaces only in u. But lexical meaning is constant in all the content words within or without context as it is related to the notion that the word conveys. 小王子好句
Episode 2: Main Characteristics of English Vocabulary
1. The Indo-European Language Family---it is assumed that the world has approximately 3,000(some put it 5,000)languages, which can be grouped into roughly 300 language families on the basis of similarities in their basic word stock and grammar. It is made up of most of the language of Europe, the Nera East, and India Eastern t: Balto-Slavic, Indo-Iranian, Armenian and Albanian
Western t: Celtic, Italic, Hellenic, Germanic.
2. Old English (450-1150)---The 1st people known to inhabit England were Celts, the language was Celtic. The cond language was the Latin of the Roman Legions. After the Romans, the Germanic tribes called angles, Saxons and Jutes and their language, Anglo-Saxon dominated and blotted out the Celtic. Now people refer to Anglo-Saxon as old English. Old English has a vocabulary of about 50,000 to 60,000words. It was a highly inflected language just like modern German.