abscess 脓肿脓肿我发现了蚂蚁的秘密
acid-ba balance 酸碱平衡酸碱平衡 acidosis acidosis 酸中毒酸中毒 active
compression-decompression compression-decompression CPR CPR CPR 主动式按压式按压--减压心肺复苏减压心肺复苏 acute phlegmon acute phlegmon 急性蜂窝织炎急性蜂窝织炎 advanced life support 进一步生命支持生命支持
amide amide 酰胺类酰胺类酰胺类 analgesia 无痛法、止痛法无痛法、止痛法 analgesic 止痛的、痛觉缺失的止痛的、痛觉缺失的 analgetic analgetic 止痛药、镇痛剂止痛药、镇痛剂止痛药、镇痛剂 anaphylactic reaction 过敏反应
anaphylactic allergic shock 过敏性休克敏性休克
anesthesiology anesthesiology 麻醉学麻醉学 anesthetic complications 麻醉并发症并发症
anesthetic recovery room anesthetic recovery room 麻醉恢复室恢复室
arachnoid mater arachnoid mater 蛛网膜蛛网膜蛛网膜 artificial breathing artificial breathing 人工呼吸人工呼吸 apsis antipsis 无菌、无菌法、无菌术法、无菌术 抗菌术抗菌术 B
bacteremia 菌血症菌血症
balanced salt solution balanced salt solution 平衡盐溶液溶液
basal anesthesia basal anesthesia 基础麻醉基础麻醉 basal energy expenditure basal energy expenditure 基础能量消耗量能量消耗量
basic life support 基本生命支持
bellydration treatment 腹水治疗
blood gas analysis blood gas analysis 血气分析血气分析血气分析 blood pressure (BP) blood pressure (BP) 血压血压血压
blood transfusion blood transfusion 输血输血
blood volume blood volume 血容量血容量
body fluid balance (isohydria) 体液平衡体液平衡
bowel clamp towel clamp bowel clamp towel clamp 肠钳肠钳 巾钳巾钳
brachial plexus block brachial plexus block 臂丛神经阻滞经阻滞
bradycardia bradycardia 心动过缓心动过缓 bronchiospasm 支气管痉挛支气管痉挛 bupivacaine bupivacaine 布比卡因布比卡因布比卡因 C
carbuncle carbunculosis carbuncle carbunculosis 痈痈 痈病
cardiac arrest cardiac arrest 心跳骤停心跳骤停 Cardiac Output, CO 心排血量心排血量 cardiogenic shock 心源性休克心源性休克 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, CPR CPR 心肺复苏术心肺复苏术 caudal anethesia caudal anethesia 骶麻骶麻 Central Central Venous Venous Venous Pressure, Pressure, Pressure, CVP CVP CVP 中中心静脉压心静脉压
cerebral resuscitation cerebral resuscitation 脑复苏脑复苏脑复苏 clinical anesthesia clinical anesthesia 临床麻醉临床麻醉临床麻醉 colloidal solution 胶体液胶体液 combined balanced anesthesia anesthesia 复合麻醉复合麻醉
Coronary Perfusion Pressure, CPP CPP 冠状动脉灌注压冠状动脉灌注压冠状动脉灌注压 crystal solution 晶体液晶体液 D
defibrillation 除颤除颤 depolarizing muscle relaxant relaxant 去极化类肌松剂去极化类肌松剂
diazepian diazepian 安定安定 dicaine dicaine 的卡因的卡因的卡因 硬膜外麻醉硬膜外麻醉 epidural anesthesia 蛛网膜下腔麻醉蛛网膜下腔麻醉 subarachnoid anesthesia
diffusion anoxia diffusion anoxia 弥散性缺氧弥散性缺氧 Disminated Intravascular
Coagulation (DIC) Coagulation (DIC) 弥漫性血管内凝血弥漫性血管内凝血弥漫性血管内凝血 dissociative anesthesia dissociative anesthesia 分离麻醉
氯胺酮氯胺酮 ketamine diuretic 利尿剂利尿剂 drainage drainage 引流引流
droperidol droperidol 氟哌利多氟哌利多氟哌利多 dural mater dural mater 硬脑膜硬脑膜 E
Electrocardiogram, ECG 心电图心电图 Electromechanical Dissociation, EMD 电机械分离电机械分离
elemental diet elemental diet 要素饮食要素饮食 emergency oxygenation 紧急氧合
epidural anesthesia 硬膜外麻醉
erysipelas erysipeloid 丹毒丹毒 类丹毒类丹毒
esntial (basic) surgical technique 手术基本操作手术基本操作 esntial amino-acid 必须氨基酸
ester 酯类酯类 boric acid boric acid硼酸盐硼酸盐硼酸盐 etomidate etomidate 依托咪酯依托咪酯依托咪酯 exposure exposure 暴露暴露 切开切开 止血止血 缝合缝合 打结打结
external-chest cardiac compression 胸外心脏按压胸外心脏按压 F
fentanyl fentanyl 芬太尼芬太尼 furuncle furuncle 疖 疖病疖病 G
general anesthesia 全身麻醉全身麻醉 H
hematoma hematoma 血肿血肿 hemorrhagic shock hemorrhagic shock 失血性休克失血性休克 human mentality human mentality 人的智力人的智力 hyperkalemia 高钾血症高钾血症
hypernsitivity reaction 高
hypokalemia 低钾血症低钾血症 hypotension hypotension n n 低血压低血压低血压 hypothermia hypothermia 低体温低体温低体温
hypotonic dehydration hypotonic dehydration 低渗性缺水缺水
hypovolemic shock hypovolemic shock 低血容量性休低血容量性休克
distainhypoxemia hypoxemia 低氧血症低氧血症 I
incision excision rection rection 切口、切开切口、切开 切除切除((小) ) 大大切除切除
incisional hernia incisional hernia 切口疝切口疝切口疝 infection 感染感染
infiltration infiltration anesthesia anesthesia anesthesia 浸润麻醉
inhalation inhalation anesthesia anesthesia anesthesia 吸入麻醉吸入麻醉 injury injury 损伤损伤
Intensive Care Unit, ICU 重症监护病房监护病房
interpod abdominal compression CPR 插入性压腹心肺复苏
intrathecal anesthesia intrathecal anesthesia 椎管内麻醉麻醉
绝对值教学设计intravenous anesthesia intravenous anesthesia 静脉麻静脉麻醉
isotonic dehydration isotonic dehydration 等渗性缺等渗性缺水
isotonic saline isotonic saline 等渗盐水等渗盐水 K
ketamine ketamine 氯胺酮氯胺酮氯胺酮 L
laryngospasm laryngospasm 喉痉挛喉痉挛喉痉挛 lidocaine 利多卡因利多卡因
local anesthesia local anesthesia 局部麻醉局部麻醉局部麻醉 local anesthetics local anesthetics 局麻药局麻药 M
malformation 畸形畸形 malnutrition malnutrition 营养不良营养不良
metabolic acidosis metabolic acidosis 代谢性酸中毒
metabolic metabolic alkalosis alkalosis alkalosis 代谢性碱中毒
microcirculation microcirculation 微循环微循环 midazolam midazolam 咪唑安定咪唑安定咪唑安定 minimum alveolar concentration 最低肺泡有效浓度最低肺泡有效浓度 mornitoring during anesthesia anesthesia 麻醉监测麻醉监测 motor nerve 运动神经运动神经 muscle relaxant 肌松剂肌松剂 N
nerve injury 神经损伤神经损伤 neurogenic shock 神经性休克神经性休克 nitrogen balance 氮平衡氮平衡 nitrous oxide 一氧化亚氮一氧化亚氮((笑气)
nondepolarizing muscle relaxant relaxant 非去极化类肌松剂非去极化类肌松剂 nutrition support nutrition support 营养支持营养支持 O
open airway 开放气道开放气道 open-chest cardiac
compression compression 开胸心脏按压开胸心脏按压 operative indication contraindication 手术指征手术指征 禁忌证禁忌证 operative instruments 手术器械
operative surgical field operative surgical field 手术区 手术野手术野
osmotic pressure osmotic pressure 渗透压渗透压渗透压 P
pia mater pia mater 软脑膜软脑膜 post dural puncture headache (PDPH) (PDPH) 腰麻穿刺后头痛腰麻穿刺后头痛腰麻穿刺后头痛
postoperative management 术后处理处理 处置处置
preanesthetic preparation 麻醉前准备醉前准备
premedication premedication 麻醉前用药麻醉前用药
preoperative preparation preoperative preparation
pre-shock stage pre-shock stage 休克前期休克前期 procaine 普鲁卡因普鲁卡因
如梦人生prolonged life support prolonged life support 延续生命支持命支持
propofol 异丙酚异丙酚
Pulmonary Arterial Wedge Pressure, PAWP Pressure, PAWP 肺动脉楔压肺动脉楔压 pyemia 脓血症、脓毒症脓血症、脓毒症 R
regional field block anesthesia 区域阻滞麻醉区域阻滞麻醉 regurgitation 反流反流 ropivacaine ropivacaine 罗匹卡因罗匹卡因罗匹卡因 S
scalpel clamp scissors retractor 手术刀手术刀 血管钳血管钳 手术剪手术剪 拉钩(牵引器牵引器) ) scopolamime scopolamime 东莨菪碱东莨菪碱 nsory nerve nsory nerve 感觉神经感觉神经 ptic shock ptic shock 感染性休克感染性休克 pticemia 败血症败血症
shock index shock index 休克指休克指
shock stage shock stage 休克期休克期休克期 skin preparation skin preparation 备皮备皮 spinal anesthesia ( subarachnoid )( subarachnoid ) 腰麻腰麻 stage of analepsia stage of analepsia 苏醒期苏醒期 stage of induction stage of induction 诱导期诱导期 stage of maintain 维持期维持期 sterilization 灭菌、消毒、绝育绝育 suction tube suction tube 吸引管吸引管
surface anesthesia 表面麻醉表面麻醉
surgical hand scrub 外科刷洗消毒手臂毒手臂
surgical shock surgical shock 外科休克外科休克 sympathetic parasympathetic nerve 交感交感 副交感神经副交感神经 T
thiopental sodium thiopental sodium 硫喷妥钠硫喷妥钠
total enteral nutrition total enteral nutrition 全胃肠全胃肠内营养内营养
total parenteral nutrition total parenteral nutrition 全胃肠外营养胃肠外营养 toxemia 毒血症毒血症 toxic reaction 毒性反应毒性反应 trace element, micro-element micro-element 微量元素微量元素
tracheal intubation cannula 气管插管管插管
tumor, neoplasm tumor, neoplasm 肿瘤肿瘤肿瘤 U
urinary retention urinary retention 尿潴留尿潴留 V
vasoconstrictor vasoconstrictor 血管收缩剂血管收缩剂 vasodilator vasodilator 血管扩张剂血管扩张剂 Ventricular fibrillation, VF 心室纤维性颤动(室颤)心室纤维性颤动(室颤)
ventricular stand still ventricular stand still 心室停心室停搏
vertibral canal vertibral canal 椎管椎管 W
升旗仪式的意义water and electrolyte balance balance 水电解质平衡水电解质平衡 water intoxication 水中毒水中毒 wound dehiscence 伤口裂开伤口裂开 wound healing wound healing 伤口愈合伤口愈合
外科护理常用英语词汇外科护理常用英语词汇 一、伤口的性质 Nature of Wound Bed 1、 健康肉芽形成健康肉芽形成 healthy healthy
granulation 2granulation 2、、 上皮形成上皮形成 epithelialisation 3、 腐肉腐肉 slough slough 4、 黑色或棕色坏死组织黑色或棕色坏死组织 black/brown black/brown桥架规范
necrotic tissue 5、 其他(具体说明) specify
二、渗出液 Exuedate
1、 容量容量 volume volume 1)较少较少 slight slight 2)中等中等 moderate 3 moderate 3 moderate 3)大量)大量)大量 large 2 large 2 large
2、、 性质 type 1 type 1)血清的)血清的)血清的 rous 2 rous 2 rous 2)血污的)血污的)血污的 blood blood stained stained stained 33)脓性的)脓性的 purulent purulent purulent 3
气味气味 odour 1 odour 1 odour 1)没有)没有)没有 none 2 none 2 none 2)温和的)温和的)温和的
mild 3mild 3)刺激的)刺激的)刺激的 offensive offensive 三、伤口周边 Wound Margin 1、 颜色颜色 colour 2 colour 2 colour 2、、 水肿的水肿的 oedematous
四、伤口深度 Wound Depth 五、红斑 Eryghema
1、 呈现呈现 prent prent
2、 离伤口的最远距离远距离 max max max,, distance from wound 六、周围皮肤的性质 General Condition of Surrounding Skin 1、 干燥干燥 dry 2 dry 2 dry 2、、 湿疹湿疹 eczema eczema 七、疼痛程度 Pain
1、 没有没有 0 none 0 none 0 none 温和温和温和 1 mild 1 mild 1 mild 中中等 2 moderate 2 moderate 严重严重严重 3 vere 2 3 vere 2 3 vere
2、、 间歇的歇的 intermittent intermittent intermittent 恒定不变的恒定不变的恒定不变的 constant constant 换药时换药时换药时 at dressing change at dressing change 八、感染 Infection
1、 疑似疑似 suspected suspected
2、 伤口拭子送检送检 wound wound wound swab swab swab nt nt nt 3
3、 确诊病菌感染 confirmed
外科专业英语词汇 A
abscess 脓肿脓肿
acid-ba balance 酸碱平衡酸碱平衡 acidosis acidosis 酸中毒酸中毒 active
compression-decompression compression-decompression CPR CPR CPR 主动式按压式按压--减压心肺复苏减压心肺复苏 acute phlegmon acute phlegmon 急性蜂窝织炎急性蜂窝织炎 advanced life support 进一步生命支持生命支持
amide amide 酰胺类酰胺类酰胺类 analgesia 无痛法、止痛法无痛法、止痛法 analgesic 止痛攻成语
的、痛觉缺失的止痛的、痛觉缺失的 analgetic analgetic 止痛药、镇痛剂止痛药、镇痛剂止痛药、镇痛剂 anaphylactic reaction 过敏反应
anaphylactic allergic shock 过敏性休克敏性休克
anesthesiology anesthesiology 麻醉学麻醉学 anesthetic complications 麻醉并发症并发症
anesthetic recovery room anesthetic recovery room 麻醉恢复室恢复室
arachnoid mater arachnoid mater 蛛网膜蛛网膜蛛网膜 artificial breathing artificial breathing 人工呼吸人工呼吸 apsis antipsis 无菌、无菌法、无菌术法、无菌术 抗菌术抗菌术 B
bacteremia 菌血症菌血症
balanced salt solution balanced salt solution 平衡盐溶液溶液
basal anesthesia basal anesthesia 基础麻醉基础麻醉 basal energy expenditure basal energy expenditure 基础能量消耗量能量消耗量
basic life support 基本生命支持
bellydration treatment 腹水治疗
blood gas analysis blood gas analysis 血气分析血气分析血气分析 blood pressure (BP) blood pressure (BP) 血压血压血压 blood transfusion blood transfusion 输血输血 blood volume blood volume 血容量血容量
body fluid balance (isohydria) 体液平衡体液平衡
bowel clamp towel clamp bowel clamp towel clamp 肠钳肠钳 巾钳巾钳
brachial plexus block brachial plexus block 臂丛神经阻滞经阻滞
bradycardia bradycardia 心动过缓心动过缓 bronchiospasm 支气管痉挛支气管痉挛 bupivacaine bupivacaine 布比卡因布比卡因布比卡因 C
carbuncle carbunculosis carbuncle carbunculosis 痈痈 痈病
cardiac arrest cardiac arrest 心跳骤停心跳骤停 Cardiac Output, CO 心排血量心排血量 cardiogenic shock 心源性休克心源性休克
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation,
CPR CPR 心肺复苏术心肺复苏术 caudal anethesia caudal anethesia 骶麻骶麻 Central Central Venous Venous Venous Pressure, Pressure, Pressure, CVP CVP CVP 中中心静脉压心静脉压
cerebral resuscitation cerebral resuscitation 脑复苏脑复苏脑复苏 clinical anesthesia clinical anesthesia 临床麻醉临床麻醉临床麻醉 colloidal solution 胶体液胶体液 combined balanced anesthesia anesthesia 复合麻醉复合麻醉
Coronary Perfusion Pressure, CPP CPP 冠状动脉灌注压冠状动脉灌注压冠状动脉灌注压 crystal solution 晶体液晶体液 D
defibrillation 除颤除颤 depolarizing muscle relaxant relaxant 去极化类肌松剂去极化类肌松剂 diazepian diazepian 安定安定 dicaine dicaine 的卡因的卡因的卡因 diffusion anoxia diffusion anoxia 弥散性缺氧弥散性缺氧 Disminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) Coagulation (DIC) 弥漫性血管内凝血弥漫性血管内凝血弥漫性血管内凝血 dissociative dissociative anesthesia anesthesia anesthesia 分离麻醉
diuretic 利尿剂利尿剂 drainage drainage 引流引流
droperidol droperidol 氟哌利多氟哌利多氟哌利多 dural mater dural mater 硬脑膜硬脑膜 E
Electrocardiogram, ECG 心电图心电图 Electromechanical Dissociation, EMD 电机械分离电机械分离
elemental diet elemental diet 要素饮食要素饮食 emergency oxygenation 紧急氧合
epidural anesthesia 硬膜外麻醉
erysipelas erysipoloid 丹毒丹毒 类丹毒类丹毒
esntial (basic) surgical technique 手术基本操作手术基本操作