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Irregular Plurals in English
By Catherine Soanes
Bacterias, bacteriae, bacterium: which of the three plurals of bacterium is the correct one? Read on, I’ll enlighten you soon as to the correct irregular plural.
With English spelling and grammar tting a fair few traps for the unwary, it’s a reason for a heartfelt ‘phew’ of relief that many plurals of nouns are straightforward to form. In most cas, all you need to do is to tack an ‘s’ on to the end of the singular:
Although some other English plurals can be slightly more tricky, there are a few basic rules which are easy to follow: if you’d like a quick refresher cour, why not visit our online ?
Women, gee, teeth, and children: the Old English survivors
古英语的幸存者:women, gee, teeth, children
There are a handful of exceptions to the rules, mainly plurals of words that come from Old English. So instead of ‘a flock of goos’ we say ‘a flock of gee’, we brush our teeth(not ‘our tooths’), my sister has three children, not ‘three
flock of goos’ we say ‘a flock of gee’, we brush our teeth(not ‘our tooths’), my sister has three children, not ‘three childs’, and police arrested four menrather than ‘four mans’. The proportion of such plurals compared with the more usual formations is very small, so it’s easy to learn them. If you’re not sure, all good dictionaries will give the standard plural forms.
这些规则之外的少数例外主要来⾃于古英语单词的复数形式。所以,我们会说a flock of gee(⼀群鹅),我们刷teeth(⽛),我的姐姐有三个children(孩⼦),警察逮捕了四名men(男⼦)。与⼤多数常见的复数形式相⽐,这种不规则的复数⽐例微乎其微,所以很容易掌握。如果还是不确定,那就查查词典吧。
Unfortunately, the singularforms of some of the common English words now em to be causing difficulty. There’s a recent trend to u the plural spelling ‘women’ as a singular noun. This mistake crops up in all types of writing, from news articles and academic journals to blogs:
✘Eileen was a lovely women, who went about her daily duties in a very refined way.
✘A single womencan have a child now, but not without facing some human complications.
Although ‘men’, the plural of ‘man’, works in just the same way as the plural of ‘woman’, with the change of ‘a’ to ‘e’, for some reason the erroneous u of the plural spelling ‘men’ to refer to a man is much more rare… for now.
Old Nor eggs and Italian pianos
But I digress: one of the main caus of plural puzzlement lies in the fact that English is full of words that have been
But I digress: one of the main caus of plural puzzlement lies in the fact that English is full of words that have been borrowed from other languages. The loanwords are believed to make up half of all English words, and have been enriching our language for over a thousand years. Many are so well established that we don’t reali they’re borrowings at all: Old Nor gave us freckle and egg; splinter and gherkin are Dutch; hazard and alcohol are Arabic.
Once they’ve been absorbed into English, most noun loanwords behave in the same way as other English words when it comes to forming their plurals: hazards, freckles, splinters, etc. The main cate
gories of borrowed words that can cau problems for English speakers and writers are tho which are sourced chiefly from Latin, ancient Greek, French, and Italian.
⼤多数外来语⼀旦被吸收进英语,就如同其他英语单词⼀样使⽤,形成复数名词时加上s:hazards、freckles、splinters 等。会给英语说者和写作者造成困扰的外来词主要源⾃拉丁语、古希腊语、法语和意⼤利语。
You can’t blame anyone for being confud: in effect, there are no hard and fast rules as to whether the plurals of such words are:
● formed according to English rules: piano -> pianos (Italian); virus -> virus (Latin)
- 根据英语规则转换:piano -> pianos(源⾃意⼤利语);virus -> virus(源⾃拉丁语)
我的周末英语作文5句● formed according to the rules of the parent language: criterion -> criteria (ancient Greek); bacterium -> bacteria (Latin); paparazzo -> paparazzi (Italian)
- 根据母语规则转换:criterion -> criteria(源⾃古希腊语);bacterium -> bacteria(源⾃拉丁语); paparazzo -> paparazzi(源⾃意⼤利语)
● formed according to either English rules or tho of the original language: cactus -> cacti/cactus (Latin); virtuoso -> virtuosos/virtuosi (Italian); chateau -> chateaux/chateaus (French)
- 根据英语或者原始语⾔转换:cactus -> cacti/cactus(源⾃拉丁语);virtuoso ->virtuosos/virtuosi(源⾃意⼤利语);chateau -> chateaux/chateaus(源⾃法语)
As before, the best way to ensure you’re correct is to check a good dictionary–it will always give the accepted plural forms of nouns.
Tangled up in the coils of the language octopus
✘Sea lions are carnivores and eat fish, squid, octopi, crabs, clams, and lobsters.
As the above example (taken from a US scientific publication) shows, a little knowledge of Latin and Greek can be a dangerous thing and sometimes leads people into error. The writer clearly knows that some Latin plurals are formed by changing the ‘-us’ ending of a singular noun into ‘-i’ for the plural, as in alumnus -> alumni. However, octopus is ultimately borrowed from a Greek word and not a Latin one, so it’s incorrect to form the plural according to the Latin rules. If you wanted to be ultra-correct and conform to ancient Greek, you’d talk about octopodes, but this is very rare: the Anglicized plural, octopus, is absolutely fine.
正如取⾃美国科技出版物的上述例⼦显⽰,对拉丁语或希腊语认知过少可能会有危险,有时会让⼈出错。这个例句的作者很清楚地知道,⼀些拉丁语的复数形式是将单数的-us结尾改写成-i结尾,例如alumnus -> alumni。但是,octopus最初是借鉴于希腊语⽽不是拉丁语,所以按照拉丁语的规则转换成复数就不正确了。如果你想超级正确并符合古希腊语的规则,那就要说octopodes,不过这种形式⾮常罕见:还是采⽤英国化的复数形式吧,octopus就⾮常好了。
Given that people are unsure about the origins of English words and the correct formation of their plu
感谢老师的话rals, it’s hardly surprising that a raft of mistakes have arin. Take criterion, for example. It’s borrowed from ancient Greek, and the plural is formed according to Greek grammar: criteria. However, many people u criteria as if it were a singular noun (that is, they u it with a singular verb):
✘We thought that criteria wassatisfied.
It gets wor: once people start thinking that words like criteria and phenomena are singular rather than plural, there’s a tendency for them to want to add an ‘s’ to form the ‘plural’, as the erroneous examples show:
✘First there were three criteriasthat were considered.
✘Some pilots fly to specific regions to witness natural phenomenaslike hurricanes.

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