高硼硅玻璃 Borosilicate glass
Borosilicate glass is a high silicate glass with at least 5%
boron oxide bow handle threaded rod with a triangular shapedhandle.
Borosilicate glass is a particular type of glass, better known
under the brand names Pyrex塔察儿 n. 派热克斯玻璃(一种耐热玻璃)
and Kimax. It was first develoed by German glassmaker
Otto Schott in the late 19th century and sold under the brand name "Duran" in 1893. After Corning corningn. 细粒透镜v. 使成粒状(corn的ing形式)
Glass Works developed Pyrex in 1924, it became a synonym ['sinənim] n. 同义词;同义字for borosilicate glass in the English-speaking world.
Borosilicate glass is the oldest type of glass to have
appreciable adj. 可评估的;可感知的;相当可观的resistance to thermal impact 休把旁人抬太高打一字vt. 影响;撞击;冲突;压紧vi. 冲击;产生影响n. 影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力
and higher temperatures, also has excellent resistance to
chemical attack.
In this glass structure, the first to carry the Pyrex trademark, some of the SiO² is replaced by boric oxide.
Borosilicate glass has a low coefficient of thermal expansion
and is, thus, suited for telescope mirrors and other precision
parts. Also, becau this glass can withstand thermal shock, it is ud for oven and laboratory ware, headlamp ['hedlæmp] n. 桅灯;照明灯;车前灯lens, and boiler gage glass. Most borosilicate glass have better resistance to acids than do soda-lime碱石灰 glass, but poor resistance to alkalis献血量'ælkəlai] n. 碱;可溶性无机盐adj. 碱性的. Glass f
ibers ud in reinforcing plastic compounds ['kɔmpaund, kəm'paund] n. 化合物;混合物;复合词are a modified borosilicate glass.
Chemical Composition
SiO2 = 80%
B2O3 = 13%
Na2O +K2O= 4.3%
Al2O3 = 2.4% 和部首
∙ Physical Properties
Coefficient of expansion (20°C–300°C) 3.3 x 10-6 K-1
Density 2.23g/cm3
Refractive index折射率: (Sodium D line) 1.474
Dielectric [,daii'lektrik] adj. 非传导性的;诱电性的n. 电介质;绝缘体constant 电容率(1MHz, 20°C) 4.6
Specific heat比热 (20°C) 750J/kg°C
导热系数 (20°C) 1.14W/m°C
Poisson’s Ratio['reiʃiəu, -ʃəu] n. 比率,比例地基应力和变形泊松比(25°C – 400°C) 0.2
Young’s Modulus['mɔdjuləs, -dʒu-]n. 模数;系数
弹性模量,杨氏系数 (25°C) 6400 kg/mm2
Optical Information
安阳博物馆Refractive index (Sodium D line) = 1.474
Visible light transmission, 透光率2mm thick glass = 92%
Visible light transmission, 可见光穿透率5mm thick glass = 91%
Critical Temperatures
150°C - When working above this temperature care should be taken to heat and cool Borosilicate glass in a slow and
uniform manner.热水器怎么省电
500°C - The maximum temperature that Borosilicate glass
should be subjected to and then only for short period of no
longer than a few minutes.
510°C - Temperature at which thermal stress can be
introduced to Borosilicate glassware.
565°C - Annealing [ə'ni:l] vt. 使退火,韧炼;锻炼n. 退火;锻炼,磨练temperature. When uniformly heated in controlled conditions, such as a
kiln or oven thermal stress’s can be removed.
820°C - Softening point at which Borosilicate may deform [di'fɔ:m] vt. 使变形;使成畸形vi. 变形;变畸形adj. 畸形的;丑陋的.
1252°C - Working point, the temperature that glassblowers need to attain in order to work Borosilicate glass.
Working Temperatures
Borosilicate glass retains its mechanical strength and will
deform only at temperatures which approach its strain point应变点.
The practical upper limit for operating temperatures is much
lower and is controlled by the temperature ditterentials in
the glass, which depend on the relative temperatures of the
contents of the equipment and the external surroundings.
Provided borosilicate glass is not subjected to rapid change in temperature, creating undue adj. 过度的,过分的;不适当的;未到期的thermal shock, it can be operated safely at temperatures up to 450°F (232°C). The normal limiting factor is actually the gasket ['ɡæskit] n. 垫圈;衬垫;束帆索material. The degree of
thermal shock (usually defined as sudden chilling ['tʃiliŋ] adj. 寒冷的;冷漠的;使人恐惧的;令人寒心的;[俚]呱呱叫的n. 寒冷;冷却) which it can withstand depends on many factors, for example: stress
due to operating conditions; stress impod in supporting
the equipment; the wall thickness of the glass, etc. It is
therefore undesirable adj. 不良的;不受欢迎的;不合需要的to give an overall figure but, as a
general guide, sudden temperature changes of up to about
216°F (120°C) can be accommodated .
At sub-zero adj. 零下的;严寒的temperatures, the tensile adj. [物]拉力的;可伸长的;可拉长的儿童学习汉字strength of borosilicate
glass tends to increa and equipment can be ud with
safety at cryogenic东京梦华录 [,kraiə'dʒenik] temperatures.
Further development in glassmaking continues to create new
glass-ceramics n.【材料学】微晶玻璃,玻璃陶瓷that outperform vt. 胜过;做得比……好borosilicate glass in various