ciscoasa# show activation-key
Serial Number: JMX1316M41H
星语心愿歌词>第三人称转述句Running Activation Key: 0x2174cf47 0x945b4c3a 0x74159120 0xba2ca848 0x8f602feb
Licend features for this platform:
Maximum Physical Interfaces : 8VLANs : 3, DMZ Restricted
Inside Hosts : 10
Failover : DisabledVPN-DES : EnabledVPN-3DES-AES : Enabled
VPN Peers : 10离异的单身女人
WebVPN Peers : 2
Dual ISPs : DisabledVLANTrunk Ports : 0
AnyConnect for Mobile : Disabled
AnyConnect for Linksys phone : Disabled
Advanced Endpoint Asssment : Disabled
UC Proxy Sessions : 2
This platform has a Ba licen.
The flash activation key is the SAME as the running key.
ciscoasa# configure terminal
ciscoasa(config)# activation-key 0x32841048 0x4a497a37 0xa09392c0 0xb7090030 0x053bcbc8
Failover is different.
flash activation key: Restricted(R)
员工自我评价简短30字new activation key: Unrestricted(UR)
Proceed with update flash activation key? [confirm]
Failover is different.
running activation key: Restricted(R)
new activation key: Unrestricted(UR)
WARNING: The running activation key was not updated with the requested key.
The flash activation key was updated with the requested key, and will
become active after the next reload.
ciscoasa(config)# end
ciscoasa# reload
Proceed with reload? [confirm]