Y-Combinator CEO: 写在30岁的人生建议
2015-11-23 Sam Altman
I turned 30 last week and a friend asked me if I’d figured out any life advice in the past decade worth passing on. I’m somewhat hesitant to publish this becau I think the lists usually em hollow, but here is a cleaned up version of my answer:
1) Never put your family, friends, or significant other low on your priority list. Prefer a handful of truly clo friends to a hundred acquaintances. Don’t lo touch with old friends. Occasionally stay up until the sun ris talking to people. Have parties.
2) Life is not a dress rehearsal—this is probably it. Make it count. Time is extremely limited and goes by fast. Do what makes you happy and fulfilled—few people get remembered hundreds of years after they dieanyway. Don’t dostuff that doesn’t make you happy (this ha
ppens mostoften when other people want you to do something). Don’t spend timetrying to maintain relationships with people you don’tlike, and cut negative people out of your life. Negativity is really bad. Don’t let yourlf make excusfor not doing the things you want to do.
3) How to succeed: pick the right thing to do(this is critical and usually ignored), focus, believe in yourlf (especiallywhen others tell you it’s not going to work), developpersonal connections with people that will help you, learn to identify talentedpeople, and work hard. It’s hard to identify what to work on becau original thoughtis hard.
4) On work: it’sdifficult to do a great job on work you don’t careabout. And it’shard to be totally happy/fulfilled in life if you don’tlike what you do for your work. Workvery hard—a surprising number of people will beoffended that you choo to work hard—but not so hardthat the rest of your life pass you by. Aim to be the best in the world at whatever you doprofessionally. Even ifyou miss, you’ll probably end up in a pretty goodplace. Figure out your own productivitysystem—don’t waste time beingunorganized, working at suboptimal times, etc. Don’t be afraid to take somecareer risks, especially early on. Most people pick their career fairly randomly—really think hard about what you like, what fields are goingto be successful, and try to talk to people in tho fields.
江西高考成绩关于工作:你不上心的工作很难做出大的成就。如果工作不喜欢,也很难完全开心或有成就感。努力工作(可能有人因此不高兴),但也不要彻底忽视你生活的其他部分。 目标成为某个专业领域最好的,即使最后没达到,你也不会太差。搞清楚你的生产效率系统—诸如不要无计划、或不在最佳状态工作。不要害怕职业冒险,特别人生早期。很多人随机的选择职业—认真思考你喜欢什么,哪些领域能够成功,和那些领域的人多交流。
5) On money: Whether or not money can buyhappiness, it can buy freedom, and that’s a big deal. Also, lack of money is very stressful. In almost all ways, having enough money sothat you don’t stress about paying rent does more tochange your wellbeing than having enough money to buy your own jet. Making money is often more fun thanspending it, though I personally have never regretted money I’vespent on friends, new experiences, saving time, travel, and caus I believein.
6) Talk to people more. Read more long content and less tweets. Watch less TV. Spend less time on the Internet.
多和人交谈。多读长内容,少发tweets。少看TV, 少或时间在网上。
7) Don’t waste time. Most people waste most of their time,especially in business.
8) Don’t let yourlfget pushed around. As PaulGraham once said to me, “People can become formidable,but it’s hard to predict who”. (There is a big difference betweenconfident and arrogant. Aim forthe former, obviously.)
9) Have clear goals for yourlf every day,every year, and every decade.
10) However, as valuable as planning is, if agreat opportunity comes along you should take it. Don’t be afraid to do somethingslightly reckless. One ofthe benefits of working hard is that good opportunities will come along, but it’s still up to you to jump on them when they do.
11) Go out of your way to be around smart,interesting, ambitious people. Workfor them and hire them (in fact, one of the most satisfying parts of work isforging deep relationships with really good people). Try to spend time with people who areeither among the best in the world at what they do or extremely promising buttotally unknown. Itreally is true that you become an average of the people you spend the most timewith.
12) Minimize your own cognitive load fromdistracting things that don’t really matter. It’s hard tooverstate how important this is, and how bad most people are at it. Get rid of distractions in your life. Develop very strong ways to avoid lettingcrap you don’t like doin
邪恶的反义词g pile up and take your mentalcycles, especially in your work life.