Five Things You Need to Know About Janet Yellen
视觉残留1. She has pushed the Fed to u aggressive new policies to boost the economy. Ms. Yellen, who focud much of her academic rearch on the costs and caus of unemployment, has consistently called for the Fed to respond forcefully to high joblessness. She argues that inflation isn’t likely to emerge with the economy in such a debilitated state – a point on which so far she has been right. “The are not just statistics to me. We know that long-term unemployment is devastating to workers and their families,” she said in a speech to the AFL-CIO labor union in February.
2. She has a record of being concerned about excessive inflation. Her public statements and past actions show she is committed to maintaining low inflation. The Fed “is determined to ensure that we never again repeat the experience of the late 1960s and 1970s, when the Federal Rerve didn’t respond forcefully enough to rising inflation,” she said in a 2011 speech.
She was a longstanding proponent of the Fed adopting a 2% inflation target, and was
cloly involved in the decision to do so in 2012. In 1996, while a Fed governor, Ms. Yellen debated then-Chairman Alan Greenspan over the right level of inflation, contending that too-low inflation could harm the economy just as too-high inflation could — a view that is now widely accepted at the Fed, but wasn’t then. Later that year, she urged Mr. Greenspan to rai short-term interest rates, fearing the booming economy threatened to unleash excessive inflation — advice he declined, according to former Fed governor Laurence Meyer.
3. She is a good forecaster. The Fed must forecast growth, inflation and unemployment to make policy decisions. Ms. Yellen has produced the most accurate forecasts of all the current Fed officials from 2009 through 2013, a Wall Street Journal analysis found.
4. The financial crisis made her a believer in tougher financial regulations丰子恺的作品>音乐的英语怎么读: Ms. Yellen has said that the 2008 financial crisis, which occurred when she was president of the San Francisco Fed, transformed her from a somewhat “docile” regional bank regulato
r to a believer that firm rules are more effective than leaving it up to regulators to react when trouble appears on the horizon.
“This experience has strongly inclined me toward tougher standards and built-in rules that will kick into effect automatically when things like this happen that make tightening up a less discretionary matter,” she told the congressionally-created Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission in a 2010 interview in which she expresd frustration at how long it took the Fed and other regulators to negotiate and issue new rules.
In a June speech, she said the Fed might need to require the nation’s largest, most complex banks to carry even fatter capital cushions against loss than required by new rules t out by international regulators, a prospect hotly contested by big U.S. banks.
5. She believes in transparency, and the markets thinks she’s a good communicator. 睦邻黄茶的十大排名In 2010, Mr. Bernanke asked Ms. Yellen to lead an internal communications committee that has produced veral innovations in the way the central bank articulates its goals and policy plans to the public. The include so-called forward-
guidance in which the Fed makes statements about the likely future cour of policy, which has evolved to employ specific unemployment and inflation thresholds; the regular press conferences Mr. Bernanke holds; and a longer-run goals and strategy document relead in January 2012 that laid out, for the first time, the rates of inflation and joblessness the Fed finds to be consistent with its mandate from Congress.
“The effects of monetary policy depend critically on the public getting the message about what policy will do months or years in the future,” she said in a speech to a gathering of reporters and editors in April. “I hope and trust that the days of ‘never explain, never excu’ are gone for good,” she said.
Market participants think she does a good job of explaining the central bank’s thinking. In two parate surveys last year, officials at primary dealers — banks that do business directly with the Fed — responded to general questions about the Fed’s communications by saying Ms. Yellen’s speeches were particularly helpful.女神图