美国哥伦比亚的大学 美国哥伦比亚大学简介篇一columbia university was founded in 1754 as king's college by royal charter of king george ii of england. it is the oldest institution of higher learning in the state of new york and the fifth oldest in the united states.
controversy preceded the founding of the college, with various groups competing to determine its location and religious affiliation. advocates of new york city met with success on the first point, while the anglicans prevailed on the latter. however, all constituencies agreed to commit themlves to principles of religious liberty in establishing the policies of the college.
in july 1754, samuel johnson held the first class in a new schoolhou adjoining trinity church, located on what is now lower broadway in manhattan. there were eight students in the class. at king's college, the future leaders of colonial society could receive an education designed to "enlarge the mind, improve the understanding, polish the whole man, and qualify them to support the brightest characters in all the elevated stations in life." one early manifestation of the institution's lofty goals was the establishment in 1767 of the first american medical school to grant the m.d. degree.
the american revolution brought the growth of the college to a halt, forcing a suspension of instruction in 1776 that lasted for eight years. however, the institution continued to exert a significant influence on american life through the people associated with it. among the earliest students and trustees of king's college were john jay, the first chief justice of the united states; alexander hamilton, the first cretary of the treasury; gouverneur morris, the author of the final draft of the u.s. constitution; and robert r. livingston, a member of the five-man committee that drafted the declaration of independence.
the college reopened in 1784 with a new name—columbia—that embodied the patriotic fervor that had inspired the nation's quest for independence. the revitalized institution was recognizable as the descendant of its colonial ancestor, thanks to its inclination toward anglicanism and the needs of an urban population, but there were important differences: columbia college reflected the legacy of the revolution in the greater economic, denominational, and geographic spanersity of its new students and leaders. cloistered campus life gave way to the more common phenomenon of day students who lived at home or lodged in the city.
in 1857, the college moved from park place, near the prent site of city hall, to forty-ninth street and madison avenue, where it remained for the next forty years. during the last half of the nineteenth century, columbia rapidly assumed the shape of a modern university. the columbia school of law was founded in 1858. the country's first mining school, a precursor of today's fu foundation school of engineering and applied science, was established in 1864 and awarded the first columbia ph.d. in 1875.
when th low became columbia's president in 1890, he vigorously promoted the university ideal for the college, placing the fragmented federation of autonomous and competing schools under a central administration that stresd cooperation and shared resources. barnard college for women had become affiliated with columbia in 1889; the medical school came under the aegis of the university in 1891, followed by teachers college in 1893. the development of graduate faculties in political science, philosophy, and pure science established columbia as one of the nation's earliest centers for graduate education. in 1896, the trustees officially authorized the u of yet another new name, columbia university, and today the institution is officially known as columbia university in the city of new york.
1857年,哥伦比亚学院从公园广场(临近现在的市政厅)迁到了麦迪逊大道四十九号街,在这里待了四十年。19世纪下半叶,哥伦比亚学院很快有了现代大学的雏形。哥伦比亚法学院于1858年成立。美国第一所矿物学校,也是今天的 fu foundation 工程与应用科学学院的前身,则成立于1864年,并于1875年颁发了第一个哥伦比亚博士学位。
美国哥伦比亚的大学 美国哥伦比亚大学简介篇二architecture, planning & prervation »
the school's international leadership role invites all the disciplines devoted to the built environment to think differently. its mission is to u the highest level of professional training as a creative space of experimentation and analysis that nurtures new forms of professional, scholarly, technical and ethical practice.
arts »
school of the arts is a vibrant intellectual and artistic laboratory where students work, experiment and learn under the guidance of professors acclaimed in their fields of film, theatre, visual arts and writing.
graduate school of arts & sciences »
the graduate school of arts and sciences is one of the most distinguished graduate schools in the united states. our renowned faculty provides ma and phd students with advanced knowledge in the humanities and natural and social sciences while preparing them for a variety of careers around the world.
barnard college »
barnard was the first college in new york city, and one of the few in the nation, where women could receive the same rigorous education available to men. today, barnard educates more than 2,300 bright, independent-minded women in an intimate liberal arts tting and is the most sought-after women's college in the country.
建筑、规划与保护美国哥伦比亚的大学 美国哥伦比亚大学简介篇三
engineering, graduate »
engineering, undergraduate »
columbia engineering educates socially responsible engineering and applied science leaders who work results in the betterment of the human condition. undergraduate and graduate programs combine rigorous traditional cour work with opportunities for rearch, rvice learning, internships and entrepreneurship, both nationally and internationally.
general studies »
general studies is the finest liberal arts college in the united states created specifically for returning and nontraditional students eking a rigorous, traditional undergraduate degree. the school also hous the postbaccalaureate premedical program, the oldest and largest program of its kind in the country.
international & public affairs »
for more than sixty years, the school of international and public affairs has been educating professionals who make a difference in society. through rigorous rearch and hands-on practice, graduates and faculty work to improve social rvices, advocate for human rights, strengthen markets, protect the environment and cure peace around the world.
jewish theological minary »
the jewish theological minary trains tomorrow's religious, educational, academic and lay leaders for the jewish community and beyond through its five schools and world-class library. list college, the undergraduate school, offers dual-degree programs with columbia university and barnard college.
美国哥伦比亚的大学 美国哥伦比亚大学简介篇四哥伦比亚大学图书馆是北美最顶尖的五个学术研究型图书馆之一,馆藏包括了超过1300万册书籍、16万以上期刊和连续出版物,以及大量的电子资源、手稿、稀有书籍、微缩印刷品、地图、图标和视听材料。哥伦比亚图书馆有400多名员工,每年吸引的游客超过470万人。
the columbia global center
there are currently eight columbia global centers operating in amman, beijing, mumbai, paris, istanbul, nairobi, santiago and rio de janeiro. the centers encourage new relationships across schools, institutes, and academic departments at columbia. attuned to the priorities and unique circumstances of its host region, each center leverages the university’s spaner intellectual capacities from across the undergraduate, graduate and professional schools, and pursues a t of university-wide core activities that evolves over time bad on the active engagement of faculty and students. the centers help increa international content in the classroom; supplement the curriculum with international study abroad, internship opportunities, and cour offerings; provide resources needed to attract students from abroad; facilitate rearch opportunities for columbia students and faculty on globally relevant, interdisciplinary topics; and provide a point of ongoing engagement for international alumni.
functioning as a network, the global centers encourage teaching and rearch that require working across disciplinary boundaries, having a prence in multiple regions, and engaging non-columbia experts and scholars from tho regions. some of the centers’ programs and rearch initiatives are country-specific, some regional, and an increasing number are multi-regional, even global. the network is in its infancy, and each center has started by building strong links with universities and institutions in its respective region. the long-term ambition is that many programs will have a global reach and involve multiple centers in the network engaged in truly global conversations.
哥伦比亚全球中心美国哥伦比亚的大学 美国哥伦比亚大学简介篇五
public health »
the mailman school of public health has been on the cutting edge of public health rearch, education and rvice for more than 85 years. the school is a global prence built on local excellence. with its world-class faculty and talented, spaner students, the mailman school is developing knowledge and effecting change locally and globally.
social work »
for 110 years, the school of social work has distinguished itlf with intellectual creativity and leadership in rearch, education and field work. faculty members conduct rearch and rvice programs globally and provide their experti to leaders in academia, government and the private ctor.
teachers college »
teachers college is the oldest and largest u.s. graduate school of education, perennially ranked among the nation's best. in education, health and psychology, teachers college prepares and informs policymakers and practitioners to better rve students, families, schools and communities.
union theological minary »
founded in 1836, union has always embodied the freedom to learn and to teach, with a vision of education centered on academic excellence and personal faith. union remains committed to that vision, as it responds to the changing needs of our city and world with an evolving understanding of what it means to be faithful.
美国哥伦比亚的大学 美国哥伦比亚大学简介篇六犹太神学院为犹太社区和广大社区培养明日的宗教、教育、学术和世俗领袖,有五个下属学院和世界一流的图书馆。名单学院(本科)同哥伦比亚大徐也巴纳德学院一起,提供双学位课程。
journalism »
columbia journalism school educates students to work in all news media, covering a wide range of complicated subjects. our faculty, a spaner group of award-winning professionals, work cloly with students to provide a foundation for our graduates to become leaders in a fast-changing news media.
law »
columbia law school is among the oldest and most distinguished law schools in the united states. its faculty and graduates have a long tradition of private practice and public rvice in the judiciary, government and public interest organizations, contributing to the development of law in the united states and throughout the world.
nursing »
the school of nursing is part of one of the world's most renowned academic health centers, a vital neighborhood collaborating on rearch, education and clinical care.
professional studies »
the school of professional studies offers innovative programs that meet columbia's standard of excellence, including professional master's degrees, cours for graduate school preparation and academic achievement, pre-college programs for high school students, and cours in english as a cond language.
新闻美国哥伦比亚的大学 美国哥伦比亚大学简介篇七
business »
columbia business school's global education prepares students for lifetime leadership in any industry. its curriculum bridges pioneering rearch and industry practice and fosters the entrepreneurial mindt. through its thought leadership, broad alumni network and new york ba, the school ranks among the world's most innovative.
college of physicians and surgeons »
the college of physicians and surgeons is one of the most lective medical schools in the nation. its faculty, among the most highly regarded clinicians and physician-scientists in academic medicine, prepare students to be medical leaders while working to solve intractable health challenges through clinical, laboratory and translational rearch.
columbia college »
columbia college is one of the nation's most lective undergraduate institutions. the centerpiece of academic study is the core curriculum, which provides students with wide-ranging perspectives on classic works of literature, philosophy, history, music, art and science.
dental medicine »
the college of dental medicine provides an academically and clinically superior education in an environment that encourages students to take advantage of the educational opportunities in such spaner areas as public health, informatics and biomedical rearch.
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